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Final year student cries as she begs for help (video)

final year student cries as she begs for helpA final student of one the Nigerian universities, have taken to her social media page, to cry out for help over the challenges she’s facing as a student.

A final year student in on of Nigeria’s Universities, took to her social media page to seek for help as she struggles to cope with challenges she’s facing.

The girl who said she choose to be called a beggar instead of a prostitute, further disclosed that she doesn’t want to sell her body for money like other girls.

Here’s what she wrote :

Open letter:

My name is Martha and I need help.
I decided to pen this down because I am tired of keeping mute and I am on the verge of doing something stupid. I don’t deserve what I am going through. I don’t deserve to be pushed so hard. Nobody deserves it. I am tired of thinking. I am a very hardworking girl, I push limits honestly just to make ends meet but it doesn’t seem enough.

I am in my final year in school graduating this June and I have not even started my project yet. Rent is expiring this month but to mention a few. I smile and seem very happy but I am dying inside of me. My mom’s has been very ill, that’s when all of this started. I decided to cry out because I don’t want to be pushed into selling my body for money.

I have asked for help from a couple of persons but no positive outcome. I am just one amongst the numerous young girls going through the same issues as me but for shame and fear of been seen as a begger, they turn to selling their bodies to make ends meet.

Please, I need any little help anyone can render . I cannot sell my body for money. I know where I am headed. And please for those going to call me a begger, Today I choose to be called a BEGGER to a prostitute or a thief. thanks a lot. (ACTS 7:7)


Checkout this ‘Bending’ Pre-wedding themed photoshoot…

My details please:
Phone number: 08145009130
Account num: Nwanze C Martha.
First bank. 3079170342. Savings.

See the video below…



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