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High girl arrives school’s prom inside a COFFIN

High girl arrives school’s prom inside a COFFINThe 17-year-old lay flat on her back in a navy gown in the prop coffin, which slid out of the back of the vehicle.

Her dramatic arrival prompted outrage from some critics, who branded her actions ‘classless and distasteful’… Others accused her of ‘mocking the dead’.

The teenager’s dramatic arrival prompted outrage from critics who thought her actions were inappropriate. Others accused her of mocking the dead.

Following the criticisms she received online, her mother, Susan Armstrong Flaherty, rose to her defence, stating that Megan meant no disrespect and dressed the way she did because she intends to become a funeral director.

“This is my daughter….Some agree that it is all in fun…..others don’t understand the meaning behind it,” Susan explained. ” Megan decided about a year ago that this is the profession she will enter into. She has already made her choice of a school. She has already donated her time to helping in funeral services. The hearse driver is her mentor. No disrespect meant….just a celebration of knowing what she wants to do with her life after graduation and of course, celebrating Junior Prom.”

See the video below…



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