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Actress Caroline Danjuma Says She Has Been Celibate As She Dedicates Her Life To Christ

Actress Caroline Danjuma Says She Has Been Celibate As She Dedicates Her Life To ChristActress Caroline Hutchings-Danjuma has dedicated her life to Christ and embraced celibacy following the crash of her 10 year old marriage to billionaire Musa Danjuma last year.

In a post on Instagram she has deleted, she showed of her finger rosary and wrote;

“Dedicated to CHRIST ( felt so elated after the priest blessed me) …. #catholic #celibate #waitingontheLord#onestepatatime #feltsofulfilled #beenwishingonthisforsolong #Godpreserveme #itwasnteasybutitisworthit #findingme #awholenewworld #reborn”

Actress Caroline Danjuma Says She Has Been Celibate As She Dedicates Her Life To Christ



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