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WAEC Confirms that Senator Andy Uba Forged his Result _ Sahara Reporters

WAEC Confirms that Senator Andy Uba Forged his Result _ Sahara Reporters

SaharaReporters has exposed Senator Emmanuel Nnamdi Uba, better known as Andy Uba for his false educational declarations and certificate.

The media outlet obtained a document issued by WAEC declaring that Senator Emmanuel Nnamdi Uba, better known as Andy Uba, forged both a secondary school certificate and “Confirmation of Result” which he presented to British authorities.

In a letter dated February 12, 2014 and addressed to the attention of George Smith of Public Agencies, located at 57 Peel Road, Wembley Middlesex, HA9 7LY in the U.K, WAEC stated, “Letter reference no. L/CR/CONF/05465089 dated 21st November, 2013 is fake.”

Uba’s real results, as certified by WAEC in its letter to Mr. Smith, showed that he scored “credit” in only one subject, Chemistry and failing others.

In contrast, Mr. Uba’s falsified results claimed that he earned the following grades: English Literature 4, English Language 7, Christian Religious Knowledge 7, Economics 4, Statistics 6, Mathematics 6, Physics 4, and Chemistry 6.

In addition, Uba also claimed that he obtained bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from Concordia University, Canada, California State University, and Buxton University in the UK.

SaharaReporters’ claim that Mr. Uba indeed registered as an undergraduate student in both Concordia University and California State University, but that he dropped out of both institutions.

Further investigation also showed that Buxton University is not an accredited institution of learning, but a “certificate mill” that sells degrees to anybody willing to pay a small fee.

Even though Mr. Uba’s official website claimed that the senator attended Buxton University in the UK, the fake institution does not have any physical address in Britain. It once operated out of Portugal, using that country as a location from which to send “certificates” to customers around the world.

See copies of the letter and Andy’s alleged falsified result below:

WAEC Confirms that Senator Andy Uba Forged his Result _ Sahara ReportersWAEC Confirms that Senator Andy Uba Forged his Result _ Sahara Reporters



Controversial Lawmaker demands President Muhammadu Buhari’s resignation on Health Grounds

Controversial Lawmaker demands President Muhammadu Buhari's resignation on Health Grounds

Hon Abdulmumini Jibrin, the member representing Kiru/ Bebeji Federal constituency of Kano State in the House of Representatives has made an explosive call today in a tweet storm on his handle (@AbdulAbmj), stating that Nigerians are tired of keeping bold faces and making prayers in the face of a hopeless situation.

Hon Jibrin called on President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately vacate office as a result of his failing health.

Hon Jibrin was the former Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations whose battles with the House leaders regarding the 2016 Budget padding scandal earned him a six-month suspension.

According to him, says it’s not normal for Nigerians to continue paying the price for the twin debilitating factors of Buhari’s age and health.

“PMB should opt for or encourage to accept a negotiated exit. The country cannot afford a sort of part time president at this time,” Mr. Jibrin said.

“The president I see on camera needs full home care not office, moderately quiet life, enough rest and quality time with his family.

”If we truly love PMB, we must apply some urgent diplomacy, resolve these issues quickly, move on and save the country valuable time.

“Life and health belongs to God but the more I see pictures of Mr President, the more Iam convinced he needs to go and rest. He needs it!”

Friday’s tweets follow a series of tweets from the suspended lawmaker Thursday where he questioned the resolve and famed integrity of the president vis-à-vis the widespread impunity in government.

The Kano State-born politician admits that Buhari’s resignation “is not as easy but it is doable”, adding that special concessions can be given to the president to stem the rot.

“Mr President can be given a special concession to nominate a new VP. We should expect that he nominates a very competent northerner,” he said.



Are Pastors meant to Enslave? See Daddy Freeze’s Epic Reaction to Kemi Olunloyo’s Detention


‘Are Pastors Supposed to Save or Enslave?’ Freeze Reacts to Kemi Olunloyo’s Re-arrest

'Are pastors supposed to save or enslave?' Freeze Reacts to Kemi Olunloyo's Re-arrest

Cool FM OAP, Daddy Freeze has taken to Instagram to pen a writeup about the continuous detention of Controversial Blogger & Journalist, Kemi Olunloyo.

After Kemi was returned to jail, Freeze has initially written,

‘As KEMI Olunloyo regains her freedom, but is returned to jail on the order of a high court, the death of pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria seems looming. RIP to prosperity, tithe and offering preaching, Nigeria, its time to return to #JESUS!

In his second writeup, the equally controversial OAP wrote,

‘Are pastors supposed to save or enslave?

Now this woman is getting more famous by the day, what you thought would break her, would only serve to bake her and then make her. ~FRZ

Here are the words of Apostle Paul taken from 1st Corinthians chapter 4, reading from verse 11; my comments are those in brackets!. CONTINUE…

1st Cor 4:11; Even now we go hungry and thirsty, and we don’t have enough clothes to keep warm. We are often beaten and have no home. (Pastors in Nigeria are the opposite of this, they are never beaten, never hungry and have HUGE HOMES) –

12: We work wearily with our own hands to earn our living. (They don’t work o! They just feed of your tithes mostly) We bless those who curse us.😳😳😳(Deris God o! Bless who? They imprison those who dare curse them) We are patient with those who abuse us. (🙄)

13: We appeal gently when evil things are said about us.(🙄🙄the appeal against KEMI was everything but gentle🙄)

Yet we are treated like the world’s garbage, like everybody’s trash—right up to the present moment. (This would soon happen trust me! Many pastors in Nigeria have become ‘pisstakes’ and the world would continue to piss on them, till the truth about Jesus is told and the #FreeTheSheeple movement is here to liberate imprisoned minds, as the birth of true Christianity is only moments away!) ~FRZ

Here are the last 7 statements Jesus Christ made as he lay dying on the cross. Which of the statements included “arrest them” or “sue them”?

1. Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.

2. Luke 23:43: Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.

3. John 19:26–27: Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother.

4. Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34 My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

5. John 19:28: I thirst.

6. John 19:30: It is finished. (From the Greek “Tetelestai” which is also translated “It is accomplished”, or “It is complete”.)

7. Luke 23:46: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

While Jesus died for our sins, many Nigerian pastors are dying for your money!’




“Why Will a Man of God Arrest a Journalist cos She Wrote Something about Him?” _ Uchenna Nnanna Shows Support to Kemi Olunloyo

"Why Will a Man of God Arrest a Journalist cos She Wrote Something about Him?" _ Uchenna Nnanna Shows Support to Kemi Olunloyo

Actress Uche Nnanna took to Instagram to ask all Christians to stand up against the detention of Kemi Olunloyo.

Uche questioned why Pastor David cannot be like Jesus. Talking about the crucification, ‘what did Christ do to the Jews that crucified him on the cross of Calvary’, she asked.

Continuing with her questions, the actress said that we pray to God for forgiveness, ‘We say our Lord’s prayer everyday “Father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespassed against us.”

Yet the ‘man of God’ cannot seem to forgive Kemi despite this being the Lenten season.

“Fellow Nigerians and Christians. I have been so worried since yesterday after reading that a Federal High Court in Rivers State remanded Kemi Oluloyo again in prison. Please if I may ask? What is her offense, please? Who did she offend? God or man of God? And I ask again why is everybody keeping quiet over this. I may not be her fan; neither do I have anything against her. Do I assume everybody is keeping quiet because it is not a Nigerian Authority nor one powerful politician who go her arrested, else hell would have been let loose with everyone calling for her release. So why is this case different? For crying out loud why will a man of god arrest a journalist because she wrote something about him? What happens to practicing what we preach.
As Christians we are the followers of Christ and so why can’t we live a Christ-like life? We say our Lord’s prayer everyday “Father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespassed against us”. Please this man of God that arrested Kemi, what did Christ do to the Jews that crucified him on the cross of Calvary? This is the Lenten season as we all know. He said “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do. Now, this apart let’s reflect back on the case of Late Pope Johnpaul the 11, sure we all can remember. What did he do to the man that shot him? When the authorities brought the man before him, he pleaded with them to him go. He even went as far as visiting him in the prison and also prayed for him.
This is what my faith as a Catholic taught me to imbibe, “forgiveness” The bible made it clear that all have sinned and come short go the glory of God.
So please let all Christians stand up and say no to this. I am expecting bash from this because it may be misconstrued in some quarters that Uchenna Nnanna Maduka is seeking for 5 minutes’ fame. So be it, I have spoken my mind because I have been hurting since yesterday.Let us be like Christ who we represent here on earth.
Thank you.”



#BBNaija: Bisola, Debbie-Rise Almost Came to Blows, Debbie Called her a Lunatic (full video)

#BBNaija: Bisola, Debbie-Rise Almost Came to Blows, Debbie Called her a Lunatic (full video)

There was an explosion of words between Bisola and Debbie-Rise after the latter changed the rules.

Today, Biggie told the housemates their task was to create a game tournament and they’ve been busy with it all day. The game started, and Debie pushed for a change in the rules, which was opposed by head of house, Bisola.

The usually calm, meek and introverted Debbie-Rise went ballistic, sparing no words as they attacked one another.

Debie walked past Bisola and told her to “keep shut“ in addition to calling her ‘mad’

Bisola did not take kindly to be told to shut and mouth and she retorted, telling Debie to “close her f**king ears and be bloody deaf”.

Bisola made it clear that she doesn’t care if people think she aggressive as she’s going to speak her mind.

See full video below:



Photos: 4 Years Later, Zahra Buhari’s Husband, Ahmed Indimi Discovered to Have Deceived Nigerians With Someone Else’ 2011 Account Balance

4 Years Later, Zahra Buhari's Husband, Ahmed Indimi Discovered to Have Deceived Nigerians With Someone Else' 2011 Account Balance

In 2013, Zahra Bihari’s husband Ahmed Indimi made the headlines after sharing a N100 million bank balance.

Imagine the surprise when four year later, it was discovered that it was a sham which got Nigerians deceived.

4 Years Later, Zahra Buhari's Husband, Ahmed Indimi Discovered to Have Deceived Nigerians With Someone Else' 2011 Account BalanceThe self acclaimed ‘billionaire’ shared a receipt which many thought was his account balance but the same account balance had been shared by Daily mail UK in 2011.

Daily mail reported that  ‘An unidentified Wall St banker took out $400 (£250) but forgot the slip, which showed his balance was $99,864,731.94.

The piece of paper was picked up by a member of the public who passed it on to a financial blogger who posted it on the internet.’

See screenshot of the twitter report as shared by Ib9ja:

4 Years Later, Zahra Buhari's Husband, Ahmed Indimi Discovered to Have Deceived Nigerians With Someone Else' 2011 Account Balance



Kim Kardashian Flaunts Curves as She Debuts Chic Hairstyle


See How These Teens Faked a Proposal to Get Free Dessert from Fancy Restaurant (Photos)

See How These Teens Faked a Proposal to Get Free Dessert from Fancy Restaurant (Photos)

For the sake of food!

Two teenagers, Cati Domitrovich, 19, with her best friend Alex Nagle, 17, from Texas  faked a marriage proposal so as to get free dessert from a fancy restaurant.

Domitrovich said that on Saturday they wanted to cheer themselves up after a bad week, so they went out to a fancy dinner.

We just had to act like a couple the entire time,” Domitrovich said.

When she went to the bathroom, Nagle told the server that he was going to propose. He asked her to take photos.

Domitrovich said that the restaurant was convinced. “Everyone believed us and everyone clapped,” she said.

See more photos below:

See How These Teens Faked a Proposal to Get Free Dessert from Fancy Restaurant (Photos)See How These Teens Faked a Proposal to Get Free Dessert from Fancy Restaurant (Photos)See How These Teens Faked a Proposal to Get Free Dessert from Fancy Restaurant (Photos)



#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received

#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received

Pablo Ayodeji trended for all the wrong reasons after he took to twitter to call out a Lady for saying no after he took her on a date.

Ore gave him the most epic and chilled clap back of the year which got her several gifts and presents.

In the aftermath of the trending topic, Pablorevealed he almost committed suicide, as he was the talk of the town in his School and even at the Cinema.

A user on twitter wrote: “Dear Lord. The day NG twitter will bully somebody into committing suicide. May I not join them so no blood will be on my hands. Amen”..

To which Pablo replied, “This was nearly an option today, everyone at the mall was just staring and gossiping.Thanks for the good friends I have. #lifeisworthliving.”

Nigerians took to his timeline to encourage his that no life is worth ending following a mistake.

See screenshots below:

#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received#Keepthechangebae: Pablo Reveals He Considered Suicide following Backlash He Received



Watch the Trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones, a US-American drama series produced by HBO has relased footages for the Season 7 trailer.

The story is based on George R.R. Martin’s romance series A Song of Ice and Fire, settled in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the series, Game of Thrones follows the noble ruling families who are fighting for control over the Iron Throne and, in addition, have to fight together against evil forces from the icy north.

The Trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7 shows rivals for the Iron Throne taking their seats as they prepare for war in Westeros.

Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) is in the Red Keep, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) is seen in some new setting (Dragonstone’s previously unseen throne room), and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) in what looks like the Great Hall of Winterfell.

New episodes of season 7 are scheduled to debut on 16th July



“If You are Religious & Think She Deserves This, then Something is Wrong with You” Bisi Alimi Reacts To Kemi Olunloyo’s Bail Refusal

Finally, Kemi Olunloyo Granted Bail, Steps Out in Prison Outfit

Kemi Olunloyo was arrested about three weeks ago for allegedly defaming Pastor David Ibiyeomie.

Yesterday, the controversial journalist was released on bail only for her to be re-arrested after her bail application was overturned.

Gay activist Bisi Alimi has come out to show his solidarity to Kemi.

He wrote,

‘The shame of a nation:[email protected] fortunately or unfortunately become the shame of this shameless country call Nigeria. This image will forever linger in our memory and it will make Ms Olunloyo more popular than anticipated.
The plan was to crush her but it is not going to work. But to a more pressing issue. The arrest of Ms Olunloyo in a democratic, supposedly religious country for commuting absolutely no crime is nothing but a sham and a shame. A sham to the dignity of the democracy of the country call Nigeria and a shame to his people.
This is the same country that idiotic Dino is being laughed out and not locked up. I don’t care what you think of Ms Olunloyo, but if you are religious and think she deserves this, then something is wrong with you. If you believe in social justice and you think she deserves, then you are a sham, if you have humanity and think it’s her fault then you are nothing but a disgrace. No matter what her offences are, she doesn’t deserve this uniform nor the prison.’



‘Is a 6-Months Baby Supposed to Go the Gym’ Lepacious Bose Blasts Trolls of Seyi Law’s Daughter’s Weight

'Is a 6-Months Baby Supposed to Go the Gym' Lepacious Bose Blasts Trolls of Seyi Law’s Daughter's Weight

Female comedian Lepacious Bose took to her Instagram to express her displeasure on the cyberbullying Seyi Law’s baby, Tiwa.

The comedianne who has previously battled weight loss issues wrote,

“So I woke up this morning seeing posts of people who are speaking up against ignorant people insulting Tiwaloluwa @seyilaw1 ‘s baby.
If the negative comments were about Seyi himself I will not say a word, he can handle himself, but for people to use words like obese, fat, ugly on a 6 months old baby is taking body shaming to a whole new level.
When did we become this mean and evil, is it in the water we are now drinking or the side effects of the radiation in mobile phones, is it a social media madness???? I don’t get it? She’s just 6 months old for crying out loud and bitter and evil words are already thrown at her, how heartless. Pls what weightloss recipe do you have for a 6 months old, what exercise routines should she be doing ooo? All these ITK
Talking of exercises she went swimming yesterday ooo that is to show her parents know how to take care of their own child, abeg take care of yours.
This is how low self esteem starts, people will say evil things like your daughter is so black, you son is cutter than your daughter, why is your son so slow etc….it is evil and wicked!!! Most times those who say these crude things don’t have their own kids yet, because if you do you will know how it feels to hear hateful things about your child.
And don’t tell me it’s @seyilaw1 who put her picture out there, she’s his baby, he is proud of her and why not? Is that a crime? Is he the first person to celebrate his baby? If you have issues with Seyi., take it up with him not with this darling little angel. Pls let’s stop cyber bullying it’s not right.
Let’s stop body shaming.
By the way, this is my favorite Tiwa picture and I think she’s verrrrry cute.
Am so pained right now!!! #Godblesstiwa”



Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish Weddings

Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish Weddings

A Kenyan millionaire, Javan Bidogo, has spent millions on two lavish wedding ceremony for best friends who turned out to be his brides.

The brides Asha Juma and Elvas Kulengwa said their ‘I do’s’ to Javan over the weekend at posh hotels in two separate locations.

Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish WeddingsAsha Juma wed Javan at the Serena Hotel In Dar es Salaam in a gold and blue themed wedding.

Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish WeddingsThe other bride, Elvas Kulengwa said her vows at the Golden Jubilee Tower in Dar es Salaam in maroon and gold themed wedding.

Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish WeddingsJavan Bidogo wed Elvas on Saturday, March 25 and he also wed Asha Sunday, March 26. The nuptials were both invite only events and no kids were allowed to attend.

Photos: Kenyan Millionaire Weds 2 Best Friends a Few Hours Apart in Lavish WeddingsThe most interesting part of the couples is that they went for their honeymoon together and even posed for a selfie on their flight to honeymoon.



Why Blac Chyna Called out Her Baby Daddy, Tyga on her Snapchat Rant

Why Blac Chyna Called out Her Baby Daddy, Tyga on her Snapchat Rant

Yesterday, reality star, Blac Chyna went on a Snapchat rant where she called out her first baby daddy Tyga to the extent of tagging Tyga’s girlfriend and sister to her second baby daddy Kylie.

According to TMZ, she was pissed off after she was informed that Tyga is carrying false rumours about her.

He is said to have stated that she wants to kiss and makeup and probably start a relationship with him.

Blac reportedly got this information from her second baby daddy, Rob Kardashian who is now close friends with Tyga since breaking up with Blac Chyna.

Read TMZ report below..

Blac Chyna’s on the attack against Tyga because she thinks baby daddy #1 is teaming up with #2 — Rob Kardashian — to spread lies about her. Sources close to the family tell TMZ … Chyna went off after she heard Tyga’s telling people she wants to kiss, make up and get back together with him — a news flash that came from Rob. We’re told Chyna got pissed because she hardly talks to Tyga, and had only reached out to him recently to demand he pay King’s nannies — even though they’d normally do that on their own. Other sources tell us Tyga misinterpreted the call from Chyna, and thought she wanted to talk about more than co-parenting … something he shared with his new bff, Rob. We’re told the guys have gotten tight ever since BC and Rob broke up. The problem’s obvious — Rob and Tyga talk ABOUT Chyna, but Rob’s also talking TO Chyna about all of it … according to our sources. Y’know the saying: Loose lips sink relationships with baby mamas.



Photos From Ciara’s White-themed Co-Ed Baby Shower

Photos From Ciara's White-themed Co-Ed Baby Shower

American music star, Ciara and hubby Russell Wilson held a white-themed baby shower with their friends and loved ones coming around to celebrate with them.

The singer and her NFL quarterback husband decided to go with an all-white co-ed baby shower.

Photos From Ciara's White-themed Co-Ed Baby ShowerThe star-studded event was catered by Shake Shack, and celebrity pals like Lala Anthony and Serena Williams — all adorned with white flower crowns—were in attendance.

The decor was impressive, a tent was lit up by pretty string lights and big balloons that were adorned by gold and silver fringe.”

E! News reports, “A dining area was formed in the shape of a square with balloons filling the space in the center and cute trinkets—like gold elephant statues, massive flower arrangements, candles and books—covered the table.”

See more photos below:

Photos From Ciara's White-themed Co-Ed Baby ShowerPhotos From Ciara's White-themed Co-Ed Baby Shower

Photos From Ciara's White-themed Co-Ed Baby Shower



Nigerian Lady Mourns Her Friends Who Died While Trying To Trying To Reach Europe Through The Mediterranean Sea

Lady Mourns Her Friends Who Died While Trying To Trying To Reach Europe

This Nigerian lady based in Italy is mourning her friends who died while trying to get to Europe through the mediterranean sea.

Despite several warnings, people are refusing to heed to it and will attempt this dangerous endeavor to reach the ‘promised land’.

The first few months of this year have been “particularly deadly” for migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, the United Nations said, as Libyan officials admitted that they were powerless to stop the tide of humanity leaving the country’s desert shores.

More than 2,500 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean in rubber dinghies and rusting fishing boats so far this year, the UN’s refugee agency said in a report released on Tuesday.

That number represents a significant increase compared with the same period last year, when 1,855 migrants lost their lives after their boats capsized and sank. In 2014, the figure for the same period was just 57.



Photos of House Alaafin of Oyo’s last wife built for her mum

The last wife of the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi has just built a house for her mother.

She shared the photos on her Instagram page with the caption:
Mummy….. I have always promise to make you happy no matter what… U built a life for me and I build a house for you mum… You went through a lot to gave birth to me… I spent 11months inside ur womb before you gave birth to me…



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