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Woman who has s*x with men in return for free holidays insists she’s NOT a gold digger

She insists people only criticise because they are jealous.

24 year old Heidy Pandora, who lives in Orlando, Florida, jets all over the world on travel dates with married men and other total strangers. She is currently unemployed and describes herself as a “full-time traveller”.

She has so far visited more than 20 countries. In a chat with U.K Sun, she said: “Some of the guys are married. I don’t see it as such a big deal to have sex with married men.

If they’re married and looking somewhere else, they’re not happy. Some of them don’t have any sexual relationship with their wives anymore.” Heidy also claims she never feels pressured into sex.

Instead, she says: “If we connect, things happen. But if we don’t connect then we just have fun on the trip or I just come back. Dating married men is an advantage in a way that they will not get emotionally connected to me.

I don’t pay for anything. You can do half and half but I prefer not to. I’m saving more for my own future. So I don’t want to spend money on travel because it’s really expensive.”

Heidy, who says travel dating saved her life, added: “I suffered from depression for two years straight and I got to the point where I didn’t want to live anymore. So I told myself ‘if today was my last day, what would I want to do?’

My dream was to travel but I could never afford it. It’s too expensive. My first trip by myself was to Mexico. As soon as I saw the blue water the depression went away. After that I wanted to travel more, but I didn’t know how to.

I just came back from Dublin, Ireland, and I’m already working on another trip to Nepal. All my family know I do this. My mum is actually really happy for me because she’s always wanted to see the world.

Most people don’t have the courage to do what I do, travelling with strangers. I do not care about anybody’s opinion. Who doesn’t want to see the world? The people that probably judge me have maybe envy and jealousy.

I have been called bad names before like a gold digger. But I don’t feel that way and when I’m on these trips I do not ask for money.”



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