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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 44

I saw Amarachi sitting on a platform and crying, bitterly.
I bent down, placed my hand to the side of his neck, to feel his pulse. He was still alive.
I was astonished, how people in the 21st century would stand aside, staring, while an injured person’s life was slipping away.
“He’s alive, let’s get him to the hospital” i screamed out.

One of the men, helped me lift Drake, while others stopped a taxi.
Thirty minutes later, we arrived the hospital and he was admitted.
Amarachi and I sat in the reception, she was still crying, and I was her shoulder to lean on.
I didn’t ask her what happened, because I think I knew already, it was probably those malnourished thugs, who attacked me a week ago.
For about three hours, no doctor or nurse showed up, to keep us update on what was going on.
Eventually, the doctor, summoned us to his office. I recognised him, he was the same doctor who treated Sandra, but I wasn’t sure if he recognised me.
Amarachi and I sat in his office.
“You’re Jeffrey, right?” he asked
“Yes” I replied with a faint smile
“Is he your friend?”
“Yes sir”
He rocked his chair a little.
“He’ll survive, we are very lucky, the stab missed his vital organs”
Amarachi, whose head had been tilted down, raised her head in joy, glanced at me, then hugged me tightly.
The doctor smiled a little.
“You should be able to see him, in a few hours”
Amarachi was very happy, like I had never seen before. She must have really loved him.
We went back to the receptionist, to kill time, I decided to ask her about what happened.
“Drake and I were sitting, in my apartment. My ex boyfriend, and his friends, barged in.
“He slapped me, and Drake was trying to defend me, they pulled him out, and began beating him up, then one of them got a knife and stabbed him” she said and began crying.
I was boiling with rage. An idea popped up in my head, and I liked the idea, it was almost perfect.
An hour later, a nurse came by and asked us, to come.
We walked into the ward, I met Drake, he was awake and looking weak.
This was the first time he and I would be meeting.
“Hi Jeff!” he said.
I glanced at Amarachi
“You know me?”
“Yeah, Amarachi talks about you, all the time”
I smiled.
“Amarachi, what have you been telling him about me?”
“He laughed a little, like about how good you are on bed” he said
“No way!….. Amarachi!” I screamed
“Relax, i was just kidding” he said.
He and I had only been together for only a few minutes, but I was beginning to like him already.
He was a really funny guy.
I was very hungry, I decided to leave and get something to eat.
I excused myself.
“Jeff, thanks a lot, but do you know, I was walking through the gates of heaven, a part of me wished you hadn’t done what you did. But then, heaven without my Amarachi, would be like hell” he said.
I left, the ward down the hall, still laughing. And I thought I was charming and good with words, only because I had not met Drake.

I went into a restaurant, ate and bought some for Amarachi and Drake.
I went back to the hospital, to give it to them.
“I got you guys something to eat”
I said, while bringing the food out of the nylon.
“oh Jeff, you must be a mind reader, or should I say stomach reader, I was really dying of hunger here” Drake said
“And you didn’t say anything” Amarachi replied him, a little upset.
“Would you blame me? I personally forgot I was hungry, your presence makes me feel satisfied, spirit, soul and body” he said
Amarachi and I laughed
“Thanks a lot Jeff” she said.
I left the Hospital by 7pm, very tired.
I took my bath, immediately I got home.
I walked into Ibro’s room, he was alone, drinking beer.
“Paddy how far?” he asked
“I shook my head, to indicate, all wasn’t really smooth”
“You remember those guys that attacked me?” i asked
“Yes, those cowards?”
“They attacked Amarachi’s boyfriend, and stabbed him”
He dropped his bottle of beer on the stool.
Normally, he would be very upset, but he was laughing.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
He leaned forward on the cushion
“There are two types of people, wolves and lambs. Wolves attack, lambs only attack by survival instinct.
where do you belong?” he asked.
I didn’t reply, I was thinking and planning.
He wanted us to attack them, instead of waiting for them to strike. But, I was trying to be smart about the situation.
The following day, being Thursday, after lectures, I called Dan, the guy I once helped to toast a girl.
“He had that thug-like look, and that was what I needed.”
He showed up, i explained my situation to him. He owed me, and I was right about him being a thug, he was excited, clearly.
“What do you want us to do? he asked with a big Grin”
“Give them a memorable beating, or red card?”
“yellow card”. I replied and we both laughed
He called three of his friends, Ibro was with us, with his machete too, making six of us.
I dialled Amarachi’s number.
“Amarachi, send me your Ex boyfriend’s address, please don’t ask me questions”
“Jeff, what are you trying to do?”
“I told you not to ask me questions. I want to apologise to him, and probably reason with him” i lied.
She sent the Address, I signalled the other guys.
We marched to his Apartment.
To Be Continued…


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