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Must Read : Midnight Saga… Part 31

couldn’t lie to Sandra, because there was no other potent reason to why I would stay back in school when everyone else was leaving.
So I had to tell her the truth.
“The friend I was speaking to when you called earlier on, said she would be coming over to write post utme, so that’s the reason why I would be staying back.”
Sandra knew I was telling the truth, but from her facial charisma, one could tell, she didn’t really like the idea.
her reply was “Okay”

The following day, which was the day, most students would be taking off, Sandra and Ibro Inclusive; I accompanied Sandra to the Motor park, together with Ibro.
So Jennifer and Ibro were together in the park, while I was with Sandra, pulling her luggage.
I insisted on paying her transport fare, she declined, I begged her to let me pay, she didn’t. At the end I just gave up.
But I got her some edibles, and handed them over to her, I was glad she accepted them.
Sandra and I were Standing, waiting on other passengers to complete the required Number.
I noticed Amarachi standing, afar off, precisely where Abia Buses are.
She was standing with a Guy, their hands all intertwined as they talked and laughed.
She later noticed me, she excused herself from the guy and began walking towards us.
A great part of me was scared, but I decided to keep calm.
“Hi Jeff” she said as she approached us.
“Hi Amarachi” I replied
“Amarachi, this is my girlfriend, Sandra” I said pointing to Sandra.
“Sandra right? Jeff has told me so much about you” Amarachi said as she extended a hand to Sandra.
Sandra blushed.
Amarachi later left.
“What have you been telling her about me?” Sandra asked, turning to face me.
“Well, about how much you mean to me and how incomplete I am without you” I said. with my hands deep in the side pockets of my Cardigan
“Wow!” she said.
She moved forward and k!ssed me, in the presence of a lot of people In the park, which were mostly students
And it wasn’t just a brief k!ss, she took her time.
“Hmmm, what was that for?” I asked.
“I’ll miss you” she replied.
I think her trust for me increased when Amarachi made that Statement, that statement shaved away all the thoughts or possibilities of Amarachi and I having any indecent Affair.
Sandra got into the bus, the bus was about to zoom off, she waved at me through the closed transparent glass window.
I saw drops of tears going down her cheek.
I could have taken bike home, but I decided to walk, A lot was going through my mind.
My life in school became really boring, everywhere was quiet, a few other guys, stayed back too, as they would also be having visitors.
Linda arrived on the 30th of July, two days to her exams.
I went to the motor park to wait for her.
She looked hot, I could barely identify her.
She was walking towards me, I pretended to be looking elsewhere trying to trace her.
“Hey she said!”
I opened my mouth in amazement
“Linda! Look at you, you look even better than the last time I saw you” I said with my hands spread out and my eyes glaring at her from head to toe.
I took her to my place, she took her bath and I took her out,to a restaurant, that was about 6pm.
“Is this a date?” she asked
“A date? Nah, I have a girlfriend”
My response saddened her a bit, she kept quiet as we both ate.
She kept giving me Monosyllabic replies.
We arrived home, my bed was big enough, even for three.
I had earlier anticipated $£x, but considering her present mood, I was sure nothing like that was gonna happen.
We both lay on the bed, with eyes open, if anything was going to happen, I wouldn’t be the one to invoke it, that was my resolution.
And she didn’t make any move either.
so we both slept off.
I woke up the following morning, to an aroma of egg being fried, it was breathtaking.
I was about getting off the bed, Linda came out of the kitchen, with a spoon in her hand.
“Morning Jeff”
“Please stay on the bed, I want to serve you breakfast”
I was a little jittered, her present attitude didn’t in anyway rhyme with her previous Disposition.
But I have to brush my teeth I replied” I said
“Thats right, I missed that” she replied.
I washed my mouth, and we both had breakfast together. it was delicious. I complimented her cooking.
I was a Biochem Student, and Linda wanted to study Pharmacy, the post utme combination was the same, she insisted I thought her a few things and explain to her what the exam was like.
Which I did, all through the day.
To be honest, she was a smart chap, she kept getting the words out of my mouth.
Night came, nothing still happened.
The following day, she dressed and left for the exam, it was a Computer based exam,Graded in 100%.
The results gets released 3-4 hours after the exam.
Linda came back my 3pm.
I had earlier prepared a meal for her, she ate and was totally restless, eager to see her result.
by 6 pm, we walked to a cafe, there were already lots of students there, we stood there till, it was our turn.
Linda handed her registration number to the guy.
He checked it, and turned around to look at Linda, her score probably Surprised him.
“What’s my Score” Linda Asked, staring at the Computer Screen.
78% he replied.
Wow! she hugged me out of joy.
In my own time I had 60%.

That night we almost killed each other with $£x.
Linda and I walked home, I was Quiet.
She did most of the talking, most of which were totally irrelevancies.
We arrived home, I told Linda I would meet her at home, I wanted to get Airtime to call Sandra.
We spoke and i sent her a message afterwards.
I arrived home, I noticed everywhere was dark. I turned around, and glanced at our neighbour’s rooms, There was light.
I slowly walked in and tried to trace the light switch with my hand.
“Don’t turn it on Jeff” Linda said as she walked towards me.
She came to where I was, dragged me to the bed. We k!ssed.
“I love you Jeff” she said, soon as our lips parted.
“Personally, I knew it couldn’t possibly be love, just an Extension of her Excitement”
She was sitting on my belly.
“You’re are going to fvck the hell out of me today” she said.
I laughed, but I couldn’t laugh as much as I wanted, because she was sitting on my belly.
She undid my buttons, almost tearing them apart.
I took off her dress, and unhooked her br@.
I craved to have a sight of those b°°bs of hers. But It was too dark.
So I just Sucked on her N!pples.
I wasn’t putting on any belt, so she undid the button and pulled my trouser and my shorts at the same time.
I was finally as she wanted me to be, N@ked!.
She bent and licked my balls, then eventually to my d!ck, she wrapped her hand around my rooster, while her mouth was on the tip, then began stroking.
The feeling was Heavenly!
Linda stood up, and slowly, sat on my d!ck.
Then she began Moving up and down on it.
She moaned Wildly, as she pumped up and down on my d!ck.
Something funny happened.
She was riding with so much passion, my d!ck got out of her p*ssy and pierced her @nus.
She Screamed and fell by the bed side.
I began laughing, I didn’t know if I was suppose to Apologise.
I decided to take control of the wheels, I spread her legs apart, until they formed a V shape.
Then ferociously slid my d!ck into her hole of infinite pleasure.
She moaned, am not sure ave ever had a girl moan so loudly.
She kept saying
“Fvck me Jeff, Fvck me and don’t you dare ¢um”
I wasn’t even near ¢uming.
How I manage to last very long during $ex without cuming, is I think about an ugly past experience or situation that gets me so upset.
And the one I always used happened when I was 11 years old.
My dad made me spend the night outside, for not washing the plates.
He came back, from work that evening, he met me washing my school uniform, it was about 6pm.
“Why haven’t you washed the plates?” he asked.
he wasn’t even ready to listen to my reply.
“So you want your mum to come back from work to wash the plates for you?” he asked again.
Little me, just stood there, not knowing the appropriate reply to give.
He pounced on me, and beat me. I managed to find an opportunity to run out of the house.
He locked the Gate, and warned every member of the family to not let me in.
It was so cold and quiet outside, and a long night.
I kept walking from streets to streets looking for a place to sleep.
I found a platform, I lay there, on the cold cemented floor, with mosquitoes, making the night even more Unbearable.
In the morning, I walked back home, I met the door open.
Immediately he saw me, he picked a stool and hit it on my head.
I cried.
Amidst tears, I said “Why are you so Wicked?”
“You call me wicked?” he said, with his eyes bulging out.
he picked a log of wood, which he had probably spared for me.
My mum came to my rescue, she stood between him and me.
Well that was a long time ago, he’s dead but it still hurts.
So during $ex, once I bring up that painful memory, ¢uming becomes the last thing on my mind.
I continued banging Linda in that same position,
then moved up to her b°°bs, placed my d!ck on her cleavage, then Squeezed her b°°bs together and began thrusting.
I later turned her around.(D*ggy)
I slapped her @ss, as I thrust at high speeds.
“Yes baby, slap my @ss” she said.
“No kill yourselves oh!”
Someone said, as he passed the front of my room, It was Justin, one of my Neighbors.
Linda and I paused for a while, then began laughing.
i stopped thrusting, and let her move her @ss forward and backward.
I took Linda to my reading table.
Spread her legs again, then buried my head in her V*gina, I licked her ¢lits like my life depended on it.
She moaned, without restraint, then later pulled my head up to where she was.
“I love you Jeff” She said
I paused looking into her eyes
“Do you love me too?” She asked.
To Be Continued…


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