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A Fanatic Posted This On Twitter, And The Reactions Are Hilarious!

When ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi took to twitter to call on all Muslims to 'rise up and overthrow Israel and the West', I bet he didn't expect the reactions that followed.

In the message he said Muslims should "urgently" join the terror organisation.

He added: "Rise up against the apostate tyrants, and avenge your people in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen."

However the call to arms didn't work out as expected because Muslims on social media turned him to a laughing stock.

See more hilarious responses after the cut

This guy just didn't have time

While this user was concerned about the dental plan ISIS were offering. Say no to rotten teeth. Lol

These ones didn't take it serious either

This user says Islam is being misrepresented

This user is shocked that ISIS wants them to leave football

He thinks ISIS ideology is laughable


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