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Viral video – Newborn baby walks minutes after being born

Newborn baby walks minutes after being bornExciting and incredible moment a new born baby girl walked barely minutes after being born in Brazil left nurses shocked.

The video, which was uploaded toFacebook on Friday, has gone viral with over 50 million views and 1.3 million shares. Stunned viewers believe it is nothing short of miracle because an infant can hardly stand or open their eyes within first few hours of birth.

The excited midwife seen in the video, who couldn’t believe what she was seeing, explained she had been trying to give the baby a bath but the child just wants to get up and walk.

“Merciful father. I was trying to wash her here and she keeps getting up to walk. She has walked from here to here,” she adds indicting the area the child has already covered.

See the video below…

This baby come out the womb determined. He got places to go and things to do lol

— Nann (@1nann) May 28, 2017



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