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Must Read: Midnight Saga… Part 14

It was more than just a Statement, it was a Question.
I had already Given that a Thought long before she arrived.
“Yes, a Man Came in with his Girlfriend, requested for Private Shopping,
“So we inverted the banner to indicate ‘Close’.”
That’s the reason for the Huge Sales.

Okay, she said, with relief
Your Uncles Came back with the document, here it is.
I went through it, I can see my mum had signed, my four Uncles did the same. and a lawyer too.
There was a Space reserved for me, I Signed on it and gave it back to her.
thanks dear she said and left.
immediately she was Gone,
Linda Burst into Laughter,
“You’re a Smart A$$ she said”
and Continued laughing.
She later left to get our Lunch, I was really hungry.
more Customers came in, and I attended to them.
A lady came in, about 24.
she tried a dress,
“Oh my God, you look so Pretty, Not just because I want you to Purchase the dress, You really Look Awesome, Sincerely”
She was Blushing. oh please, don’t flatter me.
No I mean it, Ave never been this Sincere with any lady.
Okay I believe you, thanks
She bought it, She was about leaving, she grabbed the door knob.
My eyes was on her a$$, she made a Quick turn to look at me.
She must have Caught my eyes staring at her butt.
“What were you looking at?” she asked with a Grin
“You’re so Endowed” was all I could say.
“You’re naughty” she said
She brought out her phone, Stretched it to me, indicating I should type my Number.
I typed my Number and gave it to her,
thank you she said,
Am Jeff by the way, I added
and am Yemi. She Replied.
Not more than 10 Minutes after she left. Linda Came in.
With two “Take Away'”
Finally! I said, I was dying here.
she smiled, dropped them on the table, with two Soft drinks.
we ate, talked and discussed about a lot, With Several Customers disrupting our lunch.
at about 6:30pm. we were about to call it a day.
I was sitting at my usual Spot, Browsing some things on the internet, While Linda was Closing the balance for the day.
She was done in a few minutes, Came and stood in my front.
I put my phone aside, perplexed me, was looking at her, in an angle of Elevation.
Coz she was standing, while I was sitting.
She reached for my zip, Unzipped it.
immediately she did that, I knew what was coming .
after unzipping it, she Raised her Skirt, Sat on my laps, with legs spread wide.
Adjusted her pants, and Slid my D!ck into her P**sy
This is the Level of Authority Nature has Bestowed on women

When they want $ex, They Get it. Women decide if the $ex will or will not happen.
Can’t say the same for men, for we men, to get $ex, there’s a long Process & hurdles we have to go through.
My hands were on her Waist, she let out a Silent “Arrrrrrgh” Sound when my D!ck got in, her eyes closed and her head raised to face the Ceiling.
she started Moving up and down, Slowly,
I just dropped my hands to the side and let her take control.
Her hands were on my Shoulder as her Pace increased.
her moan was unbearable, she moaned Care freely.
Meanwhile my eyes were fixed on the entrance, creating no room for surprises.
After about 15 minutes of going up and down on my d!ck, her pace slowed down.
she was tired.
I adjusted my sitting, pushing my back lower on The backrests, Raised her a$$.
and penetrated her from beneath
fvck! Fvck! fvck! “arrrrrrrrgh” was all she was saying
I kept, pounding her from beneath,
oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
She screamed as she Climaxed, her P*ssy stiffened on my Dick, thereby bringing my thrusts to a terminal.
Seconds later, her p*ssy loosened its grip on my d!ck
it was my time to, there was no way I was gonna in this position without Spilling it in her.
I lifted her up,dropped her on her desk, her legs wrapped around my waist.
Started moving in and out immediately, I closed my eyes, increased my pace.
She was going crazy,
I felt my Orgasm warming up, I further increased my pace, Usain bolt may be the fastest man on earth, I doubt he could beat the pace at which I was
I quickly Retracted my D!ck and spilled the on her belly, it was so sweet,damn! I felt it from my Brain, through my spinal cord and down to my legs.
We were done, we dressed up, locked the Boutique.
stood by the road side, and was trying to stop a Bike.
while we discussed.
“you Fvck real Good” she said
“I was born to do it” I replied without smiling.
She laughed, without restraint.
To Be Continued…


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