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Suspected Ritualists Attack Young Girl, Remove Her Heart In The Process. (Graphic Photos)

The wickedness in contemporary times is gaining new "heights" -at the expense of the safety of citizens. This young girl was murdered by suspected ritualists -who had her heart removed and dumped her lifeless body in a bush. According to the reporter who posted the gruesome photos online, this happened yesterday night in an undisclosed state in the country. May her soul rest in peace. 


See how this Le.sbian Nigerian Girl Proposes To Her Girlfriend in Public today

This World will soon End, please what can you say about this
click here

Unbelievable!!! 10 Years old girl give birth in lagos state

This is strange, how can it be possible well the doctors are still yet to explain how possible this could be.
Download video here

Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 9

She went on like that, I was dying, Literally.
Its like when your Ear itches, And you’re Forced not to Scratch it, Terrible.
She finally stopped, Climbed onto me like she was Gonna Ride my D!ck, Little did I know, it was the Phase of another torment.
She Only inserted the tip of my d!ck into her kitten.
I wanted her to take it all in, but she didn’t, She only inserted the Tip of my Dick.
She began, Moving up and Down, not on the full length of the D!ck,just the tip. This was Horrible
Then came my salvation, She went down on the Whole d!ck, It was a Huge Relief.
Like being offered A Glass of Soft Drink after Crossing a Desert.

She started pounding me, up and Down.She was enjoying every second,her eyes were Closed.
Her bosoms were Moving up and down, Succulent bosoms,
I wanted to Grab Them, and Squeeze them, but i didn’t wanna Risk it.
the Frequency of her Pounding Decreased, She was Tired, Obviously.
In a Snap, I reached for her Waist,Held her and Penetrated her from beneath, at a Very High Pace,
She M.oaned Out, almost like a Scream
I just Rolled, and in a Snap, we were Into Missionary Style.
I didn’t even Pause,
Kept Banging Like my Life depended on it.
I felt my O®gasm Closing in.
Lifted her Two legs and placed them on my Shoulder,
I was still Moving in and out.
Sweat all over my body.
I was at the point of Ej@culating, that’s when I noticed I wasn’t using a ¢ondom.
Oh my God! the Possibility of me Contacting any disease has been Compromised.
I have to Evade the Second possibility, Pregnancy.
I was about Pulling my D!ck out to Spill the cum on her Abdomen,
When she said “Baby,¢um inside me, I want to feel you.”
I was like,”Is this Girl ¢razy?”
But there was neither time to think nor to get upset, less I lose the Pleasure of the Eja¢ulation.
I spilled my Seeds into her ¢unt, all of it, till the Very Last drop
I was tired I just fell and lay by her side, Still breathing heftily
I managed to Voice out the 5 words i had been dying to ask.
“What if you get Pregnant?”
Her next statement got me relieved, Very relieved.
“Am a Big Girl, I’ll take care of myself”
the best thing ave heard in a long time.
We both hit the shower, I decided to bath her, Rubbed the Soap on her back, her skin was so Soft.
Massaged her bosoms a little with my Soapy hands.
Got to her ¢unt, Rubbed some Soap around the ¢lit, She let out a Silent m.oan.
In a Snap, we were in another Round of $ex.
There I was giving her D.oggy, the Soap and water on our Body Produced a Very Funny Sound with each thrust.
It was D.oggy all through, After about 15 Minutes, She was Holding unto my thighs, Squeezing them, And kept saying she was Gonna ¢um, two minutes later she was ¢umming.
she was so tired after ¢umming, I had to Stop, lifted her up, took her to the bed and laid her there.
***I didn’t ¢um****
Later she said she would be Leaving, told me she had a Nice time.
*****Of course she had a Nice time, Can’t say the same for me, I didn’t Fvcking ¢um*****
I dressed up and Accompanied her.
After getting back from Accompanying Amarachi, I picked up my phone to call Sandra,
Hey Honey,I miss you
“Don’t Honey me, you don’t miss me, if you did you wouldn’t have the mind to go a day without hearing my Voice” She Said.
“Oh that’s not true dear, ave just been Busy with some things” I replied
I really had been busy. Lol
Well a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
I Apologised, Told her some Sweet words that made her laugh.
I Realised I havent called my Mum in a long while now.
Dialled her number.
Hello, the Sweetest Mum in the Universe, The Unparalleled Queen of England, How are you Honey!
She was laughing, she couldn’t reply until after about 2 Minutes.
am Fine my Dear she replied, you will not kill me.
***I love my Mum, A lot, and she knows it****
She Said she had also wanted to call me, that there is a Problem, and I should Come back Home as fast as I can.
To Be Continued…

Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 8

I Approached the Door with a Big Grin, Held the Knob of the Door, and Opened the door, with The Grin Still Polished on my Face.
My Smiling Face suddenly Lost its Charisma.
It was Ibro, lol
Jeff, Abeg I fit get Salt for your Side? He said
I Couldn’t even Answer him immediately, Coz of disappointment.
i Went back, Got the Can of Salt, brought it back and gave it to him.
I later went back to the bed, Lay down on my Back, and Suddenly Slept off.
A Very Loud Persistent Knock woke me Up, I Approached the door with dizzy eyes, thinking it was Ibro who was probably returning the Salt.
Hey Handsome! She Said.
My eyes Widened!It was Amarachi!
Oh my, Does your beauty Amplify with time?
I asked her, Coz I was blown away, not just by her Beauty, She was too damn Sexy and Underdressed.
Are you going to keep Flattering me, or you’re going to Invite me in? she asked.
Am sorry, I said.
Invited her in,She sat on the bed.
What type of music do you listen to, I asked.
Any song by Alicia keys she Replied.
I only had one Song by Alicia Keys on my Phone.
“Alicia keys- No one” it is
Left it on repeat.
Got 2 soft drinks from the Fridge. placed them on a tray with two Glasses
I dropped it on the Bed.
and Sat beside her.
She was Sitting at the edge, while I was totally on the bed, with my feet tapping each other and my Knees facing opposite Directions.
How are you Sweety? I asked.

She smiled.
Let’s drink from this little token, I said
Poured some of the Soft drink into both Glasses.
We were soon done drinking, I dropped the tray to the floor and Moved closer.
Naughty boy,am sure you’re up to no Good she said.
I Blushed, but Unrelenting in my intention.
I reached for her lips, She reciprocated,
I was about to Reach for her boobs when her Phone rang.
it was her Boyfriend, Hello Darling she said, after she picked the call.
Am at Cynthia’s Place, she Said
The truth be told, on a neutral Basis, What we were doing was far from Right!
As hard we sometimes try to justify our actions, there’s still a Silent and Suppressed Voice deep down, telling us
“This isn’t right”
But, Most times, the voice gets Ignored.
Here I was trying to have $ex with Someone else’s Girlfriend.
The mere thought of someone hugging Sandra, pisses me off.
Like I said, Most times the Voice gets Ignored.
Immediately she was done, With the Call, I reached for her lips, I was half way there, she moved forward and reached for mine,
that’s what am talking about, I like $ex better when both parties are really into it, Spirit,Soul and Body.
I was removing my shirt, Let me, she said.
She slowly and steadily took off my shirt,
*We had all day, anyway*
I took off her shirts and B.ra too, we were both Topless.
I pushed her backward, her back was now on the bed, Our lips still locked in the ki$$.
My Chest was on her bosoms, I could feel her Heart beating Fast.
I ki$$ed her lips, her Jaw, down to her boobs,
Sucked her N!pple.
She let out a Silent M.oan.
Did the same to the other b.oob.
In one Swift move, she pushed me away.
And Said, “Today, am going to be in control.”
we both took of my Trouser, She took off her Mini Skirt.
And made me to lay down flat, and said.
“Whatever you do, don’t touch me” if you do its over.
My Half way erect D!ck Sprang up to its Optimal Length, the moment she Rapped her hand around it.
She placed her mouth on the tip of my dick.
She was just playing with the tip of my d!ck.
she wouldn’t Ride my d!ck by Moving up and down.
She was killing me, and she knew it.
I was Sweating, I couldn’t take it anymore.
I didn’t know when my hand reached for head, trying to push her downwards and Upwards.
My hand was almost there, when she Said “Be careful!”
She had been Observing me.
If I was a Criminal and The Police used this Means to Torment me in other to Extract Vital Information from me.
I would have long Confessed everything I knew.
To Be Continued…


Man Glued After With his friend wife

May God Help us, The husband of this woman is an herbalist and the guy didnt know whom his friend is...
Uptill now they are still glued.
The man refuse to release them, he said that is how they will die
See Full Photos Here


Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 7

If there’s something Experience has taught me, is to never Compel, Convince, or Persuade any Lady to Sleep with you.
Its like Forcing Yourself to Drink Hot tea,
the Pain From the Hotness will Black out the Sweetness of the Milk and Sugar.
She probably wanted it as badly as I did, I could see it in her eyes.
“Are you Sure,” I asked
Yes baby, She said, I think we are taking this too fast, let’s Slow down a bit she said, We just met not up to 2 weeks ago.

Okay I said, Grabbed my Shirt, Put it back on, I dressed her up too.
She was Staring deep into my eyes, trying to Guess what I was Feeling, but my face was just Plain.
Immediately I was done dressing her up, I gave her a Big Smile, and said Do you have any Movie we can Watch?
Ye,Ye, Yes, I have Some (She Stammered)
Eventually she Found a Movie, titled “Love Actually” Nice Movie.
We both Watched it together with she Lying on my laps.
The movie ended about 9:45pm and I had to leave.
Baby, am Gonna have to leave now.
So soon? she asked.
Yeah, its Getting late.
We reached her door, Ki$$ed for about 5 minutes, it was like she wasn’t willing to Let me Go.
I pulled her Cheeks and Said with a Smile.
“You know I Love you Right?”
She nodded tears were flowing down her Cheeks.
Oh pls, I hate to see you Cry.
We hugged and I left.
When the Okada Man Dropped me at my house
felt the Vibration of my Phone, it was a Message from Sandra this Message Blew me Away.
“You’re not Human, No man has ever Loved me like you do, Am I even worth your Love?”
I paused for a Second, still standing, I called her back, We talked for a Long while with me Consoling and Assuring her Most of the time, I Immediately Quit the Call, Entered my room.
Straight to my Reading table.
One Great thing I Learnt in life is to Never Put Women First in your Life, Always Put them Second.
People who Put Women First never Live long enough to Share their tales
Amarachi and I were Just “Friends with Benefit”
But it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t make her know I Care about her, I Figured.
Friday Evening, I Bought Airtime on my way home.
Called Amarachi, She was Happy, Very Happy to hear my Voice.
Just wanted to check up on you, Which department do you say you belong to ?
She Replied,
Wow that’s a Tough one, I Said.
She Giggled.
We talked about a few more things, In the end she said she would be coming by the Following day, Saturday.
It was a Great Idea, I really Love this Alliance I said to myself.
I Love Sandra but, her Cookie isn’t Ready, E never done, one must be Patient.
Amarachi and I had a Mutual Agreement, $ex Agreement. I hope she doesn’t later Bring Love into the Picture.
I arrived home, trying to Open my Door, that’s when I Heard Sounds coming from Ibro’s Room.
I knocked, Come in he Said.
he was sitting with Boxers, with legs Spread, One on the floor and the other on the Cushion.
He had just finished having $ex, there was a Lady Beside him, She was Dressing up, Still without B.ra, just P@nts.
Ibro what’s wrong with you, You Just Switched off your Phone all through the time you left,
you were coming and didn’t even Care to call me and inform me.
Guy you no try.
He Apologised, Anyway, I later joined him on the Cushion, he offered me a Drink.
I was relieved Coz he wasn’t as Moody as he was before he Travelled. Its amazing how he got over it so fast.
O boy see the A$$ you don Pump now, I said with my eyes fixed on the babe, She had bent down trying to wear her shoes.
He laughed, the thing about Ibro is he never Brought home the same Girl .
I don’t know how he does it.
Saturday, Morning I had Dressed up, and Was Expectant, waiting for Amarachi to come Summit her A$$, for Assessment.
Music was in the Background, I wore just a Singlet and a 3Quater Jeans.
I was laying on the bed with my Back when I suddenly heard a Knock on the Door.
Guess who it was
To Be Continued…


Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 6

It was About 6:40p.m we planned the date by 7pm. I stopped bike, he rode me down to her door step, I paid him off.
Glanced at my Wristwatch 6:59pm
Smiled to myself and Said “Timing is Everything”
I had barely even Knocked when Sandra flung the door open, Dragged me in by my Shirt
Gave me a hot long ki$$, she obviously does love ki$$es.
*Ki$$ is only Awesome, when looked at from an Emotional Angle, but literal Analysis will make it Disgust you. lol, Let’s not go there*
I managed to break free from the Ki$$, That’s when I noticed a Well decorated table, with candles lit, This arrangement outclassed the one we had in the Restaurant, So Romantic.
You look Great I said, You too she replied.
This time I around she pulled a Chair for me.

“You must be a Gentlewoman I said”
we both laughed.
She had prepared Fried rice, plantain chips with two bottle of Maltina, and Faro water, Not without a Prominently Big meat of Course.
Occupying almost Almost one third of the Plate’s Circumference.
Wow! you are Awesome, thanks for all the effort you put in to make this date happen, I said.
You’re welcome she said with a Smile.
I saw your Text I Said, She Gave out a Grin.
I didn’t reply you, Cause I wanted to say it to your Face.
I love you Sandra, even more than I can ever love myself,
*My eyes fixed on hers, she wanted to get Emotional, when I decided to create a Divergence.
let’s eat I said.
“Hmmmmmmmmm” I said. this is Superb. infact a word has not been invented to describe this Meal, you’re Good I said.
She was really Happy, Dimples all over.
I mean, she spent money, time and went through Stress, so the least I can do is Appreciate her Hard work.
we were done eating, and were just talking , talking about past relationships, told me she had just one b.f in the past, he died.
She thought she would never find love again till I came along.
the table was almost becoming an Obstruction. I stood up went to were she was, Lifted her up from her seat, Gazed into her eyes and ki$$ed her.
she responded, making “Ummm” Sounds.
We ki$$ed our way to the bed, took off just my shirt, and took off her Top.
we continued ki$$ing.
I reached for her bosoms, squeezed them, I was done with the bosoms, and was trying to slip my hand into her C.unt through her p.ant when she held my hand. in a Restricting manner,
her eyes were closed all along, she opened her eyes and Said the Unthinkable.
I Can’t do this Jeff
To Be Continued…


VIDEO: SHAMEFUL ACT! Wife Catches 56 Year Old Man Having $e.x With His Stepdaughter… Them Na.,ked (See Photos)

Someone sent this photo to us saying that the 56 year old man above was caught butt nakadey atop his stepdaughter who is 13 years old. They were pulled out of the room and stripped down unclothed by the man’s wife.

According to the source who claimed that the man confessed that both of them have been sleeping together for 2years now even further stating that she agreed mutually to engage in such underage cexual act. Man claimed he never forced her to sleep with him.

Though he was handed over to the police, more detail as it unfolds.

Download & see ViDeo Here

Unilag Student Found dead inside bush today

A final year student body dead inside bush today....
download video here

Breaking news: Supreme court sentenced Pastor kings to death by hanging

The Supreme Court has confirmed the verdict of the lower courts by confirming the death sentence of Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, a.k.a Reverend King.
King, General Overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly in Lagos, challenged the judgment of a Lagos High Court sentencing him to death by hanging but lost.

The apex court presided over by Justice Walter Onoghen adjourned till today to give judgment after listening to arguments from counsel to prosecution and defence in the matter.

Lagos State Attorney general and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Adeniji Kazeem, who appeared before the Supreme Court alongside Mrs. Idowu Alakija, the Director of Public Prosecution and other Senior Counsel in the State, urged the court to dismiss the appeal and uphold the judgment of the lower court.
Ezeugo was arraigned on September 26, 2006 on a six-count charge of attempted murder and murder.
He pleaded not guilty to the allegation but was sentenced to death by the then Justice Joseph Oyewole of Lagos State High Court, Ikeja, on January 11, 2007 for the murder of one of his church members, Ann Uzoh

My Name is Cynthia......Please I need a Real Friend to Love

My Name is Cynthia. Many people have been insulting me that my butt is too big and that i always do sexy videos....That is why i shared this video and my full photos, I need real friend who can appreciate me....

kIndy drop your number and i will give you a call

Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 5

What? I asked with a Smile.
Youre suppose to be Mourning she Said with a Grin.
She was Right, My Friend was In the opposite room Groveling in Pain, here I was Striving to get Laid.
But who cares, Like the Bible said
“Let the Dead, Bury their Dead”
Don’t blame me I said, I find you Irresistible. Really? she said
yeah, Ave been Thinking about you since we met, and I blamed myself for not collecting your Number.
She smiled, pulled my shirt, And Gave me a Hot ki$$. Emotionally Hot, not Temperature wise. Lol
*I realised something, sometimes a Girl may be more than ready to be on your Bed, But she still wants to see how much you want her, how much she means to you*
Pushed her gently to the bed, our lips still locked in the ki$$, I withdrew my Lips and said, you smell Good.
her face brightened like nothing ave seen before.

we continued the Ki$$. I massaged her Huge bosoms, through her Top.
*Am very Lucky, most of the ladies am having $ex with are very Bursty*
She used her tongue to search for mine, As we ki$$ed.
I paused and took off my Shirt, Took off hers too, leaving her with just b.ra and her Mini Skirt.
We Continued ki$$ing, in one swift move i Professionally Unhooked her B.ra,
They were so damn Big. with very dark N!pples.
it was almost like the bosoms were talking to me,
“So na you be Jeff, Na you dey Press me Since, I be your Mate?”
I Sucked on one of the bosoms, and pressed the other,
Uhmmmm, she was making Sounds of pleasure.
I made a Round of “O” around her Tips.
they became so hard, She Caressed my Hair. After about 2 minutes, she was Passing the other b.oob to me, to be Serviced too.
Sucked both bosoms, later got tired of the bosoms, Reached for her Skirt,She pulled it off with her P@nts at the Same time.
She was already Wet. Lol
Very Nice looking C.unt.
I positioned myself in between her legs,planted a Ki$$ on her kitten and Withdrew my mouth immediately.
She Giggled when I did that, F!ngered her With my Middle Finger, then I later used two fingers.
she was Going Wild, I increased the pace,
She was Going Insane, after 5 minutes, she ¢limaxed.
I placed my Tongue in her kitten, and Was Tongue-Fvcking her.
She Squeezed my Head with her Legs, in Pleasure.
*this Babe wan Strangle me?
if Person die, How dem go talk say he die?. *
“The death has been Announced of a Certain Mr Jeff. who died tragically of suffocation with his Face, Buried deep in a kitten,” Lol, Mbanu.
I had already hidden ©ondoms close to my Bed, Grabbed one, Rolled it Nicely on my d!ck.
Slowly and Steadily I Penetrated her kitten, She gave out that Familiar Sound. “Arrrrrrrrrrgh”
I always start with Missionary, I don’t know its Like a Custom.
I Was moving Back and Forth, 10 Strokes fast, and 15 Strokes Slowly
She was m.oaning, Damn!
I figured the environment was kinda dull.
This Thing is Sweet I said.
When she heard that, its like it drove her wild, coz her M.oans Increased.
Turned her For D.oggy,
she was on all Fours, Gave it to her from Behind.
“I have to Accept her Condolence na”
“See how am turning Someone’s Death into my”
The Sound the collision of my D!ck and Balls against her A$$ Produced was Priceless.
I could also hear the sound her bosoms produced as they Moved back and Forth. We were on d.oggy for like 10 minutes and I felt like C.umming so I stopped and Decided to Switch Positions.
I Laid Flat, She Climbed on top, and Guided my ¢ock into her ¢unt,
She was Pounding Hard in resonance with the Music in Background.
this Girl was bad.
I just Laid there like a Patient as she Diagnosed me.
The Sweetness was Building in my Balls
I swiftly turned her over, Back to Missionary.
I was Moving at Usain Bolt’s Speed.
In a Flash, I emptied all my ¢um Into the ¢ondom.
we ki$$ed for about 3 minutes.
i disposed the Condom. that was one Good Bleep Bro Jeff, she said,teasingly we both laughed.
She later said, she will be Leaving.
I Strolled her down the Street,
I finally asked the Big Question.
are you dating?
No, I have a Boyfriend she Said
You have a Boyfriend? I asked with Relief
Yes she said, And you’re Fvcking me, you must be a Bad Girl gan
She laughed, that’s not True she Said, I just Like You, from the very first day we met, Ave also been thinking about you ever since.
And by the way, My boyfriend really Sucks on Bed, He doesn’t give it to me as much as I want it, and I don’t want to devalue myself by always asking for $ex.
I listened with Keen Interest, So that Means, we’re Friends with Benefits ? I asked.
Yeah she said, Something Like That.
Deal? I asked
Deal she Said.
Are you Sure you won’t feel bad when you see me hanging out with my Girlfriend? i asked Teasingly, She Giggled, and Paused for a Second.
I hope Not! she managed to say.
I Accompanied her home, we ki$$ed for another 2 minutes. when I came back, it was about 12:30A.M
I just Fell on the Bed and Slept off.
I woke up to find out Ibro had Travelled already.
I Took my bath, Dressed up and Left for Class, Class that Day was Surprisingly Fun.
Probably because of the date I’ll be having later in the evening With Sandra. I sent her a Msg that Reads
“The first time I saw you, you warmed my heart, the Second time, you made little Flames and now, and Now you make my Heart Burn like hell,I may mean Nothing to you, but you’ll Always be Special to me”
Sent it and Saw delivered, I was really Missing her, and its not been Up to 2 weeks since we met.
I later saw a message, from her telling me to Meet her at the “Love Garden”
I went there but saw nobody that looked like her, her complexion is supposed to make her stand out, I was standing in front of a certain statue, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I was about turning to see who it was, she just planted a deep Ki$$ on my lips,
No girl has ever ki$$ed me like this with passion.
She paused after a minute, She looked me in the eye staring deeply and said.
Jeff, do you mean every word you Said, or you’re just playing with me?
I was Puzzled actually, but I had to answer her.
I ki$$ed her one more time and said.
“I mean every Single word, I am Incomplete without you, don’t ever leave me”
she hugged me tight her face on my chest, she was shedding tears.
As a man, No way am Gonna Cry along with her, the emotions were also coming up on me, I was trying to think of an Incident that’ll piss me off enough to carry away my mind off this Present emotions, but None was coming.
We later left, Not more than 2 minutes after I had parted with Sandra, She sent me a Text message, Saying
“I Love you Jeff
To Be Continued…

Unbelievable !! So Gay Marriage Took Place In Port-Harcourt ?

Someone sent this to us, I don’t believe though but I just thought I should share with you all.
If this is true, they ought to be dealt with seriously.
See more photos below:-


Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 4

Fast forward to Wednesday.
Sandra and I were Keeping it cool.
we were both in class,
I was sitting about 3 rows behind her,
I used my Phone to send her a Message.
“You look so Gorgeous, that Dress Does Reveals your Beautiful h!ps”
2 minutes later. I got a msg.

it was Sandra , she sent a Message saying.
“Thanks, # Naughty boy. Lol”
We met later in the day, she said she had a Challenge in a Specific Course and would be Needing my help, I obliged to help.
So we found a Sit at a Corner, I did my best to teach her. Even Budha Knows she wasn’t Concentrating.
she was busy looking at my lips as I Explained some things to her.
You wanna ki$$ me? I asked
What? she said, and Chuckled!
Oh Sandra, You’ve not been really Concentrating. she Apologised,
how about that Date we talked about? I asked
That’ll be tomorrow, she said
we talked for some time and Left Separately.
I still hadn’t gotten a Call from Amarachi.
She wasn’t really into me I thought.
Ibro and I Walked home, He was Speaking on the Phone with someone, Mixing English and Hausa Language.
He slowed down, and Screamed, What!!!
he later broke into Tears with the Phone still Attached to his ear.
Something bad must have happened.
I approached him, he was still in tears,
Dad, why, why. how could you leave us?
he managed to say.
that’s when I understood his dad had past away,
Personally I never really got along well with my dad, but I know what it means to lose Someone you love.
I did my best to console him, throughout the whole day, I even cooked for him, told him some words of Encouragement.
he said he would be travelling, the following day .
I left his room at about, 10pm laid on the bed and was Reminiscing about a lot on past happenings.
thats when my Phone Rang. It was Amarachi.
I picked up the Call without really Knowing who it was,
Hello Jeff , I heard a Female Voice
Amarachi right?
Yes, I thought by now you wouldn’t recognise me. She Said.
Ah, No, how can I Forget you!
why did it take you so long to Call? I asked.
Sorry, I have been Working on an Assignment for the past 3 days.
Okay, I said, Your Voice is a Relief from the bad day I had.
What made your Day bad, she asked with a Voice that Indicated, she thought It wasnt something Serious.
My best Friend’s Dad, passed away.
Jesus! she Exclaimed
Am so sorry, how is he now?
he’s fine, I just left his room now, Can i come over she asked?.
my eyes that were dizzy suddenly Grew Bulgy.
I was filled with Excitement.
Yes, Sure, If that’s Okay with you. *I stammered a little cause it came as a Surprise*
But it’s late, hope that won’t Stress you.
Not a Problem, she replied.
Gave her my Address, her House was Just less than 200metres from my House Anyway.
I Jumped off the bed. Dressed the room, the bed.
Connected my phone to the Speakers,
In Seconds, the room was a Sight to behold, personally its been a While I had that Room looking that way.
I selected a song by Bryan Adams “Everything I do” Perfect song for the Perfect Moment, i Left it on ‘Repeat’.
A few minutes later, I heard a Knock on my door.
Opened and saw her, I wonder why Girls usually look better the Second time you meet them.
The Dressing she Wore, isnt a Dressing you wear when you’re Going to offer Condolence, Except of course, you’ll get the Ultimate Consolation, the P.u$$y
She was so Damn $exy, I gave her a Tight hug.
she came in with her eyes Glaring all over the room. nice place she said Eventually.
theres no Chair or Cushion in my Room,
*A trick I Devised to get Visiting girls to sit on the bed*
she sat on the bed, what may I offer you I asked?
Nothing she said, really I asked, yeah she said.
Am very Sorry about your friend she said.
Even a blind man knows she was trying to kill two Birds with One Stone, As she was Underdressed for the Occasion. lol
I sat close to her on the bed, You know, I said, Nothing Good lasts, even Good People, the Wicked are Allowed to blossom, but the few Good men we have are Swallowed by Man’s inevitable Fate, death.
My head was down while I was talking, she was Staring at me, I could see her from the Corner of my eye.
I raised my head and looked at her, she was almost in tears. I grabbed her, hugged her.
Placed a Ki$$ on her Neck, She jerked.
I withdrew from the Hug but my hands were on her Shoulder, I ki$$ed her On the Fore head.
The song did 80% of the job in putting her in the mood. Her face gave me a Look, like Saying” Is that where You ki$$, you Clown?”
I made a move for her lips, but I intentionally didn’t reach her lips, I stopped half way with my eyes Closed.
She Smiled and pushed my face backward with her hands. You’re a bad boy she said
To Be Continued…

Photos : Beautiful Twin Sisters Marry On The Same Day In Benin

These beautiful twin sisters got married in Benin last December and they rocked the same dress, shoes, accessories etc.
See more photos below:


Girl Confesses: “My Father Got Me Pregnant Because He Loves Me”

End Time Is Near! Three Words – Sick, Gross, and Twisted! Just as we were surfing through Twitter-ville,
We stumbled upon this tweet below from this useless girl who says her dad impregnated her because he loves her..
The fact is that she’s so dumb that she can’t even realize the abomination she has committed,
see her tweets…

What do you guys have to say about this?

Relief comes the way of 19-year-old breast cancer patient as wife of Bauchi State Governor takes over her medical treatment

Relief has finally come the way of breast cancer patient, Sa'adatu Muhammed Giade as wife of Bauchi State Governor, Hajiya Hadiza Mohammed Abubakar takes over her medical treatment. It can be recalled that this heart touching picture of a lady suffering from what seems to be cancer of the breast went viral on social media.

Sa'adatu Muhammad Giade, a 19-year-old orphan is lying helplessly at the Ward 4 of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital in a critical condition with no financial strength to cater for her treatment.

According to a statement issued by Yakubu Adamu, SA Communications to the Deputy Governor, the news got to the attention of Hajiya Hadiza Mohammed Abubakar, wife of Bauchi State Governor and as expected, she has stepped in through her NGO, Bauchi Sustainable Economic Empowerment and Peace Initiative (B-SWEEP).

She has requested that the woman's details be forwarded by the hospital authority as she has taken over all responsibilities for Saadatu Muhammad Giade's medical treatment.

See What They Did to Two Boys Caught Stealing Today in Lagos (Photo)

A photo making rounds on social media which was posted by a Twitter user, has revealed that two young boys were caught this morning for stealing N600,000, a television set and other items at the Oke-afa, Magboro area of Lagos state.
They were pictured stripped n*de and beaten. As at the time of filing this report, it was not ascertained if they were been handed over to the Police or not.


Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 3

As we Reached, there was an Empty Table at the Edge, Nice Angle for Privacy.
I walked pulled, a Chair for her, She smiled, Sat down and Said, You’re a Gentleman.
We picked our menu Card, Ordered for some Snacks and Drinks.

You Look Gorgeous I must Confess, Way Gorgeous than the first time We met, I said.
Thank you she Said with a Blush.
So Sandra, tell me about you.

Am Sandra from Benue, she said am Tiv Precisely.
Oh Please! I Said, Tell me about you Not your Background I Said, She Laughed.
Watching her Laugh was a Pleasant View,
Okay, Am just a Simple Girl with a Dream, Am Cheerful, Fun to be with.
am Religious too.

Your turn she Said,
Oh my Answer is a Simple One I said, Am just a Young lad Sub-Consciously Mesmerised by this Charming Young Lady.
Damn! She was Blown away and she Couldn’t hide it.
Your use of words is Remarkable she said with a look on her face like someone who saw an Angel.
You Must be a Player she said,
   “I knew it was more than just a Statement, but an Inquiry, if my aim is to just drill her kitten and Fire on”
A player? No, I think am the one being Played here, you got me thinking about you for 2 straight days, I couldn’t think about anything without thinking about you. I just couldn’t get you off my Brain.
She Laughed again, Why would you wanna Get me off your Brain.

That’s The point I said, I don’t!
A Couple Sitting Close to us, were Looking In our Direction, In fact Most eyes were on us, Coz of Sandra’s Laughter.
her ¢.leavages were Killing me, little did she know.
But I tried not to look, not to get Caught At least.
* I think Girls use that to check if you’re a P£rvert,If you’re Caught Staring, She’s already figured your identity”
We went on and on, checked my time it was 9p.m
we ate just little of the Food, I Paid the Waitress and we left.

held her hands, as we Strolled, She leaned her Head on my Shoulder, that was a Good sign for me.
we reached her Door post, About to say Goodbye.
We did, She Turned to Open her door,
I moved forward, Turned her Around, Gave her a Hot French Ki$$, Opened my eyes to check if hers Were Open, they were Closed.
then I stopped, She made another move for the Ki$$ this time Around.
we Ki$$ed for like 2 minutes, Before I left.
i needed no Angel to tell me I made her Night.
I was still on my Way Home, Sent her a Message that Reads
“My World was lonely and Dark,
thought I had my life on Track,
A Sight of you Gives me Heart Attack
But I’d rather die than live without your Smile
Thank you Sandra for making my Life Worthwhile.”
The Easiest way to a Girl’s P.u$$y is through her Heart.

Sandra Was a Very Pretty Lady,probably the Prettiest ave Dated,
The truth is, Dating Pretty Ladies isn’t Easy, It requires additional Hard work, Coz if You Slack a little, if you Deprive her of the Attention she needs.
you’ll Swiftly be Displaced by other guys.
Ibro and I Loved $ex, but on Different Grounds, he just Loved the $ex.
I Preferred the $ex with a little Emotions attached, The emotions are like a Spice.
I was already exhausted when I got home, Threw My Phone on the Bed, Grabbed a Towel and was heading for the Bathroom, Came out 5 minutes later and Saw 4 missed calls from Sandra.
She called again, so I just Picked the call.
Hey, Jeff, Where ave you been? she asked
oh am so sorry, i was in the bathroom, i replied.
I just wanted to say thank you, for the Message, it was beautiful, then she giggled and Continued.
You are really fun, let’s have another date but this time at my Place.
*I Almost felt like Jumping, Out of Excitement, First I was Glad, She wanted to spend more time with me, and Secondly the date will be at her place, meaning the expense is on her, Lol*
“Really? that’s the best thing ave heard all day”
We talked for a While, then Ended the call.
I woke up Tired, On Sunday Morning, isnt it Weird, Get to rest all through the Night and still wake up weak and tired.
by 7:45p.m I was Already Ready for Church. I decided not to go to my Regular Church. Trying something New.
I decided to Visit the Living Faith Church just about 1.5 Kilometres from my Crib.
My dressing was Corporate, Stucked in with Well Polished Shoes.
I left the Tie out, I felt Tie will make it too Sophisticated
I reached there, the Usher Directed me to a Seat, 2nd to the last seat at the Back row.
Sat down, Bent my head to say some prayers.
This Church Does know how to Dance. lol.
The Song “Everything na Double, double, was going on”
I joined in Dancing, I could hear the ladies at my back Laughing.
I no send, continued my dancing.
30 minutes later it was the Sermon
The Pastor was preaching on marriage, he made a statement in the Sermon.
He avoided using the Word $ex, for the Sake of the Kids..
he said “it is Ungodly for a Woman to deny her Husband his Marital Rights, for no reason.Meaning $ex”
Na So! I Screamed out from the back.
the whole Church Burst into laughter with people at the front looking back, trying to figure out the person Responsible.
The First timers were Addressed by the Pastor after the Church had dismissed.
we were four in Numbers, I was the only Guy.
my eyes was fixed on this Girl directly in my Front,
the only thing i caught from the pastor’s statement was he saying he wants to see us next time.
Picked my Bible, And walked out of the Church and was heading home, I noticed the same I girl I was staring at had been following me, I turned around and said Hey, you’re New here right?
No am old here she said while Laughing
it was a Silly Question afterall.
Am Sorry, it was a Silly Question, are you New here.
Yes she Replied, am a 100 level Student.
okay, how do you find the School.
well, its less than. I expected, I wrote jamb twice to get here, I use to Fantasize and dream about being here, now am here, I thought University would be fun.
*******People say a lot about themselves when they talk, without even knowing.
I Understood something from her statement, she was those kind of Girls who weren’t really Free at home, and Craved for freedom.
now she has the desired Freedom, but the Freedom alone Couldn’t Quench the Hunger to Exploit.*******
oh forgive my Manners, am Jeff, I extended a tender Handshake, (We were still walking)
extended her hand and said, am Amarachi.
So are you married?
Of course not I replied,
I saw you Scream out when the pastor talked about $ex in Marriage,
I laughed.
The truth is i love $ex a lot, and if my wife thinks she can wield it to control me, She’ll be Surprised.
So you’ll cheat on her? she asked.
I wouldn’t Call it cheating, More like seeking for Satisfaction from an External source, it’s like Using your Generator when Nepa Ceases the light.
She Started Laughing Uncontrollably. she couldn’t walk again.
she Just bent and Placed her Hands on her Knees and Continued laughing.
I Stopped too, Using the opportunity to assess her A$$.
it was Packaged.
She later stretched, wiped the tears off her face and said, Jeff you’re Very funny.
Amarachi wasn’t really as Good Looking as Sandra, but she was Beautiful in her way and was more Endowed in bosoms and the A$$
We reached a Junction, this is me she said, pointing to a house by the Right.
okay, so how can we keep in touch I asked her.
I’ll have your number she said. Smart chick.
I gave it to her, walked the remaining distance home, I was about Slotting in my key, when I heard m.oans of Ecstasy,coming from Ibro’s room. I just Smiled and Understood what was going on
To Be Continued…


Photos : See The Reason Why this 9yr Old boy Marries This 62-Year-Old Woman

Saneie Masilela and Helen Shabangu get married to follow their familiy traditions…….A 9-year-old school boy has tied the knot with his 62-year-old bride, who has already had five children, in Ximhungwe, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
The bride, who expressed her happiness over the fact that the boy picked her, told the newsmen that the boy will continue to live a normal life, as other boys of his age, and will later get married to a younger bride.

Janet from Lagos Needs A guy and she will pay well

I Heard shadegold's blog is now the latest entertainment base in town now, and also help in finding sugar boy.
i am Janet from lagos state, i stay in lekki and i manage a lot of companies, but i need a boy that can handle me perfectly.
Drop your number if you are interested thank you.


Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 2

Ibro came to where I was, I moved to where he was, I couldn’t fvck her on the same Wet Couch, so I dragged her to the Bathroom, My Erect D!ck Pointing the way like a Navigator. I sat on the Closed Water Closet.
She Sat on My D!ck (I had Rolled another C.ondom)
I like this Position cause I get to do two things at a Time, Suck her hard N.ipples while She moves Up and Down on my C.ock
This One’s p.u$$y was more Loose than the other one I had, or na Ibro Ruin am?
Who cares, P.u$$y is meant for F.ucking.

She was Riding my C.ock, slowly, so I could get to suck her N!pples with ease.
I Could tell she was Enjoying every bit of it.
raised her Head to the Ceiling with eyes Closed.
I wasn’t enjoying it that Much, coz I was Carrying her Weight.
after about 5 minutes.
I stood up, made her Bend with her hands on the Closed, Closet.
Penetrated her P.u$$y, I later Changed My mind, P.u$$y wey no Grip your D.ick no dey Sweet.
I Aimed for her A.$$hole.
Slowly and Steadily tried to slid my dick to her A.$$hole.
The Fact that it Entered without much Stress indicated that I wasn’t the Pioneer afterall.
I loved the Grip I got. e wan Break my D!ck sef.
I was thrusting slowly, and later Increased my Pace.
this Girl was a Screamer, I bent Forward and Massaged her C!its, this Act drove her Crazy. a Passerby would think she was being R.aped.
they’re just Uncontrollable Sounds of Pleasure
the music Blacked out the M.oans, to an Extent.
Stood her up, Pushed her to the wall, Raised one of her Legs up,Slid my c.ock into the p.u$$y this Time around, Pounding her A.$$ against the Wall.
I was Also Staring deep into her Eyes While at it.
her Eyes got Bigger, She was Staring at me, like pleading for Mercy and at the same time saying, Please don’t Stop.
And the funny thing is I was Far from C.umming sef.
I kept Pounding her A$$, Like this for like 7 Minutes,
In a Swift Move, I lifted her Up, Her legs Round my W.aist, My d.ick Deep into her P.u$$y, and was Banging her Upwardly.
did that for About 2 minutes
*The babe heavy*
I still didn’t
We were both Tired sef.
I just took out the C.ondom and Let her Give me a b!owjob.
when I felt like Approaching, I retracted my and Spilled the on her bosoms
In a Couple of minutes, Ibro was through too, he paid the Girls off, the Girl I had $ex with, insisted on having my Number, I refused, but she Persisted, in the end I just gave it to her .
Ibro and I went out to Catch some Drinks, we came back, I read a few things and Slept off, it was Friday by the way, so I had the whole of Saturday to flex.
I was about sleeping by 12:53A.M when I saw a text msg.
from Sandra, I was very Excited.
the content of the message was just
I Called her, I was very Happy.
She picked at the other end of the call,
“Hey Miss World, thanks for Accepting to go out with me I said”
She Giggled.
I did most of the talking and in the end we fixed a date on that Same Saturday, 7p.m . she gave me her Address.
Through out the ‘Day’ part of Saturday, I was very Excited.
Ibro Knocked on my door, and came in, I told him about the Date, he didn’t seem Moved.
Guy, why you no dey date? I asked
“Mehn, Dating is the most foolish invention of Westernisation.
The “Date Anxiety”, the Fake Impressions, the Money wastage, the
time wastage, in the end the goal is still the p.u$$y. How many People end up marrying the Ladies they date in the University? 12% maybe, he said
I was Listening with Keen Interest, the guy is a dramatic guy, making Demonstrations with his Hand,
And by the Way, Love makes you Vulnerable and Weak, he added.
From the Way he Spoke, one could tell he was Speaking from Experience and he’s been hurt before.
Na true you talk sha, I didn’t wanna take the Conversation further. it might end in a Hot argument.
by the Way, he paid for the Pu$$ies I Fvcked. lol
2pm to 7p.m was the longest time of my Life.
I watched some movies to distract me, it worked. it was 6:30pm when I left for Sandra’s Hostel.
Following her Description I knocked on her door, Hoping I wasn’t at someone else’s Door.
she came out with this Very Awesome dress, that Left a Portion of her ¢.leavage out. Damn! the view was Pleasurable.
It was like She had been Waiting Eagerly.
We Strolled to “Always and Forever Restaurant
To Be Continued…

Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 1

It was a Monday Morning,I stepped into Class, i was About 5 minutes late, the Lecturer was already in the Class.
I was scared of Getting Disgraced so I just Stood by the door, with my books in my hands.
The Lecturer Noticed me and Gave me a Gesture to come in.
the class was Filled up, Some Guys were even Standing at the back,
but I noticed an Empty Seat, at the Second row, close to this Very Beautiful Light Skinned Damsel.
logically I knew it probably belongs to Someone else.but I chose to try my Luck.
Hi, Please is this Seat taken? I asked.

she looked at me for like 2 seconds, and Said No!
I sat down sharp, No Dulling.
Wow! You smell Nice, I told her. she Blushed with her Head downwards.
thank you she said,
Am Jeff by the Way and you?
Sandra she Said
Damn! why is it that Most Girls with That Name are so Pretty i said.
She blushed and Said , Oh Please.

You’re going to Get us Embarrassed by this Lecturer she Added.
You seem Worth the Risk I Said, with a Grin.
The Man Is even Boring sef. I Put in
We kept Going on and on, she Seemed to Like my company
The Class was Almost Over, I realised if I don’t make a Move for this Lady’s Number, all my Earlier effort will Come to Null.

I dropped my Phone on the Desk right in Front of her.
Can I have your Number Pls?
Why She Asked.
*See Question oh*
I like Your Sense of Humour, and I’ll like to Get to know you better some other time.
Okay she Said, with a Smile, and typed her Digits, Nice phone she said.
Thanks I replied, with a Big Smile
I had this Friend, a Hausa guy actually, His name was Ibro. this Guy is Very Funny.
We were Returning Back Home from School.
Omo Class dey Go on You Just dey Yab that Fine Chick, This Chick Like you sha, He said
Guy you Mad oh, Why you say she like me? I asked.

All of us wey Stand for Back, We been ask the babe who get the Seat, She been tell us say na for her Friend.
Hahahahahaha, I Laughed Uncontrollably.
At about 8 p.m I dialled her Number, Mtn Zone Indicated 8kb/s. I said “Correct”
Hi Dear, its…… I recognize you, She Completed.
Jeff Right?
Yes I Responded, Surprised.
Your Voice Sounds Even more Auspicious on Phone, I said
She Giggled.
Hey, How are you doing, Am Good She Said.
I haven’t Stopped thinking about you since we Met, I just thought maybe we Could hang Out Sometime and Chat over Dinner if that’s okay with you.
She Laughed.
what’s Funny I asked?
No Forgive me, I just like hearing you talk.
*See talk oh*
Okay, is that a Yes?
I’ll think about it she said.
*when a Girl tells you this, Most of the time, its a Yes, Ladies Playing hard to Get
Ibro was a Very Good friend of Mine
He Doesn’t Date,Doesn’t have a Girlfriend, but No one Gets As much $ex as he Does. Lol
So around that 8p.m I heard music coming from his Room, his room is Opposite Mine.
Knocked on his door, no response, just the music, I walked in and saw him on the Couch with Just Boxers and no shirts.
Guy wetin dey Happen na?
Before he Could reply, I saw two Very Beautiful Ladies Coming out of the Bathroom with Just P.ants And B.ra
Ibro you bad, Ibro you bad, Ibro you bad, I said with My eyes fixed on their bosoms.
Guy Chill na, You wan kill my Konji? he said
One of the Girls Moved Forward and ki$$ed him, one Wicked French Ki$$,
I was About turning to leave, when ibro, said, Guy you mumu oh, you wan walk out on free P.u$$y
My Perplexed face just Brightened, I took that as an Invitation.
The other Girl was already giving him a B.lowjob.
The other Girl Approached me, and dragged me to the Bed,
Gave me a Hot ki$$, this Girl was Experienced, Obviously.
I had Taken My Clothes off, and was now like Adam.
Grabbed her Huge Melons, and set them Free from the Bondage of the B.ra restricting them.
To Enlighten you Guys, I knew this Girls were Professional W.hores, Hired by Ibro. trust Hausa man na.
There’s two things I wouldn’t do, F.uck her without C.ondom, and lick her p.u$$y.
How can I put my mouth where Many Men Have Deposited their loads of
C.ondom was always Smartly Hidden in my Wallet.
I took off her P.anties too. Directed her Mouth, to my D.ick.
this Girl sucks a Dick with Passion, She was so Good.
Grabbed her by the Head, Stroked her Head up and Down on My D.ick.
“This Is Goooood” I managed to say.
Noticed if I go on like this for the next 5 minutes, am gonna
I noticed ibro and His own babe, were already Far Gone, he was giving her D.oggy. Baddo!
the Music in the Background was a killer
This Babe’s P.u$$y was Nicely Shaved, Fine Girl with Bursty bosoms
I sucked on them bosoms, She Moaned,
*Good thing about S.luts, is they don’t try hard to hide their Orgasms, the way some Girlfriends do.*
the m.oans of the babe Ibro was b.anging was already interfering with the music .
Damn the Preintimacy I said.
got my C.ondom, rolled it Nicely on my Rod,Rod of Perdition. In one Swift Move, My D.ick was In there.
she made an “Arrrgggg’ Sound. *Correct*
I was Going Slowly, taking my time, She kept saying Faster, Faster, Baby please.
I no send, I was Just going Slowly, Taking my time.
Then I Upped the Game, Giving her like 10 Thrust in 5 Seconds, then Slowing down. again
this Babe, Was Screaming, Wrapped hers legs around my w.aist and was saying some words in Yoruba
*I can’t speak Yoruba*
Ibro was Having the Reverse Cowgirl. I could see the Girl’s A$$ hole From where I was,
instead of me to Concentrate on the One In my Front, Lol
We later Switched to D.oggy.
This Time around I was Moving Fast, Slapped Her A$$, And Pulled her Hair.
Slapping the A$$ gives some sort of Vibration and Sweetness on the D.ick.
*No try am on babe you love oh*
Am Gonna, Am gonna, Ibro’s Babe Was Screaming, Damn!
In a Snap, She had wet the whole Cushion.
We switched to Cowgirl. there’s only one reason why I love This Style.
*the Way the bosoms moves Up and Down.*
She was Pounding me hard, Her hands on her head .I couldn’t take this Anymore, she was slowing Down,Looks like she was Tired.
I Grabbed her A$$, And Penetrated her from Beneath, She Was M.oaning, Loud.
I was Going at a Very Fast Pace, My was Building up.
In a matter of minutes, I was Approaching.
she just Fell to the bed.
I took out the C.ondom and disposed it.
Ibro and his Babe were through too,he gave me a Gesture, Indicating we should Switch Babes

To Be Continued…


Photo : 12-year Old, Primary Three(3) Girl Gets Pregnant

The Police had arrested the family of the lady and the family of the man, (who is 20 years old) the man himself had ran away. The 12 year-old girl is in Primary 3.
The scan was done and a doctor told us that she is about 7 months pregnant. He thinks there there could be a problem with the legs of the child, but he wasn’t sure. We took the little girl to Amecet, gave her food and one of the staff has spend some time
with her this afternoon. To see if she knows what’s going on.

She is really a child and is even happy that she gets a baby. It will be a big problem, she is too small for a natural birth, it probably should be a caesarian. She played Memory with the other children and I could cry, to see her sitting there with that big belly, this will be really a child with a child. And while she should be able to play and have fun, she is getting a baby.
Some things I just can not understand, they make me angry! Amecet n’ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born
babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police.


Must Read: My Encounter With Lydia

A story written by Sirnoel (5C350257)…
It was on a wedesday evening when i decided to go to the cyber cafe to brouse as then i dont have a brousing phone. When i got to Coker bridge going towards aguda i heard someone call my name Sirnoel i turned and guess who was that. Humn it was lydia. When i saw that she was the one i stoped and smiled sheepishly. She asked me why am i smiling and i told her why wont i smile when a sweet beautiful looking girl like u called an ugly boy like me. As a sharp guy that i am i saw some lines formed on her curvy lips, i know she was smiling even when she doesnt want me to know it. I went on to tell her how smashing she looked that evening. She just thank u.

She asked me where i was heading to. I wanted to lie to her but something i me told me to tell her. I told her that i was going to the cyber cafe to chat. She laughed and said she will go with me i told her, that she wont like what she will see. She smiled and told me that she knows manythings about me that i can never guess. When she said this i told her it is not true. She smiled again and i couldnt remove my eyes from her se.xy lips & well set of teeths. She asked me if i know any girl by name Chika Alberts. When she mentioned that name my mind skiped and started beating faster. This is the second time am meeting with Lydia the first time was at coker a shop in coker raod orile, where both of stayed waiting for the rain to stop and that was on monday & today wednesday she is asking me about Chika Alberts… I became afraid…
To Be Continued…

S Story: The Pastor’s Daughter Part 1 (+18 Only)

After that first episode with Chioma, we started f*cking all around the house like newly weds. Every moment we were alone, we would be in each other’s arms, either totally nu. de with me thrusting hard and fast into her or partly clothed while she sat on my d*ck and rode me joyfully.
Sometimes she would be in the kitchen preparing dinner and I’d sneak in behind her and grab her *ss. She would gasp and tell me to stop the act seeing that my parents were in the sitting room watching the 7o’clock news. I didn’t care, I just wanted to have more orgasms. And since I couldn’t go out and ask any other girl for it, I wanted to exploit my one and only source till it dried up like a well that had run out of water. Well, the well didn’t dry up, the blady thing moved outta town.

We had been at our hide-and-smash game for a little more than 2 months when she suddenly became cold towards me. Every time I tried to initiate s.ex, she would refuse. She started locking her door before she slept so I couldn’t sneak into her room anymore. Once while she was bathing and I walked naked into the bathroom with the full glory of my erection in view, feeling like a walking Greek sculpture, she screamed at me and told me to leave.
Even threatened to say to my folks that I tried to rape her if I refused to leave. My very last attempt was when I tried to do the “kitchen sneak” on her. I had tiptoed to where she stood busy with what she was doing and slid my hand beneath her skirt, reaching for her crotch with my fingers and trying to slid a finger into her when she’d turned around quickly, brandishing the knife she’d been chopping carrots with, intending to cut my head off. I’d quickly dodged and the knife had slightly cut me just at the side of my face. I stepped back with fear as she pointed the knife at me with a scowl on her face to show she had meant it.

I was angry, but at the same time, didn’t want to do anything that would attract my parent’s attention towards Chioma and I. After that incident, I never attempted to touch her again. It wasn’t until a few days later when I came back from School to hear my Mom screaming at the top of her voice at Chioma. I later eavesdropped on the conversation, I realized that she had caught Chioma vomiting into the toilet at the early hours of the morning. From what I’d watched from numerous nollywood movies at the time, I realized then that Chioma was pregnant.
At first, the news hit me with such dreadfulness that I just went into my room and sat on my bed, wishing that all the events of the past few weeks never happened. That first orgasm, the many after it, all the sexcapades we had enjoyed. The slamming and the thrusting, the damn p*rn CDs Angela had given to me. I just wanted to undo everything. If Chioma was pregnant, then the seed within her was surely planted by me. It never occurred to me that someone like Chioma could be letting other dicks that were not mine to penetrate her coochie. In my childish mind back then, she was mine alone. Only I had access to that sweetness between her legs, I had thought.
I had believed she was too humble and too obedient to my Mom to actually be f*cking other guys while she stayed with us but it became clear to me, when she mentioned the name of two guys she’d slept with under much lashing of whip by my mother. She never mentioned mine, and I just kept my mouth shut while she was being forced to spill the whole truth.
At the end of it all, she had to leave. My mom told my dad that she was never getting another maid, which meant my doing of house chores returned. This time, I didn’t complain. I obeyed my mother’s every command, just like the bible said I should. Like I was trying to please God so he wouldn’t reveal the grave secret of my sinful acts with the now departed Chioma. I think that was the reason.

6 beheaded as 15 die in Rivers cult war [Graphic Photos]

The killings came barely 24 hours after gunmen, last­Thursday, assassinated a former member of the State House of Assembly, who represented Ogba/Egbema Ndoni Constituency, Monday Eleanya.
Sunday Sun gathered that the assailants, numbering over 50 and armed with dan­gerous weapons, including AK-47 rifles and machetes, came into the crisis-ridden community about 7:00pm and began shooting sporadi­cally.
It was further gathered that while some natives of the area ran to nearby bushes and neighbouring villages, others stayed indoors several hours after the incident occurred.
It was gathered that some of the gunmen marched from house to house and scared residents with their intermit­tent, deafening gunshots, add­ing that the assailants behead­ed some of the 15 persons that were killed.
The source disclosed that among those killed were a couple and two brothers of same parents, saying that some of the areas in Omoku that came under attack by the gunmen were Sabo Road, Odieti Quarters, Usoniri Quarters and Obakata Quar­ters.
He said: “Gunmen last night took over Omoku, kill­ing not less than 15 persons. Among those killed were a husband and wife, as well as two brothers from the same parents.
“It started about 7pm on Friday, when we heard sus­tained gunshots. We were told that some gunmen num­bering up to 50 came into Omoku town and began to shoot indiscriminately.
“Those outside ran for dear life and we that were inside have continued to stay in­doors in order not to be hit by the gunmen’s bullets. It was a terrible situation.”
The state Police Public Re­lations Officer (PPRO), Ah­mad Muhammad, confirmed the incident to journalists, saying six persons, who were members of a cult group were killed.
Muhammad stated that the incident was a battle of su­premacy between rival cult groups in the town, adding that the police had brought the situation under control.
He said: “The incident is reasonably believed to be a battle of supremacy between rival cult groups in the town. As it is now, the situation is under control as anti-riot po­licemen were drafted to rein­force the existing security in the town. As for casualties, six dead bodies of the suspected cultists were recovered.”
In September last year, at least 15 persons were killed when gunmen suspected to be cultists raided Omoku community, including those who had denounced cultism.

Toyin Aimakhu's Ex Husband planned to remarry another woman

Just as actress Toyin Aimakhu's new romance with millionaire socialite and Nollywood investor, Seun Egbegbe, has been the talk of town these past couple of weeks, her ex-husband Adeniyi Johnson, not wanting to be outdone has jumped into the train by posting photos of his new mystery woman.  
He posted this photo on his IG page

While he wasn't specific about what is happening on the 27th of February, we can only wonder if wedding bells are ringing again for the handsome actor.

Lets wait and see...


Graphic photos: Passenger burnt to death in a bus in Calabar

An unfortunate incident took place this afternoon at Mm highway close to Bebosco bustop in Calabar. A bus was involved in an accident and caught fire. All the passengers except one man were able to escape before the bus was completely burnt. The man was sitting close to the fuel tank at the back and had a bad leg and so couldn't escape when others did. He was burnt beyond recognition, mostly because of the proximity to the fuel tank to him. Extremely sad! See the photos after the cut...


Breaking News: Popular nollywood actor arakangudu is dead

Nollywood released a shocking news yesterday as they lost a popular yoruba actor arakangudu.
Arakangudu died between Monday night and Tuesday morning, February 8-9 of heart attack in Kaduna where he was undergoing a course.

The baritone-voiced actor who practiced his trade in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood is known for his portrayal of herbalists and armed robbers. He was also a movie producer and has produced many award-winning movies, among them Iya Oko Bournvita, Agba Osugbo, Aje Olokun, Ogbologbo, Ilu Gangan. He was also a movie director and directed a couple of movies.

Arakangudu, also known as Sikiru Adeshina, had gone off the acting radar for some years after suffering from an undisclosed ailment that made him abandon his Lagos base and relocate to Oshogbo, his home town.
Arakangudu later made a return to acting in 2015 with his role as a chief in the palace in a recent movie titled Ayaba Oosa.
Contrary to the believe that Arakangudu will be buried today being a Muslim, a close associate of his Mr Olaolu confirmed his death to He said the late actor died in Kaduna and because of the distance between Kaduna and Oshogbo Arakangudu will not be buried today but tomorrow Wednesday, February 10.
On the place where he will be buried Olaolu said the family are still deliberating on that. The family has two choices between his home town between Oshogbo and Lagos where he built a house

Graphic Photo: 30 Dead after Speediing Trailer Conveying Them Tumbled

Over 50 other people sustained varying degrees of injuries in the crash, while two rams were killed.

The accident occurred on the portion of the expressway which had been recently reconstructed.

Punch's correspondents counted 25 corpses at the scene of the accident. Eyewitnesses said about five corpses had been taken to a mortuary.

Other victims of the accident, which occurred around 7am, were not removed until past 9am.

A victim, who lost two relatives, covered the faces of the deceased with clothes and broke down in tears.

Shouting the name of Allah as he wailed, the victim identified simply as Mohammed, refused all
entreaties as he knelt down between the two corpses and wept bitterly.

One of the survivors of the accident, who gave his name as Mohammed Seripino, said the trailer was coming from Kaduna and had travelled all night.

He said each passenger paid N1,000 as transport fare, adding that the journey from Kaduna was smooth before the accident occurred.

    “We are all Hausa. We were coming from Kaduna. Each passenger paid N1,000. This (accident) is not good,” he said.

An eyewitness, who gave his name as Yinka Dada, said he was seeing off his son, who was on his way to Lagos, when the accident occurred. He said:

     “I saw everything. I was by the roadside when the accident occurred. I was with my son who was going to Lagos when I saw two vehicles speeding as if they were competing in a race.

    “The other vehicle was able to control the wheel, while the driver of the trailer lost control, tumbled down the expressway, and spilled out the passengers one after another.”

Officials of the Federal Road Safety Corps at the Ibadan Tollgate Unit, who came for rescue operation, refused to talk to Punch.

    “We cannot talk to you now. I am not the boss here. I have bosses who can talk to you later if you come to our unit at the tollgate. You can see we are busy now,” an official said.

A police patrol van with two officials also visited the scene.

One of the policemen in the van told those with minor injuries to help those with critical injuries into the police van.

However, some sympathisers said the responses of both the police and the officials of the FRSC were poor, and began to rain curses on Nigeria’s political class.

An Electrical Engineering student of the Abdul Gusau Polytechnic, Zamfara, who did not disclose his name, said government should be blamed for the poor response to the plight of the victims.

The student said:

     “Our leaders have embezzled all the money that should be used to put infrastructure in place. This is why people are dying like rats.”

A middle-aged man, Onyekachi Otuonye, lamented rescuers’ response time to the accident.

Single said:

    “This is deplorable. Even slaves should not be treated like this. Human lives should be treated with respect and dignity.”

A man in a cleric robe, who attributed the accident to witches and wizards, was shouted down by some sympathisers.

When the man brought out a book of his predictions on the accident that would occur on the road in 2016, sympathisers warned him to stop, saying there were no witches on the road.

One of the sympathisers, Biliaminu Awodele, who confronted the cleric, said:

     “Accidents happen all over the world, nobody dey blame witches and wizards, abeg, carry your yeye prediction commot here!”

However, the FRSC said 17 people died in the accident, while 79 others were injured.

The Oyo State Sector Commander, FRSC, Yusuf Salami, said the accident involved an articulated vehicle and a Peugeot J5 vehicle.

He explained that both vehicles were travelling to Lagos, adding that the accident was caused by impatience, speeding and struggle for right of way.

He said:

     “A Peugeot J5 with number plate, XS 626 LSV, and a DAF articulated vehicle with number plate, AA 902 MML, had an accident as both drivers were struggling for the right of the way. They were both going to Lagos when the accident happened around 9.30am on Sunday. It happened just before the campus of the Dominion University in Sepo, on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

    There were 96 people involved, with 17 confirmed dead. It is obvious that both drivers were speeding and suddenly lost control of the vehicles. The Peugeot bus was loaded with passengers and goods, but the casualty figure rose because the other vehicle was travelling to Lagos with huge number of illegal passengers.”


Meet pastor whose legs do not touch ground while ministering

So there is a church in Tanzania where the pastor’s feet must not touch the ground until he finishes his preaching.
According to a Facebook user who posted it online, the able-bodied brothers in the church have to carry him on their back one after the other until the end of the service. See photos below:

In-laws of Lawyer Accused of Stabbing Husband to Death Reveal what Started the Crises

 Elder brother to Mr Lowo Oyediran, who was allegedly murdered by his wife in Ibadan, Oyo State, on Tuesday, Mr Adewale Adelani Oyediran, has in new interviews with Nigerian Tribune, revealed what started the crises in the tragic marriage that led to Lowo's death.

According to him, Lowo and his wife were married for about three years, but Lowo had a girlfriend in France who along the line, got pregnant for him and bore him a male child about a year ago. Lowo’s wife stumbled on that information and that was the genesis of the crisis.

  • What was your relationship with the deceased?
Honestly, I don’t know how to describe myself; I was like a father to him.
  • How did you feel when you learned of his alleged killing?

I felt devastated, confounded. I could not imagine that Lowo, with whom I spoke five days before that fateful day, could have life snuffed out of him in his prime. Lowo was everything to the family. He was the bridge between the old and the young. He unified everybody in the family. He was a comforter to everybody. I sponsored his university education. I never knew that I was never going to see Lowo again.

He always said that ‘I know we don’t have money in our family, but daddy, if God spares my life, I would put smile on the face of everybody.’ He was struggling. He attended Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, from where he moved to France to continue his post-graduate programme.

Since 2006, he only came back to Nigeria in 2012. His wedding was on 8 February and 9 February, 2013. We sponsored the ceremonies. If there was a comedian in the family, it was Lowo. He had a high sense of humour. We were jolted when we were informed that Lowo had been stabbed to death by his wife.

When we got to the police station at Akobo, there was pandemonium. There was wailing. All the family members had converged on the police station. From there, we moved to the house with the landlord and policemen. The landlord did not mince words in his statement that it was Yewande that slaughtered him. He disclosed that in her first attempt to kill Lowo, she only succeeded in stabbing him in the armpit and on the back. He was rushed to the hospital.

After he was treated, they went back home and the landlord tried to settle their dispute. They did not go to bed until about 3.00 in the morning. The landlord said he even advised Lowo to sleep in his apartment but he said there was no need for that since the quarrel had been settled. The landlord said some minutes past 6.00 a.m., there was a cry for help from Lowo’s flat and people rushed out only to find that he had been stabbed, again, in the neck by his wife when he was sleeping.

Lowo managed to take a few steps afterwards and slumped just as he got outside. If he was not asleep, it would not have been possible for his wife to overpower him.

The wife had previously boasted to the woman that took her husband to the hospital after the first attack that what she did was just a tip of the iceberg. The woman said she was oblivious of the seriousness of her statement because all she was concerned about at the time was to save Lowo’s life, otherwise she would have recorded her statement.

The police had invited the woman to give her statement concerning the incident. The doctor who treated Lowo had also been invited by the police. This is a clear case of murder. The knife that she used to stab Lowo was found in the pool of his blood. It is in the picture. The only thing that is giving us concern is that we cannot find his cell phone.

The world is a global village and it would be easy to get his last conversation on the phone through the GSM network provider. His death is a colossal loss to us. We had to take our aged mother to Ife under the pretext that she was going to see her doctor so that she would not know what had happened.

For the fact that Lowo spoke with her about four days earlier, she could not suspect that he had died.
Lowo’s death is like a conspiracy, a grand design to just snuff the life out of him. If you look at the picture of the first and second attempts, you will know what I am talking about.

They were married for about three years, but Lowo had a girlfriend in France and along the line, she got pregnant for him and bore him a male child about a year ago. But, Lowo’s wife stumbled on that information and that was the genesis of the crisis.

Since then, there had been angry disputes between them. I was aware that Yewande’s family invited them and settled the matter. Her parents told her to accept what had happened because there was nothing she could do about it. Perhaps she had a plan unknown to Lowo.

I remember that Lowo confided in me that Yewande told him that he should not let our family know about his girlfriend who had had a child for him back in France.
  • What is the situation now?
We are worried about the desperation of Yewande’s parents. Her father is a retired permanent secretary. Former Governor Rashidi Ladoja was the chairman of Lowo’s wedding ceremony. Besides, Yewande works as a counsel in the Oyo State Ministry of Justice, at the Department of Public Prosecution (DPP). If an incident of this nature happens, it is her office that treats it and makes recommendations for trial.
  • Before this incident, was there any time that you settled a quarrel between the couple?
Honestly, there was never a time that we settled a dispute for them. The only thing we noticed was that on their wedding day, she was brought here so that they could pour water on her legs. They wanted to get water from a bowl but she refused. So, we had to get bottled water and then the wife of the Olufi of Gbongan poured the water on her feet. That was the last time we saw Yewande. There was not even a phone call from her. Before the wedding, when Lowo complained, I said it was not by force; that we should call off the wedding if necessary. All along, whenever they fought, Lowo would say that her father was a very good man. With the way they are acting, we hope that the Ministry of Justice where Yewande works will not pervert the course of justice in this matter. We are not ready to tinker with anything but let justice be done.
  • Do you know how they met?

They met the way every other man and woman would meet. Coincidentally, Yewande’s younger sister is also married to somebody from Gbongan. They are in America. Now, somebody in France did not want to marry a French national. He preferred a Nigerian who was educated and reliable and within five months, they met. It was my wife who bankrolled the journey of Yewande to Dubai, where they met.

  • What does the family want now?

We want justice and fairness. We want justice to take its full course so that the matter will not be swept under the carpet. The news is all over the world. Somebody just called me from Canada about it. Justice must not be subverted. I asked Yewande’s father how he would feel if it was his daughter that was killed. What they would be planning now is how to defend Yewande in court. We cannot find Lowo’s international passports. They have packed everything, both his Nigerian and French passports. The documents of his company, we could not find them. His business partner in Sweden, whom we called, said all the original documents were with Lowo in Nigeria. He said that he only had the photocopies. Lowo’s death has created a big vacuum in our family that will be difficult to fill. He was just 38 years old, cut down in his prime.

  • I couldn’t go to their house ‘cos of her —Abisola, Lowo’s niece
How would  you describe Lowo’s death?

I would describe it as disaster. It was not expected at all. The morning of the incident, I woke up in tears even without knowing that something terrible had happened. I went into my dad’s room and asked if he slept well. I told my mum about the tears in my eyes and the dream I had. So, we decided to pray. But my father’s brother called us about five times. My mum asked dad to answer the call, so he picked up the phone and said, ‘Deji, I will call you back. We are praying.’ But Uncle Deji asked my dad not to hang up the phone. He said Uncle Lowo had been killed. After they got married, Yewande chased everybody away. I couldn’t go to their house because of her.
When the incident happened and we got to the police station, Lowo’s corpse was not there and Yewande was not there. We learnt that she was in the hospital, receiving treatment. Their landlord told us that when she first stabbed him, she threatened that ‘I will kill you today.’ The killing was absurd.

  • I helped her marry him, now she’s killed him –Bunmi Oyediran, sister-in-law

You facilitated Yewande’s visit to Lowo, how?

I bought the air ticket for Yewande to meet Lowo in Dubai. Now, she has killed him. If you called Lowo and he was with his wife, he would say ‘I will call you back.’ He had so much fear for his wife. If his wife was not around, he would call and say that we should come and play with him. Since the day of her wedding, Yewande never stepped into this house. Her father even called me one day after the wedding, cursing me that I did not put clothes in her wedding box. My husband trained Lowo after he left secondary school. Lowo was everything to me. He understood me and knew everything about me. If I was angry, they would call Lowo to talk to me. They have taken him away from me. I cannot see Lowo again! Yewande’s father was begging me yesterday. For what, after the deed has been done? When I was pregnant with my youngest child, I never knew. Lowo encouraged me to take a medical test, which confirmed the pregnancy. This was because I was already over 40 years when I got pregnant. Lowo said I should come to France and relax because of my age.

Toyin Aimakhu Steps Out in See Through Outfit (Photos)

As usual too, plenty of her fans had a lot to say about the outfit. What do you think of the outfit, though? You like?


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