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I need your advice on an issue thats eating me up literally

I have been known my husband for 20years, 16 of which we've been married. We're blessed with children and jobs. Our only challenge is the stranglehold of his parents and siblings. Always trying to control what we do, when and how. I have found ways to circumvent that so it's not a big deal anymore to me.

Our challenge is the marriage bed. For a decade, I have been cheated on severally by my husband. I find myself continually forgiving and finding ways to get over it. It has been a tough one. Sometimes I win, other days I lose. A year ago, I gave him an ultimatum that the mind games, sexcapades must stop or I walk. He blamed me for the issues that I am not adventurous nor current on trending sexual practices. I offered to learn if he was willing to teach me. I bought adult movies and watched them academically( even though they make me very uncomfortable) but he is unwilling to try it out with me. He cant/doesn't get an erection with me even with serious foreplay but as soon as an X-rated movie is on, Boom! He's up. Soon as I make a move on it, it's gone.

Now he says he wants me to be an active participant in a threesome. I drew the line on it and said no dice. He began to withdraw from me, sleeps alone. We haven't had sex or sex play in well over 11months. I have prayed, cajoled, dressed sexy, talked sexy, walked sexy but it's just not happening.
I get so depressed and sad. I am not a beautiful woman by today's standards: I am curvy in all the right places and a size 14. I get approached by men regularly so I don't think I am physically repulsive.

I don't want to cheat on him, it simply is alien to my person. What do I do? I am 39 and he is 42.

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