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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 42

“To your place?” I asked
“Yeah” she replied,
I turned around and saw Paul having a conversation with Lydia, he did almost all the talking, her arms were folded, as she listened to whatever he was saying.
Rose was kinda the only one not getting attention, she was leaning on the wall, with her back and looking at us.
“Alright, let’s go” I said
I followed her, we took a taxi, to her place, while we were in the taxi, she tore her envelope, to check the money.
It was six pieces of N500 notes, meaning it was 3k.
We arrived her home, too big to be owned by her.
I had barely walked in, when I noticed her dad sitting on the Couch, reading a Newspaper with his glasses hanging on his Nose.
“Good evening Dad!” She Greeted him with a Big Grin.
“My Dear, how was your first day at work?”

“It was really Great Dad”
Her hands were still held tightly onto mine
“Meet my colleague Dad”
“Good evening sir” I greeted
“Hello son, what’s your name?” he asked.
“Jeffrey!” I replied.
“he smiled a little, Jeffrey! that was my late brother’s name” he said
“sorry for your loss” i said
Gladys glanced at me.
Gladys’s mum came out of the Kitchen, Gladys introduced me to her too.
Minutes later we were all having dinner.
“Are you a student, Jeffrey?”
Gladys’s mum asked me.
“Yes, am studying Biochemistry”
“That’s a nice course”
“Thank you” I said.
There was something unique about Gladys’s Family; There was so much Love and mutual respect.
We were done eating, I thanked them and bid them farewell, Gladys accompanied me to the roadside, it was already a little dark.
“You have a very nice home” I said.
She smiled.
Was I suppose to k!ss her? I deliberated, while standing.
I turned to the side, to face her, we gazed at each other, then I reached for her lips and kissed her.
I was taller than her, so her faced was raised up, as we kissed for about a minute.
She blushed, once we were done.
She must have really been expecting it.
I arrived home, very tired, I was yet to check my envelope, I dropped it on the bed along with my phone, grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom.
After the bath, I felt so refreshed.
I changed my clothes and sat on the bed to check the envelope.
I counted the money, mine was 6k.
I got two missed calls from Mr Johnson.
So I called him back.
“Hello Sir!”
“Yes, Jeffrey, I had been trying to reach you
“You see, not all of you have equal pay, so I want you to do me a favour, by not disclosing your wage to your colleagues, it might arouse a level of frustration in them”
“Alright” I replied
I Later hung up.
I had something I needed to do before sleeping, I had to read, I sat on my reading, I did the weekend assignment, assigned to us, before going through all we did through the week.
On the Tuesday, of the same week, at about 4pm, I went to buy some things from a shop, close by.
Three guys, approached me. I recognised one of them, it was the guy I once had a fight with, over Amarachi, in the previous semester.
“Bros, he said, amidst laughter”
“One of them was flapping his shirt to reveal his knife.
“So you think you can just mess with my babe and go free?” he said.
I stood there, not replying.
He winked at his friends, meaning they should give me a beating.
They rushed to where I was, and were about to start throwing punches.
“Wait” I screamed.
“Don’t you guys have dignity, you mean, it will take the three of you to beat me up?”
One of them made an “O” with his mouth and covered his mouth with his palm, to express his shock.
“Una hear am? him say we no get dignity” he said in pidgin English.
The guy I once beat, was very furious.
“Dragon, let’s erase this guy” he said, facing the oldest.
The oldest of them was quiet.
“He’s right, just one of us is enough to give him a beating” he said
Then whispered something to him.
The guy who was even the less masculine of them, came first.
He stood for some seconds before me, then turned around like he was going to leave,
In a swift, he turned around again but this time with a fierce blow, aimed for my face.
I was at alert, I blocked the blow with my left hand, and sent a punch to his face.
My hand hurt a little, he began laughing.
Then glanced at his friends, who were watching with arms folded.
He brought another blow, I bent and aimed for his belly, he bent forward to agonise in pain, I lifted his head up with both my hands, and headbutt him on the nose.
Blood began gushing out of his nose.
I stood aside, after some minutes, he recovered a little after some time, he brought out his knife.
The oldest of them yelled at him to stop, he didn’t listen.
He wanted revenge, and since his strength and fighting skills couldn’t get him that, he opted to use his weapon.
He was aiming for my neck, he really wanted me dead.
I dodged by bending and moving away.
At a point, he got me, tearing flesh in the process, just beneath my left arm.
He laughed in Joy, when he noticed the blood gushing out.
I heard someone screaming from afar and running toward us.
It was Ibro, he was running at high pace toward us with a Sharp Cutlass, pointing to heaven.
There was nothing but Rage written all over his face.
The look on Ibro’s face didn’t seem like he was bluffing, Before Ibro even reached close, they had all fled.
I found out they weren’t really Cultist, just a group of boys, trying to rack me up, using their number to their Advantage.
Even while they were running Ibro was still chasing them, and yelling at them to stop and see.

He took me to a clinic where I was treated.
I thanked him a lot, we both left the clinic and left for home.
I don’t know how Sandra found out, she came a few hours later.
I was even already asleep when I heard the knock.
“I stood up slowly, in pain and opened the door”
“Oh my God, what happened to you Jeff” she screamed, with eyes bulging out.
“Relax dear, it’s nothing serious” I said
She walked into my apartment, threw her bag on the bed.
Then analysed the Injury through the Bandage.
“Does it hurt” she asked, gazing at the injury and glancing at my face in intervals.
“Just a little” I replied.
“What happened?”
“I was being attacked, by a Group of boys” I replied
She asked the big question I had been hoping she wouldn’t ask.
“What did you do to them?” she asked.
“Nothing, actually” I replied.
“Are you sure?”
“You know last semester, I made friends after winning the competition, I also made enemies”
“That’s true!” she said.
“So how are we sure something like this won’t happen again”
I kept quiet for a while.
“We can’t be sure, but we can be prepared”
She laughed a little.
I skipped class to take some rest, and analyse my next move, I bought a pocket knife, and stylishly hid it in wallet.
Two days later, I went to class, After the second lecture, a girl walked up to me.
She looked Familiar, but I wasn’t sure I knew her name.
“Jeff I am very upset with you!” she said
“Really? What did i do” I was seated, while she was standing in front of me.
I was really relaxed, whatever it was I believed I could handle it.
“I went to the stress, of printing a card, specially for you, with your name inscribed on it, and you didn’t come to my birthday party”
“Oh dear! am really sorry”
“Don’t just tell me you’re sorry, i need a good reason”
I laughed a little.
“What if I tell you I was almost murdered, is that a good reason”
“Am not kidding please!” she said.
“And neither am I” I added.
“What do you mean you were almost killed, by who, for what reason?”
“Doesn’t matter, what matters is am alive now”
She stared for some seconds
“Can I have your number?” she said.
“Yeah! Sure! why not?”
I gave it to her.
On Friday evening, One of the company staff called us all to meet.
I was somewhat upset, I had reserved my evening to rest and catch some fun.
I Intentionally arrived late, I met them playing music and dancing.
“Whats going on?” I asked
“Choreography!” the Staff replied.
I joined them, soon I got the move.
The Generator began fluctuating, at first we thought it was the fuel, but it wasn’t, there was enough fuel, the fuel was probably not reaching it’s destination.
While I was happy, this miserable session had reached a terminal.
NEPA responded positively, we switched the Fuse and continued playing the music.
After two hours of dancing, it was over.
We began returning the appliances to the store. Gladys and I began chatting in the Store, everyone left, save us, she was good company, we talked about a lot, past, present and future.
It was about 8pm, when we decided to leave.
I locked the store and was looking for the staff, to give the key to him.
I didn’t find him, I arrived at a resolution to keep the key, and show up early the following morning.
Sandra and I were about leaving when I noticed the bus rocking, from one side to another, followed by silent moans.
I glanced at Gladys, I scrolled through the apps of my Android phone looking for the “Torch widget”
I opened the back door of the bus, and Flashed my Phone.
I didn’t know if I was suppose to scream, laugh or yell.
It was the Motherfvcking Staff, he was screwing a lady there, she was trying to use her hair to cover her face.
But I deciphered her identity, it was Rose.
He was giving it to her from behind, thrusting and slapping his balls into her ¢unt.
I slowly dropped the keys on the floor of the bus and turned around to leave, pulling Gladys along, she looked like she had not seen enough.
We began laughing once we were far away from them.
The following day, the staff was acting professional, as if he had not been caught.
Rose continuously stared at me.
We moved from street to street, Playing music and Choreographing.
It was another successful weekend, coupled with the fact that our products were less than Market price.
We got our envelopes, I was gradually becoming a Big Boy, I had asked my mum not to bother sending money.
The following day at about 7am, I got a call from Gladys.
“Hey, Gladys, Good morning”
“Morning Jeff”
“Do you live alone?”
“Yeah, any problem?” I asked
“No, do me a favour, don’t go to church today”
“O….Kay” I replied
“I want to visit you, send me your address”
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 41

Rita sat across my thighs, I knew what she meant, I held her by her waist, lifted her up and dropped her on the couch. despite my $£xual cravings, I find it hard to sleep with someone else’s girlfriend.
I was about to begin explaining to her why I couldn’t do it, she stopped me.
“Please leave!” she said.

“You’re sending me away now?” I asked, puzzled.
“Yes, please leave” she repeated, with emphasis on the “leave”.
I grabbed my school bag, walked toward the door and turned around to look at her.
She was looking away, with so much anger written all over her face.
As much as I was aware I had made her really upset, I also knew I did the right thing. Every man should have his limits.
I had barely locked the door behind me, when I saw Capon, coming over.
I smiled a little, all the respect, the brotherhood, the loyalty. All of it would have been outrightly tarnished, if I had yielded to Rita’s desires.
It was his Girlfriend’s place, so I doubt he would have knocked.
“Jeff, my G!” he exclaimed from afar.
“Capon!”, we shook fiercely, the sound we produced even scared a dog, that was lying by the door.
“Jeff, I want to talk to you about something” he said.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“I saw the appliances you got for Rita, I really appreciate it” he said with his right palm on his chest.
“Ah, it’s nothing, that was the least I could do” I replied.
I later left Rita’s place, and left for home.
I saw from afar a lady standing by the door of my apartment.
I moved closer, and recognised her, it was Amarachi.
“Hey bae” I said with my arms widespread in anticipation of a hug.
Her arms were folded, I hugged her anyway.
“I know you must be really upset now”
“Truth or lies, which do you prefer?”
“Truth!” she replied.
I laughed a little,”Am not sure you can handle it” I said.
“Bring it on!” she said.
“Alright, every man has priorities, and am not sure you’re on the top of the list”
She sighed
Let’s go in, she said.
I opened the door, we both walked in, and I offered her something to drink.
“Still hanging out with your new lover?” I asked
She smiled.
“You mean Drake?”
“His name is Drake?” I asked
“Not really, that’s his Nickname”
“How did you guys meet?”
“He had been pestering me for over two weeks, I didn’t take him seriously.”
“On a certain day, he came to my class, he got on his knees, while all my classmates watched, and asked me to give him a chance.
“I must confess, I felt embarrassed, but I realised he must really have enormous feelings for me to go to that extent.
“So we picked it up from there, and he’s lived up to his every word.”
“You see, that’s the true love I had always been wishing for you, look at how fresh you look” I said.
She laughed hysterically.
To he honest, I knew I was going to miss sleeping with her, especially sucking and squeezing those bursty b°°bs of hers.
Friday evening, I arrived Mr Johnson’s office, I met the three Ladies, we greeted. Paul came later on.
They gave us all we would be needing, and coached us on how to go about it.
“Two of our Staff will be going with you for the first three weeks, until you get duly acquainted with how to run it.”

We were shown the bus, there was a construction on the top of the bus, that’s where would be advertising and performing.
Of the three ladies, only two of them were outspoken and lively, I honestly had not heard Lydia say a word before.
The following day, I wore a Jean, with the shirt assigned to us, and sneakers.
I arrived there by 9am, I met them all standing by the bus.
“Am I late?” I asked, to no one in particular.
Not really, Rose replied, with a smile.
One of the staff drove us to a street, we connected the speakers, and began playing music.
The four of them danced, while I sat by the side.
They were dancing in sessions, then both the staff, would publicise the products, the mobile phones and laptops. It was really effective, people were buying.
The Staff and the ladies were upset with me, it was written on their faces.
They believed I planned to sit aside and get paid for doing nothing at the end of the day.
We drove to another street, by 2pm. This street had more people passing by.
I Stood up, walked toward the laptop.
I scribbled through the songs, I found one I liked.
“Michael Jackson- Billy Jean”
I played it, people were already beginning to gather around the bus.
I did a backward slide, from one side of the bus to the other.
People were screaming, and not only the crowd, my colleagues and both the Staff too.
I was like,”You ain’t seen nothing and you screaming already?”
I switched to break dance, moving my bones in a robotic manner and in rhythm with the song.
The crowd were screaming and clapping, they definitely liked what they were seeing.
While Growing up, I fed my soul with Michael Jackson’s songs, and I made sure I perfected all his moves, and even invented a few of mine.
Because there was much more people gathered, we sold all the products, from the Android phones to the Laptops.
Technically, our official closing time was 6pm. But we left there by 4pm and back to the Company.
Mr Johnson was very happy, while we were in his office, from the side of my eyes, I noticed Gladys staring at me.
He gave each of us envelopes that contained money, our names were written on the envelopes.
I walked out of the office, I felt someone hold my hand from the side.
I turned to check who it was, it was Gladys.
“How do you know how to dance like that?”she asked
I smiled
“It’s something I do for fun, and now I get paid to do what I love”
“She laughed a little”
“Come with me” she said.
“To where?” I asked.
“To my place of course”
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 40

They were Paul, Gladys, Lydia and Rose.
My Johnson addressed us all, and urged us to be very committed, and assured us of unwavering payment as long as we kept our own side of the deal.
“Any Questions?” he asked, after he was done.
Gladys raised her hand
“Yes, Gladys”
“What if we perform and nobody buys the products, are we still going to get paid?”
we all laughed hysterically, it was a logical question.
“I doubt there would be a situation like that, we pay you to perform, in other to make our presence known, and attract the crowd, we’re not bestowing the responsibility of selling our products on you” he said.
We were all comfortable, with his reply.
He asked us to come by, Friday evening to get the things we’ll be needing on Saturday, stuffs like T-shirts, then he dismissed us.
I walked out of the company, and went back to school.
I was in class listening to lectures, the class was noisy, as if there wasn’t a lecture going on.
The Lecturer eventually got frustrated and asked us to tear sheets of paper for test.
“You can’t be serious!” someone screamed from the corner.
“Who said that?” the lecturer asked.
“The guy tried to hide”
“The lecturer threatened all the people in the region, where the voice came from. He was eventually snitched by his seat mate”
“I’ll show you how serious I am, young man leave my class” the Lecturer yelled.
And that’s how he missed the test.
The following day, I was walking in the School’s premises, someone dialled my phone.
I picked up.
“Jeff, turn around!” he said
“I turned around and saw a guy waving from afar” I hung up and walked toward him.
I recognised him when I was just few metres away, it was Dan, the guy I met in the Motor Park.
He was with two of his guys.
He left them, moved forward and shook me like It was the reunion of two old friends.
“My Guy, you too much” he said with a Big Grin.
“How your babe, I asked?”
“We’re rolling smooth” he said, demonstrating with his hands.
He introduced me to his two friends, and narrated how I helped him win Ezinne over for him, he added a few scenes to make it sound incredible.
They enjoyed the story, one of them extended his clinched fist so we could Knuckle it out.
I left Dan and his friends, as I was really hungry.
I didn’t have much money on me to use a restaurant, and I left my ATM card in my apartment.
I was about to stop a bike to head home. when I got a call from Rita.
“Hello J” she said.
“Hi Rita, how have you been, it’s been a while”
“Yeah, I’ve been fine” she said.
“Where are you now?”
“Am on my way home, I’m very hungry, you can even tell from my Voice”
“She was laughing”
“It’s funny abi?” I asked
“What a coincidence, and I have a lot to eat here, why don’t you come over?”she said.
“What do you have over there?” I asked.

“Just come over Jeff”
I quickly stopped a bike, I described the place to him, and hopped, without we even reaching an agreement.

I got to her place, knocked on the door.
“Come in!” she exclaimed from within.
I slowly pushed the door, and walked in.
Her Apartment was now properly stuffed, even better than it did before.
I met her wearing a short jeans, that stopped on her thighs, and a Vest.
Rita had pointing b°°bs, that stood like arrows waiting to be discharged.
She was sitting, she stood up, ran toward me and hugged me.
“Hey what was that for?” I asked.
“I miss you?”
“Well, if I don’t get something to eat, you’re really going to be missing me” I said.
she began laughing again, then walked to the kitchen. and came out with a nicely prepared delicacy. Hot Garri and Ogbono Soup, stocked with meat and fish.
God! that was just the type of food I needed.
I hungrily devoured it, while she watched.
“Rita, where do I start? this meal is wow, thank you very much”.
“You’re welcome ” she replied with a smile and cleared the plates
And came back, and sat beside me on the Couch.
“Now my vision is back, I can see your apartment is back and better” I said.
“Yeah, I got bought a few things”
“She placed her left hand on my lap, Jeff I want to ask you a Personal Question” she said
My hands were wide spread on the backrest,
“Yeah, go on” I said.
” Do you like me?” she asked
I stared at her for a couple of seconds.
“Yeah, of course I like you Rita”
She looked away, and kept mute, probably not satisfied with my answer.
I took my hands off the backrest and leaned forward.
“I placed my hands on her cheeks, so she could face me”
Instead of just turning her face, she turned and reached for my lips, k!ssing me in the process.
My eyes were open, while hers were closed.
I withdrew my lips, “Rita, you know I have a Girlfriend, and you’re with Capon”
“You’re the one I love” she said.
“I was astounded, she was in love with me?”
“I didn’t like the position she was trying to put me in”
“But I love Sandra” I said staring into her eyes.
“I know you love her, all I want from you, is for you to at least ‘like’ me,”she said
” But I like you!” I said.
“No Jeff, you don’t even find me attractive” she said.
I laughed.
“Rita,you’re very beautiful and attractive, I noticed it from the first day I saw you”
She blushed a little.
Then sat across my thighs.
“Prove you like me” she said
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 39

I had been counting on the fact, perhaps she’ll get over me after the long holiday.
I dialled her number, with only one motive, to get rid of her.
“Good evening”
“Jeff, Jeff” she said while laughing.
“What’s funny?” I asked
“You left without even Informing me, and while at home, you couldn’t even call me”
I kept quiet
“But I forgive you” she added.
“Come over to my place, or I’ll come over to your place, so all your friends can see, how you’re Fvcking an older woman”
That was really something I wouldn’t want to experience, The last time she visited, I had a quarrel with Jennifer.
I dressed up and left for her place.
I was scared, what if I clashed with Grace, What would be my excuse?
I got to her really enormous house.
I stood by the gate, to inform her of my arrival.
She must have also called her gateman to tell him to let me in, Because just few minutes later, he opened the Gate and asked me to go in.
I met her in the sitting room, watching a TV program.
She smiled at me and asked me to sit down, I sat down, she brought juice for me, and asked me about my holiday and how my life was going on.
“Do you know I can rap?” she asked.
“You can rap?” I had been frowning all along, but the thought and imagination of her rapping made me burst into laughter.
she stared at me for a couple of seconds.
“you don’t believe me?” she asked.
“of course I believe you” I replied, mockingly.
“No you don’t”

She stood up and walked toward her CD collections, she chose one and played it.
It was a 2pac song titled “Me and my Girlfriend.”
She rapped along, all through the whole rap, as in, from the beginning till the end.
A five minutes hip hop song, I stood there listening in disbelief.
She didn’t even miss a word.
“I love 2pac’s Songs” she said, immediately the song was over.
“You are incredible!” I said.
“What else can you do?” I asked
She came over to where I was, sat on my laps.
“I can have a Good time with you” she said then k!ssed me, I k!ssed her back.
I was beginning to find her irresistible, and that’s not a very good thing.
we k!ssed for about ten minutes, while she sat on my laps, she wasn’t very heavy.
She took off my T-shirt and undid my belt.
My rod was half way erect, she took it in her mouth, then used her thumb and index finger to wrap her hand around it.
She stared at me in the face, while she performed the mind blowing b.lowjob.
I supported her head with my hand, pushing it up and down on my rod.
In a minute later I was returning the favour, licking her ¢lits on the couch, while she moaned, she continuously slapped the couch, probably out of the immense pleasure.
my tongue was manipulating her ¢lits, while using two of my fingers to fingerfvck her.
A moment later, she shivered as she squirt.
she still had her dress on, so she took it off.
I slid my d!ck into her ¢unt, and began thrusting In and out, both my hands were on the backrest, her legs were wrapped around my waist. while I banged liked my life depended on it.
Her eyes grew bulgy, as she climaxed over and over.
I eventually climaxed too, but I didn’t stop thrusting, I continued into the Second round, Nonstop.
I think cumulatively, I spent over an hour thrusting in and out of her p*ssy in different styles.
I pleased her to the full, we hit the shower together, she wanted a third round in the bathroom, but I was completely tired, so I declined.
When I first had $£x with her, the previous semester, I felt an unbearable guilt, but now I felt fine.
I left her place for home, she wanted to drop me off, but I turned it down.
when I arrived home, I met Jennifer at the entrance of Ibro’s room, she ran toward me and hugged me.
“Jeff, I miss you” she said.
“I miss you too Jennifer, where is Ibro?” I asked.
I walked into Ibro’s room, we sat all three of us, chatting and laughing.
Ibro made both of us laugh, with his funny experiences over the holiday.
And he wasn’t even laughing along.
I had really became famous in the school, I made new friends and got lots of Green lights from several ladies, but I was just one person.
A lady walked up to me and invited me to her birthday party, I accepted the card, but I knew i wouldn’t be opportune to honour it.
I was walking pass, chemical Engineering department, when I met Grace.
The funny thing was, I neither called her nor heard from her, since the day we had $£x.
She probably admired my performance on the day of the dance competition and made it a commitment to have $£x with me.
We greeted and hugged. A very silly instinct popped up in my head
“Grace there’s something I want to tell you” I said.
“What’s that? she asked
“It’s about your mum and I”
“She glanced at her phone and looked at me again”
“If its about the fact that you’re screwing her, I already know”
“You already know?” I asked, shocked.
“Yeah, she told me.” she said.
“Jeff, I just hope you know what you’re doing, see you around” she said and walked away.
I wiped my forehead with my handkerchief and left too.

Two days later, I was In my apartment, doing nothing relevant. I got a call from Sandra, she had arrived, I was very happy.
I quickly dressed up and left for the motor park.
Tracing her wasn’t difficult, I met her standing on a platform, with her luggage by her side, I walked toward her and hugged her, not without a few kisses too.
We hopped into a taxi and left for her place, it was a twenty minutes drive.
I pulled her luggage into her apartment, her apartment was just as dusty as mine was, when I first arrived.
she sat on the bed, I sat beside her, she asked me to tell her about my holiday, I did, skipping the Eroti¢ parts of course.
“I almost died during the holiday” she said.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked, my heart already beating faster
“Hmm, My sister and I went to the market to purchase some things, thirty minutes after we left, a petrol tanker lost brakes and collapsed, and guess what, it was at that same spot we were at” she said.
I just stood staring at her.
“It just dawned on how horrible I would feel, if anything happened to her”
“Even God wouldn’t let you live me all alone in this messed up planet” I said.
She began laughing, I wasn’t laughing at all.
unknown to her, she wasn’t the only one who had a near death experience.
We kissed for about eight minutes, I thought she was gonna take it further, instead she withdrew her lips and said.
“You and I will be going to church together, tomorrow” she said.
“You mean you were planning for tomorrow while we were k!ssing?” I said.
She laughed, pulled me closer and k!ssed me again.
“Sorry, but am serious, you and I will be going to church tomorrow, as a couple.”
“Alright, You must be hungry, let’s go grab something to eat” I said
“That’ll be after I take my bath” she said.
She left to take her bath, while I lay on the bed with my back, she came out of the bathroom with just her towel wrapped around her chest.
I had never really noticed how deadly $£xy she was, I stared at her upper thighs, which was very light in complexion, then a portion of her cleavage.
I don’t know if she did it intentionally, but I was in her bedroom.
And my d!ck was beginning to give me away.
“I’ll be in the sitting room” I said as I walked out of of the bedroom to give her space.
“She giggled”
I got to the sitting room, just scouring the internet, for more enlightenment on a subject we treated the previous day.
She came by twenty minutes later, in a very pretty dress.
We left to our favourite restaurant.
We talked and ate, she really had lots of tales to share from her holiday.
we left the restaurant and left back to her place.
I stood outside, while she stood by the entrance.
she came down and we k!ssed, while the taxi driver watched.
I left her and took the same taxi home.
The following day, I woke early, dressed up, and left for Sandra’s place.
“I thought you wouldn’t come?” she said.
“Why not?” i asked
“I don’t know, you just didn’t seem like you loved the idea”
“of course I do, what gives me more joy than flaunting your beauty to the world”
“She laughed and amidst laughter she said.
“Jeff, you are so good with words”
I took it as a compliment. Her apartment was now in order, all the dust and cobwebs were gone.
Sandra fellowshipped with “Assembly of God’s church” it was close to her apartment, so we walked..
We sat beside each other in church as the pastor preached, his words really moved me, and I realised how I had been spiritually starving.
The service was over, Sandra exchanged gestures with people she was acquainted with, and introducing me to a few.
We eventually left the church and walked home, with hands intertwined.
“How was the service?” she asked
“I love it”
“hahaha, we should do this often” she said.
We got home, to her home, precisely. she prepared food and we ate.
We kept chatting, with Sandra, we never run out of things to talk about, I opened up to her much more than I did with anybody else.
I stayed there till evening Before I left.
The following day, being Monday, I got a call, it was Mr Johnson, the company man.
“Mr Jeffrey!”
“Good morning sir” I greeted.
“Morning Jeff, are you still interested in what we talked about?”
“Yeah sure, I was just trying to settle before contacting you” I replied.
“Okay, can you be at my office, in an hour time?”
My Monday lectures commenced by 11am, so I could afford it, I thought.
I arrived his Company, I still had knowledge of where it was located.
I met his secretary, she called him over the phone to inform him.
She later asked me to go in, I walked into the office,
I met Mr Johnson along with a guy and three Ladies.
They were to be my fellow colleagues.
To Be Continued…


Strange: British Woman Marries Dog In ‘Romantic’ Expensive Wedding Ceremony (Photo)

A woman has vowed against men and married her pet dog. 47 year old Amanda Rodgers from Brixton in south London was married to a man 20 years ago, but the relationship unfortunately lasted no more than a few short months, so dismayed she decided to swear against men and turn to dogs.
Amanda states that the reason she decided to wed her pet dog was because she had all the qualities that she was looking for in a life partner: “Sheba had been in my life for years, making me laugh and comforting me when I was feeling low.”
Proceedings started out in a traditional way, when Amanda got down on one knee and proposed to her pet dog, Sheba. Though the dog could not respond, Rodgers says that she “could tell by her tail wagging that she said yes.”

More than 200 people attended the wedding which took place in Split, Croatia. Rodgers embraced the day fully making sure that everything was to her liking, adding that: “I’d dreamed of a perfect wedding dress since I was small, I made it myself for the ceremony. The day was wonderful, more fun than the marriage. I gave her a kiss to seal the deal and then everyone threw confetti. It was a wonderful moment.”
Despite it being a rather strange situation, Amanda doesn’t care what other people might think: “I know the wedding to Sheba wasn’t real in the legal sense. But was a nice way to mark what Sheba means to me. Sheba’s never unkind to me and she’s always happy.”


8 Silly Things Men Do During Se x That Leads To Pregnancy

It's hard to believe that so many of us came about by accidental discharge, following the way we behave these days.Even amongst married folks who are licensed to have S ex, we hear horror stories of unplanned pregnancies. No wonder abortion clinics are popping out just about everywhere. People seem not to care about safe Se x or understand the simple meaning of contraception.
Well, I’m not here to educate you on that. You can check your local community health care center for proper information. My job here is to let you in on what happens when someone comes and tells you that they got accidentally pregnant.
I will not blame the female folk today until next time. Guys are going to get the heat for this one.
Here are 8 times men get stupid during S ex and produce an offspring.
1. “I Pull Out Before I Shoot Out’
Didn’t they tell you that your pre-cum has enough sperm from your last wank session to father a child? Oh okay, you pee in-between sessions. Nice move. But you can’t honestly tell me that there weren’t a few slip-ups in all your pull out encounters. You and I know that the sweetest part is when you offload all your goods in the right warehouse. So stop applauding yourself for staining the sheets. And just a little reminder, someone in the bible days died because of this type of thing.
2. ‘It’s The Woman’s Responsibility To Handle Contraception’
This is how so many clueless men have been lied to. She tells you she’s on the pill or that she’ll pop some after and you believe and go in without protection. This same babe will come back a month later and tell you the pill(s) didn’t work. Dude, never believe any of that nonsense a woman says before Se x. Always have yourself locked and loaded.
3. ‘I Tear Open The Condom Package With My Teeth’
It’s good to get the mouth, and sometimes even the teeth involved during Se x but please, use your fingers to tear open the condom package. Why? To avoid poking a hole into the condom, stupid. The only hole you should be poking should be… never mind. The wise ones understand what I’m talking about. 

4. Putting On Or Taking Off The Condom During Se x
Okay, seriously I don’t get this part. You start having Se x then halfway, for whatever reason, you say ‘oops! sorry, I forgot to use a condom’ and then you put one on. Have you heard of pre-cum? Obviously not. Google it. Then for those of you who decide ‘this condom thing is killing my vibe’ and decide to remove it halfway, please go for quality stuff next time or learn how to wear on a condom correctly or just get married and stay faithful mbok.
5. ‘We Had Se x During Her Period’
First of all…eww! Second, don’t deceive yourself. Women have and can get pregnant during their periods. Some medical practitioners will not agree to this but others will. It has been found that some women ovulate when they are menstruating, so next time while dipping into the Red Sea, be sure to use a life jacket. If you go releasing your little swimmers with no protection, one of them is bound to swim upstream and catch something you’re not prepared for.
6. I’ve Had The Condom For Three Years
My dear brother, I know it’s a quality brand product and probably cost you a few hundred naira and you’re saving it for prime V, or just maybe you haven’t been laid in a long time; but it’s no reason for you to leave it in your wallet until it either expires or becomes useless. Use it when it’s still good or throw it away.
7. ‘I Like My Condom Tight’
And so you push your p*n*s all in to fill the condom tip. Bros, unless your p*n*s is shaped exactly like a condom, please desist from tightening things in there. You have to leave that space for the spill. If you don’t, the condom will break. I’m tempted to say it’s not ‘rocket’ science but erm…
8. ‘We Had S ex While Standing’
First of all, buhahahahaha! For real? So, let me understand the logic. You did it while standing and all of the semen spilled to the floor and none was left in her. Hmmm… In physics, following the law of gravity, it makes sense. But not in biology, which may have a law somewhere that states ‘what goes in, stays in’. You should know that the virginal is one place that may not have a door but has a way of keeping things in. Be Warned!
Basically, just don’t be stupid during S ex. Protect yourself and your woman. Use a condom

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Photos : Ghanian Boy Uses A Lady For Money Rituals

A 23 years old lady (name withheld) met her untimely death when her newly found rich boyfriend decided to use her for money rituals.

According to information gathered by, the lady is known for dating only boys with cars. She intentionally target Sakawa boys to enable her get more money. If you don’t own a car then she will never date you.
On this faithful day, her rich boyfriend came to pick her up so that they will go and enjoy themselves. After about a week, the lady has still not gotten home and so her family became worried. All her phones were switched off. All effort to reach her proved futile.
The brother of the lady finally spotted the sakawa boy riding in town and he immediately stop him to enquire about her sister, but then the boy got out of the car and run away.
When the car was searched, they found the young lady in the boot of the car with a snake. It is sad, but then some young ladies like money too much.

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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 38

Ihad always been eager to nail Daniela, but with the time and closure we shared together In the restaurant, there was more about her that interests me other than her ¢unt.
Her present action was probably because she also had a crush on me, coupled with the fact, that I’ll soon be Unavailable.
While she was still trying to undo my buttons, almost tearing some of them apart, I held both her hands.
“Daniela, do you really want to do this?”
She stopped and looked into my eyes, then leaned forward and kissed me.

“I want to do this with you Jeff”
I had gotten the consent i needed, it was about time I showed her what she had been missing.
I pulled her closer, then kissed her back, this time in a more emotional manner.
I lifted her up, and walked into her bedroom.
She giggled a little, when I did that.
I dropped her on the bed, k!ssed her lips, her neck, her cleavage, down to her navel.
I was taking my time. I took off her dress, then unhooked her b.ra
I moved back a little, and stood with my hands on my waist.
“What is the problem?” she asked
“You are beautiful, Daniela”
She blushed.
I got on the bed and continued romancing her, I slid my hand into her Panties and manipulated her ¢lits, she moaned in pleasure, holding my hand, and stirring it further,
I later took off her panties to reveal her V*Gina, a nicely shaved ¢unt was pointing to the ceiling
I adjusted myself between her legs, then immersed my head in it and began licking her p*ssy. She loved it, all ladies do.
But she couldn’t handle it, the pleasure was too much for her, she began begging me to stop, I didn’t, I continued till she climaxed.
I took off my clothes till I was as n@ked as she was.
I slowly tried to slid my d!ck into her ¢unt.
But It was like trying to punch through a wall.
“God let this not be what I think it is.”.
“Daniela, are you a Virgin?”
She hesitated for a while, then nodded in affirmation.
I immediately got off the bed and began putting back on my clothes,
“Am sorry I can’t do this” I kept saying.
She hurriedly got off the bed, and held my hands.
“Please Jeff, I want to do this, help me out”.
I still refused.
I don’t want to be the Victim when she one day screams at me saying ” I took her Virginity”.
Very common with ladies.
“Daniela, you’re very beautiful and attractive, and am sure you’ll find someone to deflower you, sorry, but it won’t be me.”
I said still trying to put on my trouser, she held onto it, in a restricting manner.
“Jeff! please, I beg you” tears was flowing down her cheeks.
It really broke my heart, I slowly sat on the bed, with my trouser still hanging on my knees.
“Why me? I mean of all people you chose me, even with the knowledge that am with someone else, it doesn’t really makes sense” I said
She sat beside me on the bed, placed her hand on my bare lap,
“You’re a great guy Jeff, you were honest with me, not too many guys would have done that, many men have lied to me to try to get me to bed.
This is what I want Jeff, you won’t need to feel guilty after this” she said.
Her words softened me a little.
I turned to face her, she leaned forward and kissed me.
“Okay let’s get back to what we started” she said.
I took off my clothes.
“We’ll need a lubricant” I said
She placed her hand under the bed, and brought out a liquid lubricant.
She must have really gotten everything figured out.
I got ¢ondom from my wallet, and rolled it on my rod, to ease the penetration.
I applied the lubricant on her V*gina, and on my rod.
I slowly tried to slid it in, on first attempt, it didn’t go in.
And she was moaning in pains.
I was beginning to sweat, in a swift move, I Instantly slid it in with so much force.
The cap of my d!ck got in, and that was all I needed.
“Daniela, opened her mouth wide, in pain Then began laughing.
I joined her and we were both laughing.
I began moving in and out, continuously.
Neither of us truly enjoyed the $ex.
I continued thrusting slowly in the missionary position.
It was soon over, and by over I mean when i felt I had opened the gateway for her.
but I didn’t ¢um, we both walked into the bathroom, when we were almost done she squatted and took my d!ck in her mouth.
I was very happy when she did that, at least its a small way of paying me back.
The b.lowjob wasnt the best of all b.lowjobs, it was coming from an amateur anyway, her teeth kept bruising my rod.
She eventually stroked my d!ck till I came.
We later left the bathroom.
“Who taught you how to give b.lowjobs I asked”
She began laughing then pointed to her DVD area.
I can’t believe I didn’t see it when I came in.
There was a “Deflowering p*orn Cassette”
Daniela had been busy watching, I left her place, she was so thankful, she sent me messages on Whatsapp, with smileys indicating she was happy.
The following day, the day I would be heading back to school, I got my luggage ready and was about to leave.
I devised a plan with my mum, I asked her to send Chinaza on an errand, and before she returned, I had left.
I was trying to evade the emotional Goodbyes.
I thought the previous semester was the height of my Sexcapades, this Second semester was even Worse.
I got to the Motor Park, I got a seat,and sat, while I waited for other passengers to arrive.
I connected my ear piece to my phone and was listening to music.
Someone tapped me on the back.
“Guy are you also a student?” he asked.
“Yeah” I replied.
He left the seat he was sitting on, and moved forward to sit beside me.
He extended a handshake.
“Am Dan, he said”
“Am Jeffrey, but call me Jeff” I replied.
We continued talking and having a chit-chat, he asked me questions like which department I belonged to and which level.

At a point it got annoying, I wanted to listen to my music, his continuous questioning and gist compelled me to keep taking the ear piece off my ears and asking him to repeat his statements.
After two hours of traveling, the bus broke down, the fuel pump developed problem, the driver and a few other guys who thought they could help, were trying to fix it.
Some of the passengers sat under trees, some were standing under the sun, hissing and continuously glancing at their wrist watches.
“Leave me alone, I don’t like you! is it by force” A lady said, from the other side of the bus.
I was at the other side so I went around the bus, to witness the scene.
It was Dan, the guy that sat beside me, he was trying to make the best of this menace by toasting the young lady.
The girl moved away from him, he moved closer to her again, with his hands pointing to his chest. As he spoke
“Babe, I promise to take care of you, all you have to do is invite me into your heart” He said.
I almost burst into laughter, I did actually.
Under this hot sun, the only thing on this guy’s mind is to woo this babe.
I walked toward them, still laughing.
The girl noticed me laughing, and was beginning to laugh along with me.
“Young lady” I began, with my hand around her back.
“Haven’t you considered the possibility, that the reason why this bus broke down was so you can meet this handsome guy, I said pointing to Dan”
He was frowning when I arrived thinking I was there to ruin it for him, he began smiling after I made that statement.
“Show some love sweetheart, not too many people get this opportunity to find someone professing undying love to them” I said..
I winked at Dan, then left them.
After about an hour, the Bus responded, they were somehow able to tweak the fuel pump to function again.
We all got in and zoomed off.
“Guy ah swear, you be correct Guy” Dan said.
He brought out his phone to show me her contact. He saved it as Ezinne.
He Requested for my number too, I gave it to him.
After another two hours journey, we finally reached our destination, at about 6:30pm.
Dan promised to call me, before we parted in the motor park. He said he wanted to see a relative of his before heading Into School.
I took a taxi to my Apartment, It was very dusty, I dropped my luggage by the bed, then lay on the bed.
I was soon lost in a deep sleep, I was exhausted, so it wasn’t unexpected.
I woke up by 9pm, to the sound of a knock on my door.
“Yes, Who’s by the door?” I asked.
“It’s your Guy, Ibro!” he responded.
With weary eyes I opened the door, he was looking really Good and Fresh.
We greeted in our Guy ways.
Since I was awake, I decided to call Sandra.
“Hello Love” I said, immediately she picked up.
“I thought you wouldn’t call me to inform me of your arrival” she said.
“I wouldn’t dare” I replied
“So when are you arriving?”
“Next week” she replied.
“Next week? That’s a long time, you mean I’ll be alone without you in school for a whole week?”I said.
She laughed a little, “I’ll be there before you know it.”
” I love and miss you Jeff” she added.
“I love you too Sandra” I said and hung up.
Then called all my Crew Guys, to Inform them, some of them were in school, while a few were yet to resume.
When I called Rita, she was crying.
“Rita what is the problem?” I asked.
“Jeff please come over to my place” she said.
I wasn’t only tired, I was famished, so I took my bath, and left to grab something to eat in a restaurant.
Before heading to Rita’s place.
I saw the door wide open, it had been reaped from it’s hinges.
I met her sitting on her bed, with head in between her legs. I sat beside her, she raised her head to see who it was.
I looked around the room, it was almost empty.
All her appliances that I once saw were gone.
“They took everything!” she exclaimed, and cried louder.
I raised her head up and hugged her.
“Its Alright dear” I said while patting her on the back. I really felt for her.
The following day, I had no classes, so I hired a guy to come fix the door.
I took a taxi to the market, I bought her a Standing fan, and a pressing iron, which I considered to be her basic needs.
She was surprised by the gesture.
I didn’t do it because I expected anything in return. It’s just in my nature.
There’s a certain Feeling I get when people look at me in the face, with Joy and Appreciation written all over their face. Its a priceless Feeling.
Days went bye, everything was smooth, Amarachi didn’t bother checking up on me, and neither did I on her. She had a boyfriend she loved now, which was what I had always wished for her.
On the Thursday of that same week, I came back from class. And took my bath, I had just left the bathroom, walking into the room, I noticed my phone’s notification light was blinking.
I picked it up to check. it was a message from Grace’s Mum.
It reads
“Make sure you come to my Place, Tonight!”
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 37

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing aloud. I was thrilled by the realisation that I wasn’t the only one being controlled by $exual urge afterall.
I walked back into the restaurant, I met Daniela still sitting in the same position, I had a Grin on my face.
“What’s Intriguing you?” she asked.
I sat on the chair.

“Queen and her ‘friend’ are having a good time”
“She opened her mouth wide, her left hand on my laps”
“Don’t tell me it is what I think it is”
“I nodded” almost laughing this time around.
She stood up, and tip toed towards the bathroom, she came back with her hand covering her mouth.
“Queen! Queen!” she said, stretching the “Queen” a bit.
A moment later, Queen came off the bathroom, then few minutes later her Friend did the same.
They didn’t want to arouse any suspicion so they came out separately, little did they know, their cover had been blown
Looking at Queen’s Countenance, no one would believe she just had $ex, some people can be very hypocritical.
Daniela and I glanced a few times.
It was just two weeks to Resumption, the dawn of another semester.
I had not called Linda since that day, and she didn’t call me either
Few days later, Yemi called me, asking me to meet her in the Clinic.
“What for?” I asked
“Just come meet me in the Clinic” she said
“Which clinic? I asked
“Community clinic” she replied.
I left the restaurant, took a bike to the clinic, she welcomed me with a hug.
She was really serious, when she once said we’ll be having blood tests.
A nurse came by and took our blood samples.
We waited for over an hour, she came back with two documents.
It was the results of the blood tests.
We were both serene, Yemi was so happy, she k!ssed me, while other Nurses and patients watched.
“We are going to my place now, she said”
“No, No way, I don’t want to be around your residence anymore”
She laughed and said.
“Have you forgotten so soon what I can do?”
Either because she frightened me or she convinced me enough, I followed her.
On our way going, one of her tires went Flat.
Luckily for us, there was a Spare tire at the back of the jeep, coupled with Wheel spanner and a lifter.
It took me about thirty minutes to change the tires.
We got to her house, I met the gullible gateman.
We walked into her house, she offered me something to drink.
Then changed into G-strings and b.ra
“Do you wanna know how I lost my Virginity?” she asked
“No I don’t think I want to know” I replied.
She giggled.
“I was Virgin till I got married,” she said.
“What! you’re married?” I asked, in shock.
“I was married, we got divorced” she said, then sipped from her beer
“Through out my teenage life, while my friends had fun and shared their different $exual encounters with boys, I chose to keep myself for that Special man. I was so silly.” she said
“And Unluckily for me, the man I considered ‘Special’ turned out to be an @sshole. I still hate him”
She drank up all the content of the tumbler.
“And now I plan on catching up on all those Unexplored Fun”
“Do you love your girlfriend?” she asked
I hesitated, for a while.
“A lot” I replied.
She laughed and requested for her Pix.
I got a picture of Sandra from my phone and handed the phone to her.
She saw it, her facial expression changed a bit.

“She’s pretty!” she said
“You can bet” I replied with a grin.
She threw the phone on the couch.
“Alright let’s get to business” she said.
Then undid my belt, and pulled off my Jean, with so much force, like she was a little upset.
“Hey take it easy.” I said
then took off my shirt,
She licked the cap of my d!ck, and stared at me while at it, the sensation was sweet.
She licked it, like it offered a pleasurable taste to her mouth, Like my d!ck was a lollipop to be precise.
She later Stretched and took off her G-strings and b.ra
oh! her b°°bs were the killer, her complexion made it look even more attractive.
She sat on my laps and slowly inserted my d!ck into her p*ssy.
¢ondoms zaps a fraction of the pleasure from $ex, and some would say they derive more pleasure having $ex with ¢ondoms.
She rode my rooster, moving up and down on it, like her life depended on it.
She moved her @ss in a circular manner, and it felt great.
“Do that again” I said.
She made another circular movement, damn! it felt awesome.
I stood up, and held her @ss in the air. While I banged her in that manner.
She moaned, I was carrying her whole weight while thrusting, I did that for a couple of minutes.
then dropped her, and turned her over, her hands were on the couch while her @ss was pointing to the sky.
I stood behind her, Slid in my d!ck and began thrusting, my balls slapping her Well, coupled with my thrusts, produced thrilling sounds.
We spent about twenty minutes in that position.
Before I came.
“How are you able to carry my weight?” she asked
“I never thought you would be able to do that, ave never had it in that manner” she said.
We had another round, before I left.
Daniela, and I had been chatting on Whatsapp
Two days before resumption, I told her I’ll be traveling.
She asked me to visit her before leaving.
She sent me her address through whatsapp, I would be leaving on monday, so i visited her on Sunday, when she would be free, i traced the address
I knocked on her door, she came out, looking even more prettier than I had ever seen her while at the restaurant.
She wanted to offer me something to drink, but I turned it down.
I sat on the couch, she came and sat on the armrest.
We were just gisting and laughing, she held my fingers in her hands.
I looked up to gaze into her eyes, she leaned forward and k!ssed me.
then withdrew her lips and smiled.
“I’ve been longing to do that” she said.
“Daniela, am sorry, I have a girl….”
she probably knew what I was about to say.
She blocked my lips with her middle finger.
And said.
“I know!”
She began unbuttoning my shirt.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked
She looked at me for a while, then continued unbuttoning my shirt.
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 36

My Heart skipped a beat, when I saw the gun.
“I had never been this threatened, and for what reason? Because of a woman, a woman I don’t even love”
They left, but looking at their disposition, they were hardcore thugs.
One of Yemi’s men, must have noticed my affair with Yemi. Or maybe it was the Gateman who disclosed me to someone else? Whichever way, my life was in danger.

I instantly deleted Yemi’s number.
A lot crossed through my mind as I left for the restaurant.
I found a chair in the restaurant, I sat there for about two hours, thinking and evaluating my life.
“What kind of dangerous life am I living?” I asked myself.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
My mother and her three employees were all laughing.
“What are you thinking about? i called you thrice” my mum said.
Instead of giving her an answer. I just apologised.
Half an hour later, Daniela walked up to me.
“Hey what’s wrong with you?” she asked.
“I’ve been thinking” I replied, wiping my face with my right palm.
“Thinking about what?” she asked
I smiled at her
“I’ve been thinking about what it will take me to win your heart”
I said.
She stared into my eyes, for some seconds.
she looked away trying not to let me see the blush on her face.
“Come on Daniela, you can’t say you don’t like me too”
“I like you Jeff,” she said and walked away.
Daniela was very pretty, am not sure I would be able to certainly describe her looks, I had a lot of times seen many customers request for her number, which she continuously denied them.
While I was busy having a crush on Daniela, Queen had her eyes on me, and she wasn’t scared to show me.
She stared at me, even when she knew I was looking.
“Am very sorry I left my wallet at home, I will bring the money to you, as soon as I get home. I promise.” A man said from the corner.
“Sir, am sorry we do not allow such” Daniela replied him.
“He continued begging”
“Am sorry sir I’ll have to call my Boss” she said.
She left and came back with my mum.
I stood aside, Observing.
“Yes, what is the problem?” my mum asked.
“Madam, I truly apologize, I left my wallet at home, I’ll get your money to you as soon as I get to my apartment”
My mum, was about to let him go. When I stepped in
I love and respect her a lot, so most times, I let her make her decision first, before I chip in my suggestion.
When I walked up to them, the girl he was with saw me, she began putting her hand in her bag, like she was going to get the money out of it and shave off this display of shame.
I winked at her, meaning “She shouldn’t pay”
My observation paid off, this guy is a scammer.
He had two plans, either to make an excuse, forcing the girl to pay, or beg to be allowed to leave, never to return.
The expensive suit he wore, still had its label at the back of his collar, only a careful observer would notice it, meaning it was either a borrowed suit or a hired suit.
“Sir you forgot your wallet?”
He turned to me.
“Yes sir!” he said.
Sorry about that.
“can we have your phone as eco lateral?”
he kept quiet for a moment.
He couldn’t possibly deny having his phone too, because his date, I believe, knows better.
“He brought out his android phone and handed it over to me” then they both left.
I smiled at his lady, she smiled back.
when I told everyone else, what I observed, they all broke into laughter.
Guess what, that dude didn’t return till a week later.
Yemi called me, a few days later, “Hello, who am I speaking with?”
“Is this a joke? Jeff you deleted my number or what?” she said.
“Am sorry Yemi, I can’t be with you anymore, not when it has turned into a life and death issue” I said
“What do you mean by life and death? she asked.
I just hung up.
And I didn’t see her for about a week.
On a Thursday, I decided to walk home, I was walking with both my hands in my pockets, and lost in my thoughts.
I got a call from Linda, i stopped and picked the call.
“Hey Linda”
“Turn around” she said.
I turned around and saw her waving.
I walked to her
“Linda whatsup, whatsup, what are you doing here?”
“Going home, I visited my aunt, she owns that Super market” she replied, pointing across the road.
“Your Aunt has a super market? Why don’t you work for her then?”
“I don’t like her”She said
I laughed.
“Follow me home”she said
“What? No i can’t do that”
“please” she pleaded.
“What about your boyfriend?”
“He’s at work” she replied.
“So you want to cheat on him with me?”
She eventually convinced me to follow her, i wish I didn’t.
We got home, she hurriedly took off my clothes, pulled my trousers down, and began giving me a b.lowjob.
I supported her head, pushing it up and down on my d!ck.
“Linda open the door” A masculine voice called out.
A voice I was familiar with. “The Voice of her boyfriend!”
“Linda Open the door Na” he yelled out again.
If this Guy and I were to clash, especially when I was about boning his babe, it would be a brutal fight.
And he would be at the winning side, because guilt wouldn’t let me fight back.
My only salvation, was, there was a Back door in her apartment.
I wasn’t the only one Scared, Linda was scared too, she Whispered to me, begging me to leave.
In shame, I walked through the back door, then Climbed the Fence and jumped out.
‘My life was a mess, and I knew, If I meet a Soothsayer and he tells me my life would be cut short because of women. I wouldn’t Argue.’
I didn’t even know what I wanted. I arrived home, Chinaza welcomed me, she was cooking then, while Michael was out to play football.
I took my bath and was watching a Hollywood romance movie in my room. I got a call from Yemi. I rejected it, she continued calling, nonstop.
She eventually stopped calling.
Ten minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.
“Yes who’s there?”
“Its Chinaza, there’s a woman looking for you”
“A woman?”
“I had had enough misery for one day, I hope and pray it isn’t Yemi. Beside it can’t be Yemi, she doesn’t know where I live” I thought as I dressed up.

I opened the main Gate, It was actually Yemi, I was really scared and thankful, my Mum wasn’t home.
“Yemi what are you doing here?” I asked.
“She began laughing”
“You didn’t want to see me, so I decided to see you.” she said.
“Are we going to keep talking in front of your house, aren’t you going to invite me in?” she added
“No I can’t invite you in” I said, without even giving it a thought, it was totally not even an option
“Alright she said, then walked to her car, she opened the door, then turned to look at me”
“Common! Get in will you?” she said
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere safe, she replied”
“I can’t be seen with you, my life is at stake here.”
“Relax, I have this under control” she said
I sat in the passenger’s seat, while she drove.
We were driving through the city, then she began driving into remote areas, places I never knew existed.
“Yemi where are you taking me to?”
“Relax” she said again.
it was about 6pm, everywhere was beginning to get dark.
She finally stopped, she left her headlights on
This place was completely off the city.
There was only a few remote houses.
Five guys came out of an Uncompleted building, I recognised three of them, they were the ones who threatened me few days ago.
I was slowly moving backwards in a bid to pick race.
“Jeff, calm down” she said.
“Yemi are you trying to end my life?” I asked her, my eyes fixed on their fierce faces.
She was laughing.
“Do you recognise any of them?” she asked.
“Yeah, those three threatened to kill me if they ever see me hanging out with you”.
“They were hired by Chief Bankole, a politician, its a shame, he died yesterday” she said.
“So I brought you here to show you how safe you were.” she added
I stood there not knowing what to say.
“Did Yemi Just kill the man who threatened me?”
Get in the car she said” I got into the car and we left.
“Bankole hired them to threaten you, he later changed his mind and told them to kill you, you’re lucky I found out soon, she said and turned to glance at me.”
My eyes were fixed On the road, but my mind was far away.
“So I paid them double to kill him” And they did.” Yemi said
She stopped, the car, by the road side.
“You have nothing to be afraid of” she said.
“And don’t you dare think about leaving me” she added.
I turned to look at her, I think that was a threat.
“I own you Jeff,” she said, with Emphasis On the “Own”
Now get to the backseat! she said
“What for?” I muttered
“To repay me for saving your life.”
I got to the backseat.
She moved to the backseat too, took off her P@nties and spread her legs.
I sat there staring at her, the sight of her N@ked wasn’t even turning me on.
She noticed my Non interest
She leaned forward, pulled my cheek muscle with her fingers.
“Jeff Darling, don’t you feel like you owe me?”
“I do, I replied”
Actually I did owe her, She just saved my life. Yes! But she killed someone, and how was she able to know where I lived?.
She was so powerful and connected, I doubt if she was just a secretary as she said.
I Adjusted in the car, and began licking her V*gina.
she loved it, I licked her ¢lits, and everything else, like one licking from a mango fruit.
She later stopped me and requested for penetration, I brought out my wallet to check if I still had ¢ondoms left.
“And that reminds me” she said.
“You and I won’t be using ¢ondoms” she said.
“Now give it to me raw” she added.
“Am sorry, but I prefer using condoms” my voice sounded silly, like a four year old asking for favours from his parents.
She began laughing.
“Okay, but one of these days, you and I are going to go for tests”
I had just one ¢ondom left in my wallet.
I brought it out and rolled it on my d!ck.
Then slid it into her ¢unt, and began thrusting.
With my present state, I knew I was going to last a long while, as my mind wasn’t fully into the $£x.
We continued Fvcking in the Orthodox missionary position, the car was bouncing in rhythm.
After fifteen minutes we were done.
She asked for more, but I had no more ¢ondoms and it was 8pm already.
So she drove me back to my home.
Two days later, I went to the restaurant as usual, a Guy friend of Queen, came by, my mum was at home.
It began, raining so there was Virtually no customers.
Queen later excused herself, to the bathroom.
ten minutes later she wasn’t back, the other guy left for the bathroom too.
Daniela and I began talking.
“Jeff, why do you like me?” she asked
I began laughing.
“What’s funny? she asked”
“Daniela, if you have feelings for me why don’t you just say it, instead of trying to find out if its mutual”
She kept quiet, with her hands on her Jaw
“I like you Daniela, and maybe its even more than “Like,” you’re a decent Girl and I respect you too, she began blushing. And if I didn’t already have a girlfriend, I would have longed asked you out” I said
Her facial expression changed, when I mentioned “girlfriend”.
I just figured its about time, I began being honest with ladies, instead of giving them false hope.
As the environment was very cold, I excused myself to pee, I got to the Men’s bathroom, I opened the sink.
That’s when I heard moans of Ecstasy coming from the women’s bathroom.
The urge to Pee, suddenly Vanished.
The moans weren’t audible from the cortex of the restaurant because of the rain.
I peeped through the keyhole.
Your guess is as good as what I saw.
It was Queen and her “Friend” as she introduced him.
“He was Screwing her”
To Be Continued…


Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 35

I wasn’t really eager to see my result, I later logged onto the the School’s portal and checked my result, one word, Flawless!
I showed it to my mum, she was happy, as I anticipated, nothing gives me more satisfaction than putting a smile on her pretty face.

Yemi kept calling me and inviting me to her place, i turned it down. She leaves work for home by 6pm.
So I promised her Saturday.
Linda kept calling, I decided to pick up.
“Jeff!” she said.
“Yes Linda” I replied.
“Am really sorry about the other day”
“Is he your boyfriend?” I asked.
“Yes!” she replied.
I laughed.
“Why are you laughing?” she asked.
“you’re a bad girl, you were fvcking me, even when you had a boyfriend” I said, and continued laughing.
“Doesn’t he give it to you as much as you want it?”
“Exactly!” she screamed
I amplified my laughter
“But you know we can’t keep meeting right? Linda you see, I like you, you’re a pretty girl, but you deserve a love life and I can’t promise you that”
She kept quiet.
“I know what am doing Jeff” she said and hung up the call.
Ever since I saw those hot employees my mum had, I felt magnetised to the restaurant. This time around, we were well acquainted.
On the thursday, I was in the restaurant, having a conversation with Daniela, she was the prettiest of them all.
“Daniela can I ask you a personal question?”
“Hmm, how personal?” she asked
“I think its very personal”
I was standing, while she was arranging some utensils.
“You’re a pretty girl, obviously, why hasn’t anybody caught up with you?”
she stretched to look at me, smiled, then continued what she was doing.
“How do you know nobody has?” she asked, her head still tilted, downward.
“I don’t” I said and chuckled.
She winked at me and left.
I stood there replaying it over and over. was that a sign?
My mum, walked up to me, and told me she was tired and would be going home, and I should help her keep the girls working and in order.
Daniela picked a tray and was about to serve a couple.
“Please let me” I said
She blushed and handed it over to me.
I took it to the couple’s table.
“Good evening Sir and Ma’am”
I was about leaving with the empty tray.
“You two look perfect for each other” I said and left.
I turned around and saw them laughing.
Everything was moving smoothly.
Daniela walked into the female’s toilet.
There was another waitress, whose name’s Queen.
I winked at her, and left to the female toilet.
Am not sure she understood what I meant.
But what I meant was
“Hey, I’ll be right back, help me keep things rolling”
I walked into the female’s toilet
Daniela had just finished peeing.
her head was down, trying to fix on her P@nties, she raised up her head saw me and screamed
I smiled
“Jeff you scared me”
“Am sorry” I replied
“What are you doing here?”
“To watch over the most beautiful waitress in the world”
Her face was plain.
I leaned forward and tried to k!ss her.
She moved her face away.
“Jeff are you okay?” she said
I felt really silly, I hadn’t felt as silly as I did then, in a long time.
Am sorry, I apologized.
“Excuse me, she said and walked out.”
I later left the bathroom, in shame of course.
Queen who I had earlier winked at, I caught her a couple of times staring at me.
That night I couldn’t sleep, because of frustration, I kept rolling on the bed, it was actually the first time, my charm failed me.
I arrived the restaurant in the morning, which was unusual.
Daniela, was acting weird, pretending not to notice me.
When I noticed she was lonely, I walked up to her.
“Daniela, am sorry, I don’t know what came over me yesterday. But about you being the prettiest waitress” I meant it.
I said and giggled
She began laughing too.
“So we’re cool?” I asked
Yeah! she replied
I extended a handshake, she pushed my hand away and hugged me.
The following day, which was Saturday, I was kinda eager, like to meet Yemi, as if I hadnt been there before.
I called her and informed her, I’ll be coming.
Meeting another man there that’ll dampen my $exual urge is not what I planned.
So I went there two hours after I called her.
I arrived there, the gateman and I greeted like we were old friends.
I walked into the building, I met Yemi, sitting on the couch with just her P@nties and br@.
She had a grin on her face.
To be honest I liked what I saw,
I was still standing by the entrance, she pulled down her, b.ra, revealing her n!pples.
my d!ck sprang immediately, pointing like a Hunter’s gun.
I walked to where she was, i k!ssed her.
And whispered, “I miss you”
She blushed, I sucked on the n!pples.
Pushed her backward on the couch and took off her P@nties.
Gave her a thrilling mouth action, she groaned and wriggled on the couch.
I took off my clothes, and was about to roll a ¢ondom, she stopped me.

She kneeled and gave me b.lowjob, which I enjoyed.
But I was eager to get to the real deal.
I rolled the ¢ondom on it, I slowly slid my D!ck in and was about to begin thrusting.
When we heard the sound of a car, driving into the compound.
Yemi stood up and peeped through the window.
She turned around with a smile, probably a smile of relief.
Her mechanic brought one of her cars back.
What she didn’t know was, she wasn’t the only one who was relieved.
She moved to the couch to where I was sitting.
K!ssed me and stroked my d!ck a little with her palm, then later spread her legs on my thighs, and slowly inserted my d!ck.
She began moving up and down on my d!ck, my hands were on her waist, supporting her movements.
Being upset about her lifestyle, wasn’t an option for me. Besides I was getting for free what other men were paying for.
I lowered my back on the backrest, lifted her @ss up a little, and began penetrating from beneath at full speeds. She moaned and screamed, as I slammed her p*ssy.
I felt like eja¢ualting, which was too soon.
I turned her back to the missionary style we had skipped, then began pounding, moving in and out, in continuous rhythm.
“Yes baby, talk dirty to me” she said.
I didn’t because It was kinda weird
“I said talk dirty to me” she repeated while she moaned in pleasure.
“B!tch!” I yelled.
“Yes, yes, more!” she said
“This was new to me, I had never had any girl who pleaded to be addressed with vulgar words”
But since she wanted it badly, I continued
“Fvcking hoe”
She enjoyed it.
“Fvcking b!tch” I continued, while banging her in missionary.
Her legs wrapped around my waist, while I banged her and massaged.
A couple of minutes later I cumed.
instead of resting to catch her breath, she hurriedly took the ¢ondom off my d!ck. and began licking the cap of my d!ck.
I was still trying to catch my breath, and she was giving me a b.lowjob already.
“$lut!” I said.
She began laughing.
“Mothetfuvcker!” she replied.
She wasn’t wrong about that one, I had actually fvcked someone’s mother before.
Once my d!ck was up, she stood up, stood by the stairs and gave me a Gesture to follow her.
I stood up, my d!ck leading the way, like a Sniper.
I walked into her room upstairs, I met her on all fours, already massaging her ¢lits, and moaning.
I had earlier brought two ¢ondoms, in case she requests for a third round, I rolled one on.
I stood by the side of the bed, adjusted her @ss and slid my d!ck into her wet, red, ¢unt.
I held onto her @ss, with both my hands, then began thrusting.
At optimum speed, I think that was one of my fastest Fvck.
She screamed, and moaned, at a point, she was trying to push me away, but my grip on her waist was firm.
I continued pounding her ¢unt, in that position.
“Fvck me, yes,yes,yes”
She said.
Then shivered a little as she squirt, once she was done Squirting, I resumed thrusting my rod in and out, in the same way as I did earlier
“Take it easy, James, James please slowly”
James? that got me furious, I increased my speed further, a source of electricity could have been discovered from the kinetic collision.
She later collapsed, and passed out, or pretending to pass out, her eye lids were blinking.
I stood by the bed, with my d!ck still erect.
I got on the bed, spread her legs wide, slid my d!ck in and began pounding.
The person playing unconscious, resumed moaning, lol.
I did that for about 5 minutes before I came.
I went to the bathroom, she joined me there, we k!ssed and romanced, I left the ¢ondom, in the room.
So I just massaged her ¢lit manipulated her
“Who’s James?’ I asked, immediately we got out.
“James, who’s he to you?”
She laughed and said, “He’s my boss”
“You are really a $lut”
She laughed again,
“Like you just noticed”
“What do you mean?” I asked
The other day I saw you talking to my Gateman.
“I called him and asked him what it was and he told me”
“So why do you keep multiple men?”
“I don’t know, its just kinda fun” she said.
I left her place, few days later, I was about to leave for the restaurant, three Masculine guys, approached me.
“Hey! Na you be Jeff?”
“Yes, any problem?” I asked
“Stay away from Yemi” they said
One of them raised his shirt and revealed a Gun.
To Be Continued…

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Europe don go far mehn, you will laught after see it, Download Video Here


Must Read: My Childhood Life With My Spoilt Neighbours… Part 8

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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 34

Now that was the part, where I was suppose to get angry, upset, Pissed and experience all other feelings of Aggression and depression.
But I began laughing, I owed God a thanksgiving, for not allowing a relapse in my reasoning, strong enough to have stopped me from using ¢ondom.

I personally don’t know if she was seeing all those men, to get her ‘real man’ or to gratify her ambitions, either way, considering the assets lying around, I can say it was paying off.
I took a bike home, three days later I decided to Check out my Mum’s restaurant, I had not Visited the place since I returned from school.
I walked into the restaurant, I liked what I saw, it was a standard one.
I sat in one of the empty seats, just resting and enjoying the overview.
A waitress walked up to me, “Good evening sir, what do you have need of?”
I looked at her from head to toe and smiled at her, she tried to hide a smile too.
Just ice cream please, I replied.
She came back a few minutes later with a can of ice cream.
“Thank you very much” I said
She was about to leave
“Excuse me, what’s your name please” i asked
“Sir?” she said
“Daniela, my name is Daniela”
“Nice name, Daniela”
I brought out my wallet and paid for the ice cream.
“Is my mum closeby?”
“Your mum?” she asked, looking confused.
“Yeah, the owner of this Restaurant, Miss Confidence”
Her eyes widened, as she stared in unbelief.
“She’s your mum?”
“Yeah! I replied.
She quickly handed the money to me.
I laughed
“Don’t embarrass me please” I said.
She insisted I kept the money.
I refused
“Alright Daniela, let’s do this” I said,
this time around looking serious, “i just met you today, and I think I like you already, so let’s assume, the money is from me to you”
She was about to say something, when I interrupted her.
“Can I see my Mum now?” I asked with a Grin.
She kept quiet for a moment,
“She’s in the Kitchen” she said, stammering a little.
I walked into the kitchen.
“The best mum in the world, the indispensable paragon of beauty, the immutable woman of great Virtues, The queen of my heart.”
I said, leaning by the door.
She wasn’t alone, there were three ladies along side her.
They all began laughing, my mum turned around, with a spoon still in her hand.

She was really happy and she couldn’t hide it.
we greeted and she introduced the the ladies who happened to be her employees.
The business looked promising, much more than the boutique did, just that it was difficult to maintain and stressful.
I later left the restaurant, to pay Linda a Visit, the ice cream was meant for her, using the address she gave me.
I arrived the compound, it was about 5pm, everywhere was quiet.
I knocked on a door, and was ready to apologize, in case it was the wrong crib.
“Who dey there?” A masculine Voice asked.
I didn’t reply.
He opened the door,
“Yes, who are you looking for he asked” he was only wearing his shorts.
“Am really sorry, I am looking for a Lady, her name is Linda” I said
he frowned a little
“What do you want from Linda?”
I was about looking for a reply,
Someone opened the door wide, and peeped, It was Linda
She looked tired, with hair scattered, she probably woke up from sleep or they where at it, the latter being the most probable.
“A moment please” she said
She dressed up and met me outside.
“Is that your boyfriend?” I asked
She kept quiet.
“Well he’s Good looking” i added
I handed the Ice cream to her.
**It wasn’t quite the reception I expected, I wasn’t even invited in**
She thanked me for the ice cream.
I left her and went home.
Some people are just too confused to relate with love, not too long ago she was professing her love for me.
Like I said, it wasn’t love, just an extension of her excitement for passing the post utme.
I arrived home, she kept calling me and i kept rejecting it.
I called Sandra.
“Have you checked your result?”
She asked
“What result?”
“The first semester result, it is out!”
To Be Continued…

Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 33

I was perplexed at that point, she needs a real man? I didn’t see myself fitting into that “Real man”. I was still a Student, in my second year. I was about to say something, She blocked my mouth with her palm.
“Jeff, you’re not the man I need” she said.
“But i like you!” she said.

At that point, I was very relieved.
“Why do you like me?” I asked, looking into her eyes.
“Oh please” she said, and laughed.
“By the way, it will depend on how active you are” she said
“Active? Active in what” I sat up as I asked.
She didn’t reply.
She simply reached for her Glass of wine.
And looked at me, while she drank.
I figured she was probably, trying to get dirty, I wanted it too, but I had to get some questions off my chest.
“Why isn’t there any real man, coming around? You’re pretty, with a really nice @ss and succulent b°°bs.(She blushed). you’re wealthy, you’ve got all a man needs in a woman”
She dropped the glass.
“There was a man actually” she said.
“But he wasn’t real” She added.
I sat staring at her, I leaned forward, placed my hand on the back of her neck, and k!ssed her, it was swift.
“Hey! Slow down young man” she said soon as our lips parted
She pulled me by my left hand, upstairs to her room.
“Do you have a Girlfriend?” she asked.
“Yeah!” I replied
“Do you Fvck her?” she asked
She stressed the F-word.
Yes, I replied.
She smiled.
“How long can you last on a woman?” she asked.
“What’s with the questions, why don’t you find out” I said
Pushing her to the bed behind her.
She laughed, I got onto the bed, k!ssed her ferociously.
K!ssed her neck, her ear lobes and down to her b°°bs.
I Massaged them through her top.
Then slipped my hands into her Skirt, and Massaged her ¢lits through her p@nties.
She moaned, she leaned forward to my ear, and whispered.
“you’re good”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet” I said.
I took off her top, she wasn’t putting on b.ra, I wet my lips and reached for her n!pples.
She moaned and caressed my hair, like she was moulding a spherical object.
I sucked on the twin b°°bs, then down to her centre of gravity, the ¢unt.
There were some hairs there, licking it, felt like putting your mouth on a dog’s bare body.
It wasn’t fun.
I finger-fvcked her, and tongue-fvcked her, I took my time, she climaxed a couple times.
All the while, I had my trousers on, I got off the bed, took it off.
Once I took it off, she began laughing.
“Why are you laughing?” I asked
She covered her mouth.
“I expected it to be small” she said
“You must really underestimate me, do you know what this Gentleman has seen and where it’s been?” I asked pointing to my d!ck, who was as upset as I was.
I brought out a condom, from my wallet, she didn’t restrict me using it, so I rolled it, got on the bed and spread her legs wide.

I didn’t only want to impress her, I wanted to punish her for thinking less of me.
I slid in my d!ck, forcefully, she gasped.
I began thrusting, moving in and out,
Squeezed her b°°bs, while I pounded.
She moaned in pleasure.
I intentionally asked her a question
“Should I stop?”
It was so ecstatic, she couldn’t even reply verbally.
“Her eyes bulged out, she shook her head, meaning No!”
I smiled
Turned her around, she was on fours,
I slid my d!ck in, and began another session of thrusting, slapping her @ss in the process and pulling her hair,
“Baby, yes, yes, yes” she kept saying.
Then silence, she climaxed and passed out!
I was jittered, I didn’t ¢um, and she had climaxed more than 3 times.
Still n@ked, I walked to her refrigerator, got soft drink, and sat on the cushion, watching a TV program.
An hour later Yemi walked down the stairs, she was N@ked too.
“I began laughing soon as I saw her .
“What happened?” she asked.
“You were flogged by my rod of fury, too bad you couldn’t handle the heat” I said and continued laughing, she joined me laughing, she felt a little embarrassed.
I stood up walking toward her, the ¢ondom, was still hanging on my d!ck.
“I didn’t ¢um, can you handle another round?” I asked
“Of course I have to make up for what I did!” she said.
I pulled her to the couch, we k!ssed, I manipulated her ¢lits, to buy time for dick to regain it’s turgidity.
I picked up the remote and turned off the television, the sounds coming from it was altering the harmony of the $£x.
We resumed, the same d*ggy style, one of her legs was on the floor, while her knee was bent on the cushion, I was behind her, slapping her @ss and banging it.
she was moaning and massaging her ¢lits from beneath.
I banged at full speed, as ¢uming was my only intention.
6 Minutes later, I came, the org@sm was a thriller.
we took our bath, she insisted on we having another round, I refused, I was tired already.
I dressed up and was about to leave, she insisted on dropping me off, I turned it down, and asked her to have some rest, the way she addressed me after the $£x was very different from the way she did before the $£x, she was almost petting me.
I left her house, I greeted the gateman as I was leaving. on second thought.
I walked up to him, brought out my wallet, and gave him a thousand bucks.
He was very happy
“Please i want to ask you a question”
“How many men do come here everyday”
I asked because, a secretary, having so much wealth was questionable.
He laughed..
“Oga, the kind men that come here everyday, dey fear me” he said.
“Sometimes, five different men in a day”
To Be Continued…


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