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15 Signs You’re a High Maintenance Woman

What makes a woman high maintenance and difficult? Read these 15 signs of a high maintenance woman to know if you’re too rich for your man to afford.

A high maintenance woman is a compliment that’s never voiced until you’re with a wrong man. Guys may whine about dating a high maintenance woman, but every guy wants to be with one.

But can your high maintenance tag ruin a perfectly good relationship for you?

What makes a high maintenance woman so different?

And is it bad to be one?

Find out everything about the traits of a high maintenance woman and the good and bad side of being one right here.

15 signs of a high maintenance woman

What makes a woman high maintenance?

Here are 15 signs that make a girl that woman. Do you think you’re one?

#1 All eyes on you. All eyes always turn towards you no matter where you are.

You literally suck the air out of any room you walk into, but no one even notices your man unless you’re clinging to his arm.

#2 Your man thinks your favorite restaurants are fine dining experiences. You like being pampered in the finest of places, and there’s really nothing wrong about it. Well, unless your man can’t afford it!

#3 You need money to be happy. This may sound harsh, but is it so bad to want to be wealthy and have the money to indulge in the good things life has to offer?

#4 You like splurging on bling often. You like buying new jewelry or extravagant things several times in a month. It makes you happy.

#5 You think you’re better than any other girl. And you do everything possible to hold that stand. You have very high self esteem and confidence, and don’t like being put down by any other woman.

#6 You look like you stepped out of a salon all the time. You’re beautiful and extremely well dressed all the time. Any guy you walks past can’t help but notice you in awe.

#7 You pay a lot of attention to expensive details. You just can’t help it. You know that expensive things look better than average mass produced stuff. You like it when everything around you reflects your class and makes a style statement.

#8 If you like something, you want that thing. You don’t like being refused. You believe you deserve what you want and you won’t rest until you get it.

#9 Your man gets nervous when you tell him you need to shop. It’s not like you throw money away. You only use it to look good and make things around you look good. But your man thinks you’re just wasting money.

#10 You can’t step out of the house without your makeup. You hate revealing any flaws, be it on your complexion or in any other aspect of your life. You like looking like a glam goddess no matter where you are.

#11 You think you’re a perfectionist. But your man thinks you’re a spoilt brat. You hate mediocrity in anything you do. You want to be the best and you want the best of everything.

#12 You think you deserve a better man. You think you’re way better than your guy. This thought may have passed your mind quite a few times even though you push that thought away.

#13 You have more guys friends *admirers*. You think you’re a fun girl. But most girls usually hate you or think you’re a snob. Guys love your company, but girls usually excuse themselves from you in the middle of a conversation. Not that you care!

#14 You want everything to be perfect. And if it’s not, you want your man to fix it for you. You don’t depend on your man for everything, but you do expect him to treat you like his queen.

#15 You get embarrassed easily. You feel terribly embarrassed when your man doesn’t behave or look presentable. You even try to ignore his presence or avoid him. After all, his bad manners are an insult to your gorgeous presence!

High maintenance women and the men they date

Many men fear the idea of dating a high maintenance woman. They desperately want to date her, but shrivel up at the mere thought of it. But then again, a high maintenance woman isn’t for every man, is she?

In general, a high maintenance woman may sound scary to most men. But it’s never bad for a woman to know what she wants in life. In many ways, high maintenance is subjective. What may seem like high maintenance to one man may seem like nothing to another man who can cater to her needs. After all, if a man can afford your whims, he obviously won’t call you a high maintenance woman even if you’re a big spender with a rich taste in everything.

The perfect high maintenance woman

A perfect high maintenance woman isn’t a gold digger. She doesn’t date a man only for his wealth or what he can offer her. She just wants her man to provide for the lifestyle she’s always had.

If you’ve always had the money and splurged a lot on yourself, there’s nothing wrong in expecting your man to pay for all your needs once he starts dating you. You’re not being high maintenance by doing that. You’re maintaining the standards you’ve always had.

Do high maintenance women get better men?

It may be unfair to other women, but high maintenance women do get better men, almost all the time. They’re extremely confident and almost always have a better life unless they’re with the wrong man.

Men love a chase. If you’re high maintenance and believe you’re the best girl, every man would be awed by your confidence and would try to woo you and win your fancy. Being high maintenance is actually the best way to get yourself a worthy man.

Average men may call it a burden, everyone else call it evolution. If a perfect guy could get any girl in the world, wouldn’t he go for the sexiest and the nicest girl in the world? If you believe you’re that perfect girl, is it wrong to want the perfect guy too?

Betty Cooper is low maintenance. She’s the one who has to run behind guys. Veronica Lodge, on the other hand, is high maintenance. And Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind is definitely high maintenance too. And these women have always had the pick of the finest men.

A high maintenance woman is respected and awed. But not all women can be her. And not all men can be with her.

So who are you? Are you a high maintenance woman who makes her man put up with her or an accommodating woman who puts up with her man? In this case, there’s no clear winner here. There’s just a thin red line.



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