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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 36

My Heart skipped a beat, when I saw the gun.
“I had never been this threatened, and for what reason? Because of a woman, a woman I don’t even love”
They left, but looking at their disposition, they were hardcore thugs.
One of Yemi’s men, must have noticed my affair with Yemi. Or maybe it was the Gateman who disclosed me to someone else? Whichever way, my life was in danger.

I instantly deleted Yemi’s number.
A lot crossed through my mind as I left for the restaurant.
I found a chair in the restaurant, I sat there for about two hours, thinking and evaluating my life.
“What kind of dangerous life am I living?” I asked myself.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
My mother and her three employees were all laughing.
“What are you thinking about? i called you thrice” my mum said.
Instead of giving her an answer. I just apologised.
Half an hour later, Daniela walked up to me.
“Hey what’s wrong with you?” she asked.
“I’ve been thinking” I replied, wiping my face with my right palm.
“Thinking about what?” she asked
I smiled at her
“I’ve been thinking about what it will take me to win your heart”
I said.
She stared into my eyes, for some seconds.
she looked away trying not to let me see the blush on her face.
“Come on Daniela, you can’t say you don’t like me too”
“I like you Jeff,” she said and walked away.
Daniela was very pretty, am not sure I would be able to certainly describe her looks, I had a lot of times seen many customers request for her number, which she continuously denied them.
While I was busy having a crush on Daniela, Queen had her eyes on me, and she wasn’t scared to show me.
She stared at me, even when she knew I was looking.
“Am very sorry I left my wallet at home, I will bring the money to you, as soon as I get home. I promise.” A man said from the corner.
“Sir, am sorry we do not allow such” Daniela replied him.
“He continued begging”
“Am sorry sir I’ll have to call my Boss” she said.
She left and came back with my mum.
I stood aside, Observing.
“Yes, what is the problem?” my mum asked.
“Madam, I truly apologize, I left my wallet at home, I’ll get your money to you as soon as I get to my apartment”
My mum, was about to let him go. When I stepped in
I love and respect her a lot, so most times, I let her make her decision first, before I chip in my suggestion.
When I walked up to them, the girl he was with saw me, she began putting her hand in her bag, like she was going to get the money out of it and shave off this display of shame.
I winked at her, meaning “She shouldn’t pay”
My observation paid off, this guy is a scammer.
He had two plans, either to make an excuse, forcing the girl to pay, or beg to be allowed to leave, never to return.
The expensive suit he wore, still had its label at the back of his collar, only a careful observer would notice it, meaning it was either a borrowed suit or a hired suit.
“Sir you forgot your wallet?”
He turned to me.
“Yes sir!” he said.
Sorry about that.
“can we have your phone as eco lateral?”
he kept quiet for a moment.
He couldn’t possibly deny having his phone too, because his date, I believe, knows better.
“He brought out his android phone and handed it over to me” then they both left.
I smiled at his lady, she smiled back.
when I told everyone else, what I observed, they all broke into laughter.
Guess what, that dude didn’t return till a week later.
Yemi called me, a few days later, “Hello, who am I speaking with?”
“Is this a joke? Jeff you deleted my number or what?” she said.
“Am sorry Yemi, I can’t be with you anymore, not when it has turned into a life and death issue” I said
“What do you mean by life and death? she asked.
I just hung up.
And I didn’t see her for about a week.
On a Thursday, I decided to walk home, I was walking with both my hands in my pockets, and lost in my thoughts.
I got a call from Linda, i stopped and picked the call.
“Hey Linda”
“Turn around” she said.
I turned around and saw her waving.
I walked to her
“Linda whatsup, whatsup, what are you doing here?”
“Going home, I visited my aunt, she owns that Super market” she replied, pointing across the road.
“Your Aunt has a super market? Why don’t you work for her then?”
“I don’t like her”She said
I laughed.
“Follow me home”she said
“What? No i can’t do that”
“please” she pleaded.
“What about your boyfriend?”
“He’s at work” she replied.
“So you want to cheat on him with me?”
She eventually convinced me to follow her, i wish I didn’t.
We got home, she hurriedly took off my clothes, pulled my trousers down, and began giving me a b.lowjob.
I supported her head, pushing it up and down on my d!ck.
“Linda open the door” A masculine voice called out.
A voice I was familiar with. “The Voice of her boyfriend!”
“Linda Open the door Na” he yelled out again.
If this Guy and I were to clash, especially when I was about boning his babe, it would be a brutal fight.
And he would be at the winning side, because guilt wouldn’t let me fight back.
My only salvation, was, there was a Back door in her apartment.
I wasn’t the only one Scared, Linda was scared too, she Whispered to me, begging me to leave.
In shame, I walked through the back door, then Climbed the Fence and jumped out.
‘My life was a mess, and I knew, If I meet a Soothsayer and he tells me my life would be cut short because of women. I wouldn’t Argue.’
I didn’t even know what I wanted. I arrived home, Chinaza welcomed me, she was cooking then, while Michael was out to play football.
I took my bath and was watching a Hollywood romance movie in my room. I got a call from Yemi. I rejected it, she continued calling, nonstop.
She eventually stopped calling.
Ten minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.
“Yes who’s there?”
“Its Chinaza, there’s a woman looking for you”
“A woman?”
“I had had enough misery for one day, I hope and pray it isn’t Yemi. Beside it can’t be Yemi, she doesn’t know where I live” I thought as I dressed up.

I opened the main Gate, It was actually Yemi, I was really scared and thankful, my Mum wasn’t home.
“Yemi what are you doing here?” I asked.
“She began laughing”
“You didn’t want to see me, so I decided to see you.” she said.
“Are we going to keep talking in front of your house, aren’t you going to invite me in?” she added
“No I can’t invite you in” I said, without even giving it a thought, it was totally not even an option
“Alright she said, then walked to her car, she opened the door, then turned to look at me”
“Common! Get in will you?” she said
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere safe, she replied”
“I can’t be seen with you, my life is at stake here.”
“Relax, I have this under control” she said
I sat in the passenger’s seat, while she drove.
We were driving through the city, then she began driving into remote areas, places I never knew existed.
“Yemi where are you taking me to?”
“Relax” she said again.
it was about 6pm, everywhere was beginning to get dark.
She finally stopped, she left her headlights on
This place was completely off the city.
There was only a few remote houses.
Five guys came out of an Uncompleted building, I recognised three of them, they were the ones who threatened me few days ago.
I was slowly moving backwards in a bid to pick race.
“Jeff, calm down” she said.
“Yemi are you trying to end my life?” I asked her, my eyes fixed on their fierce faces.
She was laughing.
“Do you recognise any of them?” she asked.
“Yeah, those three threatened to kill me if they ever see me hanging out with you”.
“They were hired by Chief Bankole, a politician, its a shame, he died yesterday” she said.
“So I brought you here to show you how safe you were.” she added
I stood there not knowing what to say.
“Did Yemi Just kill the man who threatened me?”
Get in the car she said” I got into the car and we left.
“Bankole hired them to threaten you, he later changed his mind and told them to kill you, you’re lucky I found out soon, she said and turned to glance at me.”
My eyes were fixed On the road, but my mind was far away.
“So I paid them double to kill him” And they did.” Yemi said
She stopped, the car, by the road side.
“You have nothing to be afraid of” she said.
“And don’t you dare think about leaving me” she added.
I turned to look at her, I think that was a threat.
“I own you Jeff,” she said, with Emphasis On the “Own”
Now get to the backseat! she said
“What for?” I muttered
“To repay me for saving your life.”
I got to the backseat.
She moved to the backseat too, took off her P@nties and spread her legs.
I sat there staring at her, the sight of her N@ked wasn’t even turning me on.
She noticed my Non interest
She leaned forward, pulled my cheek muscle with her fingers.
“Jeff Darling, don’t you feel like you owe me?”
“I do, I replied”
Actually I did owe her, She just saved my life. Yes! But she killed someone, and how was she able to know where I lived?.
She was so powerful and connected, I doubt if she was just a secretary as she said.
I Adjusted in the car, and began licking her V*gina.
she loved it, I licked her ¢lits, and everything else, like one licking from a mango fruit.
She later stopped me and requested for penetration, I brought out my wallet to check if I still had ¢ondoms left.
“And that reminds me” she said.
“You and I won’t be using ¢ondoms” she said.
“Now give it to me raw” she added.
“Am sorry, but I prefer using condoms” my voice sounded silly, like a four year old asking for favours from his parents.
She began laughing.
“Okay, but one of these days, you and I are going to go for tests”
I had just one ¢ondom left in my wallet.
I brought it out and rolled it on my d!ck.
Then slid it into her ¢unt, and began thrusting.
With my present state, I knew I was going to last a long while, as my mind wasn’t fully into the $£x.
We continued Fvcking in the Orthodox missionary position, the car was bouncing in rhythm.
After fifteen minutes we were done.
She asked for more, but I had no more ¢ondoms and it was 8pm already.
So she drove me back to my home.
Two days later, I went to the restaurant as usual, a Guy friend of Queen, came by, my mum was at home.
It began, raining so there was Virtually no customers.
Queen later excused herself, to the bathroom.
ten minutes later she wasn’t back, the other guy left for the bathroom too.
Daniela and I began talking.
“Jeff, why do you like me?” she asked
I began laughing.
“What’s funny? she asked”
“Daniela, if you have feelings for me why don’t you just say it, instead of trying to find out if its mutual”
She kept quiet, with her hands on her Jaw
“I like you Daniela, and maybe its even more than “Like,” you’re a decent Girl and I respect you too, she began blushing. And if I didn’t already have a girlfriend, I would have longed asked you out” I said
Her facial expression changed, when I mentioned “girlfriend”.
I just figured its about time, I began being honest with ladies, instead of giving them false hope.
As the environment was very cold, I excused myself to pee, I got to the Men’s bathroom, I opened the sink.
That’s when I heard moans of Ecstasy coming from the women’s bathroom.
The urge to Pee, suddenly Vanished.
The moans weren’t audible from the cortex of the restaurant because of the rain.
I peeped through the keyhole.
Your guess is as good as what I saw.
It was Queen and her “Friend” as she introduced him.
“He was Screwing her”
To Be Continued…


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