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I Have Been Wondering...

I have been wondering why there seems to be so much hypocrisy in religion. I look around me and i see religious houses everywhere yet corruption, moral degradation and uncleanliness is on the increase. In my, let me start from my street.

In my street alone there are two churches, and before you get to the main bustop, you've passed three mosques, about fifteen churches (they could be more but i haven't counted of late).
Some years back, I went to Ajegunle to do run some errands and before I got to my destination, I counted 25 mushroom churches. That was the number i stopped at before i got tired of counting, and trust me, I passed many more before i eventually arrived.

No back to my question: why are there so many religious houses yet there is no improvement in the society. Daily i read shocking stories of sickening crimes, and many of the perpetrators blame 'the devil', meaning they hold some form of religious beliefs.  On TILB today, we have posted a story about a 'man of God' who was caught on Instagram expressing his desire to to squeeze and fondle a lady's breast. If you missed it click HERE. I blame the woman for exposing unnecessary cleavage that messes up the mind: men are moved by what they see. But that is not the issue here. Someone who claims to be a man of God should live and lead by example.

Anyways, by their fruits we shall know them. After all, if Boko Haram, ISIS and their ilk can commit atrocities 'In The Name Of God', what is 'ordinary squeezing of breast' kwa??

Our celebs are not left out. Many of the females especially dress provocatively, but claim to be good Christians. When you are truly broken certain things will lose their appeal, and that includes dressing in a manner that inflames the lusts and desires of men, there by leading them to sin. A certain gospel singer who has faded into musical insignificance claims she is a born-again, yet dresses atrociously in skin tight clothes, her camel toe all up in our faces and most of her mammary organs hanging out for our viewing dis/pleasure.

Born again?? Sister please, you can deceive yourself but you can't deceive us!! Hian.

While the females are doing their own, men are not left out. Months back there was this new craze among the men: flaunting their egg plants on social media. I saw the Game's photo and almost went blind. One of the Okoye twins posted his own 'pestle', but had the good sense to remove it after been tongue lashed by users. Keep your junk away from public view, guys. 

Let me not even get started on the annoying baby mama/papa trend. They will still go to church on Sunday to worship the lord in 'truth and in spirit'. Is it a wonder Julius Agwu declared categorically that the devil has taken over the entertainment industry?

People, please help me out with this because my brain is almost having muscle pull (spasms) with excessive wondering.

Why are we so religious, yet wickedness, immorality and sin keeps growing?

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