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Baby Born Breathing with Her Heart Outside Of Her Chest (Graphic Photos)

Baby Born Breathing with Her Heart Outside Of Her Chest (Graphic Photos)A baby, born with her heart beating on the outside of her body, has stunned doctors and her parents.

Tazmina Khatun, 28, gave birth to her daughter in a government-run hospital on Wednesday in a village in Assam in northeast India.

But the new mum was shocked when she saw that her baby’s heart was visible and beating outside her body.

During her gestation period, Tazmina had never sought medical help throughout due to lack of money and knowledge and was unaware of the child’s condition.
Baby Born Breathing with Her Heart Outside Of Her Chest (Graphic Photos)After the preliminary care, doctors at the hospital have referred the newborn to an advanced heart institute in a different city for a life-saving surgery.

Dr. Manirul Islam Sarkar said:

“The baby has a condition called Ectopia Cardis where her heart developed outside her chest wall.

“We acted efficiently to save her and later referred her to a heart institute where the child would undergo a surgery under government expenses.

“We are hoping for a successful surgery.”

Both Khatun and her husband, Jahirul Isma, 29, a daily wage labour are devastated with their firstborn’s condition and hoping for a miracle that could save her.

The sad father said:

“I could not hold back tears when I saw the baby, I had never seen any baby like this before and could not believe my child was born this way. We are worried what will happen to our baby and only hoping for a miracle for her survival.”



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